Name: Update Terrain
Description: This script demonstrates how to update a terrain dataset
with new elevation measurements obtained from Lidar by
importing LAS files to multipoint features, then appending the
new points to another multipoint feature that participates in a
terrain. The terrain's pyramids are modified to optimize its
draw speed.
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data"
inTerrain = "sample.gdb/featuredataset/terrain"
currentPts = "existing_points"
lasFiles = ['las/NE_Philly.las',
newPts = 'in_memory/update_pts'
lasSR = arcpy.SpatialReference(2272)
arcpy.AddMessage("Converting LAS files to multipoint features...")
arcpy.ddd.LASToMultipoint(lasFiles, newPts, 1.5, 2, 1,
arcpy.AddMessage("Appending LAS points to {0}..."\
arcpy.AppendTerrainPoints_3d(inTerrain, currentPts, newPts)
arcpy.AddMessage("Changing terrain pyramid reference scales...")
arcpy.ddd.ChangeTerrainReferenceScale(inTerrain, 1000, 500)
arcpy.ddd.ChangeTerrainReferenceScale(inTerrain, 2500, 2000)
arcpy.AddMessage("Adding terrain pyramid level...")
arcpy.ddd.AddTerrainPyramidLevel(inTerrain, "", "4 4500")
arcpy.AddMessage("Changing pyramid resolution bounds for breaklines...")
arcpy.ChangeTerrainResolutionBounds_3d(inTerrain, "breaklines", 5, 4)
arcpy.AddMessage("Building terrain...")
arcpy.AddMessage("Completed updates.")
except arcpy.ExecuteError:
except Exception as err: