Configure pathways

This ArcGIS 2.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the IPS extension.

Pathways represent a predefined routing network and are used by ArcGIS IPS to improve positioning accuracy. With each position update, when pathways and path snapping are configured, the user's location indicator snaps to pathway line features that are IPS-enabled. IPS-enabled pathway features are not visible to users to provide a seamless IPS experience.

Before you add pathways to your floor plan data, you must configure an existing network dataset created with ArcGIS Indoors or create a feature class for pathways.

Configure an indoor network dataset

If you created a network dataset with Indoors, complete these steps to extend the Pathways feature class and enable path snapping:

  1. Open the ArcGIS Pro project that contains your Indoors workspace.
  2. In the Catalog pane, expand the Network feature dataset.
  3. Right-click the Pathways feature class and click Data Design > Fields.

    The Fields view appears.

  4. Click the New Field button New Field on the Fields tab or click the last row, where it says Click here to add a new field.

    Your pointer is positioned in the Field Name column.

  5. Configure the new field as follows:
    • Field NameIPS
    • Alias—IPS
    • Data Type—Long
    • Allow NULL—Check this check box
    • Domain— DOM_BOOLEAN
    • Default—Leave this blank
    • Length— Use the default value
  6. Click the Save button Save to save the field.
  7. Add the Pathways feature class to the map.

You can now use Indoors pathways to optimize IPS positioning accuracy.

Create a feature class for pathways

If you do not have a network dataset created with Indoors, complete the following steps to create a pathways feature class and enable path snapping:

  1. Open the ArcGIS Pro project that contain your floor plan data.
  2. Create a line feature class and type Pathways in the Name and Alias text boxes.
  3. In the Catalog pane, right-click the Pathways feature class you created and click Data Design > Domains.

    The Domains view appears.

  4. Click the New Domain button New Domain on the Domains tab.

    A row is created in the Domains view, and your pointer is positioned in the Domain Name column of that row.

  5. Type DOM_BOOLEAN in the Domain Name column.
  6. In the Field Type column, choose Long.
  7. In the Domain Type column, choose Coded Value Domain.
  8. In the Split Policy column, choose Duplicate.
  9. In the Merge Policy column, choose Default.
  10. In the grid by the Domains view, add the following codes and descriptions:






  11. Click the Save button Save.
  12. In the Catalog pane, right-click the Pathways feature class and click Data Design > Fields.

    The Fields view appears.

  13. Click the New Field button New Field on the Fields tab or click the last row, where it says Click here to add a new field.

    Your pointer is positioned in the Field Name column.

  14. Configure the new field as follows:
    • Field NameFACILITY_ID
    • Alias—Facility ID
    • Data Type—Text
    • Allow NULL—Check this check box
    • Domain— Leave this blank
    • Default—Leave this blank
    • Length—255
  15. Add another field and configure it as follows:
    • Field NameVERTICAL_ORDER
    • Alias—Vertical Order
    • Data Type—Long
    • Allow NULL—Uncheck this check box
    • Domain— Leave this blank
    • Default—Leave this blank
    • Length—Leave this blank
  16. Add another field and configure it as follows:
    • Field NameIPS
    • Alias—IPS
    • Data Type—Long
    • Allow NULL—Check this check box
    • Domain— DOM_BOOLEAN
    • Default—Leave this blank
    • Length—Use the default value
  17. Click the Save button Save.
  18. Add the Pathways feature class to the map.

You can now create pathways to optimize IPS positioning accuracy.

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