Merge Collinear Parcel Boundaries (Parcel)

This ArcGIS 2.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Merges connected collinear parcel lines into a single parcel line. Shared parcel fabric points between connected collinear lines are deleted and vertices are created in their place.

Pairs of connected parcel lines are considered collinear if their shared parcel fabric points lie within the specified orthogonal offset tolerance of the straight lines between the line endpoints.


Merge connected collinear parcel lines into a single line.
Parcel lines on the left are not considered collinear, as the shared parcel points between them are offset farther from the straight line than the specified tolerance.



    This tool modifies the input data. See Tools that modify or update the input data for more information and strategies to avoid undesired data changes.

  • Parcel points shared by merged collinear lines are deleted unless the Preserve field on the parcel fabric Points feature class is set to Yes. The original parcel lines are deleted.

  • Collinear parcel lines are not merged if the shared parcel fabric point between them is offset by more than the specified tolerance from the straight line.

  • The line shape geometries of the merged lines do not change. Vertices are added in place of deleted parcel points.

    To simplify the merged lines and detect straight lines or curves, use the Simplify By Straight Lines And Circular Arcs tool.

  • If parcel boundaries are true curves, the lines are ignored.

    When multiple connected short lines have been merged, these lines can be converted into a single true curve using the Simplify By Straight Lines And Circular Arcs tool.

  • Collinear lines are not merged if the shared parcel fabric point between them is connected to one or more other parcel lines or connection lines.

  • Since the COGO dimensions of collinear lines can be different, they are not copied to the merged line. The merged parcel line has null COGO attributes. COGO attributes for merged parcel lines can be added in the Attributes pane or by using the Update COGO tool Update Attributes.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Parcel Boundaries

The parcel lines to be merged. Lines can be parcel lines or connection lines.

Feature Layer
Offset Tolerance

The maximum distance shared parcel points can be offset from their connected lines for the lines to be considered collinear. The offset is the distance between the shared parcel points and the straight lines between the endpoints of the connected parcel lines.

Linear Unit

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Parcel Boundaries

The updated parcel type or connection lines.

Feature Layer


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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