Show selected entities and relationships in another view

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As you work with link charts, maps, and investigations associated with the same knowledge graph, you can use various methods to visualize the currently selected entities and relationships in another view.

Select neighbors in a link chart

When a link chart has a set of selected entities and relationships, you can use the Select Neighbors button to add adjacent graph items to the selected set. When an entity is selected, all relationships in which it participates that are included on the link chart are selected along with the entities at the other end of the relationship. If only a relationship is selected, its origin and destination entities are selected.

Selecting neighbors a second time adds the next level of adjacent graph items to the selected set. Selecting neighbors a few times in a row can help you to identify areas of the link chart that are disjointed or to gain insight into dense areas on the chart. You can also move the selected features to another location on the link chart to help visualize the relationships.

Follow the steps below to add neighboring graph items to the current selection:

  1. Do one of the following to select entities and relationships on the active link chart that have adjacent content you want to explore:
    • On the Link Chart tab on the ribbon, in the Selection group, click a selection tool and use it to select one or more graph items. For example, click the Select By Rectangle tool Select, and draw a rectangle around the set of entities you want to select.
    • On the Link Chart tab on the ribbon, in the Selection group, click Select By Attributes Select By Attributes. In the Select By Attributes window that appears, define an expression that selects a set of entities or relationships in a link chart layer.
  2. On the Link Chart tab on the ribbon, in the Selection group, click Select Neighbors Select Connected.

The entities and relationships that are adjacent to the currently selected set of graph items are added to the selection set.


In the Contents pane, on the List By Selection tab List By Selection, you can change the layers that are selectable on the link chart. This allows you to explore specific types of relationships and associated entities.

Connect a map and a link chart with dynamic selection

If the same knowledge graph has been added to a map and a link chart, you can visualize an entity and understand its context in both views using dynamic selection.

Configure the map view and the link chart view so both are visible at the same time, and enable dynamic selection on the link chart. As you select or deselect entities on the map, the corresponding entities are selected or deselected on the link chart. The visible area of the link chart changes dynamically so you can see all selected entities—the link chart zooms in or out as the selection changes.

Many link charts that include content from the same knowledge graph can use dynamic selection with the same map. For example, each link chart can focus on different relationships.

Content on the link chart is only dynamically selected when the selection changes on the map. If you change the selection on the link chart to clear the selection, for example, there is no change to the entities selected on the map. Similarly, dynamic selection cannot be established between an investigation and a link chart associated with the same knowledge graph.

Configure dynamic selection between a map and a link chart by following the steps below.

  1. Open a map that contains a knowledge graph layer.
  2. Open a link chart with content from the same knowledge graph.
  3. On the Link Chart tab on the ribbon, in the Selection group, click Dynamic Dynamic.

    The toggle button is highlighted on the ribbon.

  4. Change the position of the link chart so you can see both the link chart and the map at the same time. For example, right-click the tab for the link chart view and click New Vertical Tab Group.

    The map and the link chart appear side by side.

  5. Click the map you opened in the first step to make it the active view.
  6. On the Map tab on the ribbon, in the Selection group, click a selection tool such as Select By Rectangle Select By Rectangle, and select entities in the knowledge graph layer.

    The corresponding entities are selected on the link chart if they are already present on the chart. The link chart automatically zooms out and is centered, if necessary, to show all selected entities. If the selected entity is not present on the chart, the link chart's selection is cleared.

  7. In the map's Contents pane, right-click an entity or relationship in the knowledge graph layer and click Attribute Table Open Table or Open Open Table.
  8. Position the table below the map so you can see the map, the table, and the link chart at the same time.
  9. In the table, click a row to select it.

    The corresponding entity or relationship is selected on the link chart if it is present on the chart. The link chart automatically zooms out and is centered, if necessary, to show the selected graph item. If the graph item you selected is not present on the link chart, the link chart selection is cleared.

  10. Select additional entities or relationships from the map or table.

    The corresponding entities or relationships are added to the selection on the link chart if they are present on the chart.

  11. To stop dynamically selecting graph items on the link chart as you work with the map or its tables, make the link chart the active view. On the Link Chart tab on the ribbon, in the Selection group, click Dynamic Dynamic.

    The toggle button is no longer highlighted on the ribbon.

Visualize selected content in maps, link charts, and investigations

As you work with a knowledge graph's content in an investigation, a map, or a link chart, you can use the options in the Apply To menu to visualize the currently selected entities and relationships in another view. While the selection must be applied on demand, you can transfer the selection from any view with knowledge graph content to another view associated with the same knowledge graph.

Apply a selection from an investigation

When you are working with an investigation, follow the steps below to visualize the selected entities and relationships in a map or a link chart.

  1. Open a map or a link chart with content from the same knowledge graph as the investigation.
  2. Click the investigation to make it the active view.
  3. Select entities and relationships of interest in the investigation view's contents list.
  4. On the Investigation tab on the ribbon, in the Selection group, click the Apply To menu Apply To Link Chart.

    All open maps, link charts, and investigations associated with the same knowledge graph as the current investigation are listed.

  5. Click the map or link chart to which you want to apply the current selection.

If the knowledge graph elements selected in the investigation are present on the map or link chart, they are selected in the other view. If they are not present, you can add them to the other view instead.

Apply a selection from a map

When you are working with a map that has a knowledge graph layer, follow the steps below to visualize the selected entities and relationships in a link chart or an investigation.

  1. Open a link chart or an investigation with content from the same knowledge graph as the map.
  2. Click the map to make it the active view.
  3. Select entities and relationships of interest on the map or in attribute tables associated with different entities and relationships in the knowledge graph layer.
  4. Select the knowledge graph layer in the map's Contents pane.
  5. Click the Data tab on the Knowledge Graph Layer tab on the ribbon. In the Selection group, click the Apply To menu Apply To Link Chart.

    All open maps, link charts, and investigations associated with the same knowledge graph as the current map are listed.

  6. Click the link chart or investigation to which you want to apply the current selection.

If the knowledge graph elements selected on the map are present on the link chart, they are selected on the link chart. The link chart is zoomed in or out to display all entities and relationships selected on the link chart.

If the investigation is selected, a new investigation view opens where only the selected entities are present in the contents list.


If you have several maps that have data from the same knowledge graph, you can apply the currently selected entities from one map to another in the same way you apply a selection from a map to a link chart.

Apply a selection from a link chart

When you are working with a link chart that has a knowledge graph layer, follow the steps below to visualize the selected entities and relationships in a map or an investigation.

  1. Open a map or an investigation with content from the same knowledge graph as the link chart.
  2. Click the link chart to make it the active view.
  3. Select entities and relationships of interest on the link chart.
  4. On the Link Chart tab on the ribbon, in the Selection group, click the Apply To menu Apply To Link Chart.

    All open maps, link charts, and investigations associated with the same knowledge graph as the current link chart are listed.

  5. Click the map or investigation to which you want to apply the current selection.

If the knowledge graph elements selected on the link chart are present on the map, they are selected on the map. The map is zoomed to show all selected entities with associated spatial features. Any nonspatial entities and relationships that were selected on the link chart are selected in open attribute tables associated with the map.

If the investigation is selected, a new investigation view opens where only the selected entities are present in the contents list.


If you have several link charts that have data from the same knowledge graph, you can apply the currently selected entities from one link chart to another in the same way you apply a selection from a link chart to a map.

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