Implement automated quality control

This ArcGIS 2.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Available with Data Reviewer license.

Tutorial summary

In this tutorial, you will identify data quality requirements and the workflows that implement them. You will do this by implementing automated quality control using ArcGIS Data Reviewer checks to assess the quality of features stored in a file or enterprise geodatabase.

Estimated time

20 minutes

Software requirements

ArcGIS Pro 2.7 or later

Data requirements

The data for this tutorial is available from the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro Tutorial page. This package contains an ArcGIS Pro project package and a subset of the Local Government sample data. To download the data, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro Tutorial page.
  2. Click Download.
  3. Extract the files to a convenient location on your computer, such as C:\Data_Reviewer_for_ArcGIS_Pro_Tutorial.

Open the project

In this exercise, you will open a project package using ArcGIS Pro and verify its contents.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro and sign in if necessary.

    If you have not downloaded the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro tutorial data, see the data requirements listed above.

  2. On the start page, under your recent projects, click Open another project.

    If you have a project open, click Open Open Project on the Quick Access Toolbar and go to step 4.

  3. On the Open page, under Open, click Computer and click Browse Browse.
  4. Browse to the folder where you downloaded and extracted the tutorial data: <extracted location>\DataReviewer_AttributeRules\Implement_automated_QC.
  5. Click DataReviewer_AttributeRulesTutorial_AutomatedQC.ppkx.
  6. Click OK.

The project opens with a topographic basemap containing city data zoomed to Naperville, Illinois.

Author attribute validation rules

Attribute validation rules identify existing features in your database that do not meet specified data quality conditions. Validation rules are used to assess a feature’s geometric integrity, spatial relationships with other features, and attribute consistency.

In this exercise, you will author a series of validation rules in your geodatabase.


Global IDs have been added to the datasets and editor tracking is enabled for this tutorial, but you need to do this when you configure your rules.

The following table outlines a subset of data quality requirements that support address-finding workflows. You will implement these rules as attribute validation rules to ensure that all address-related features are compliant with these requirements.

IDRequirementCheckParticipating feature class/table


Road features must not contain duplicates.

Duplicate Feature

Road Centerline


Road vertices must not exist within one foot from each other.

Duplicate Vertex

Road Centerline


Road centerline Full Road Name attribute values must match the master street index.

Table to Table Attribute

Road Centerline, Master Road Name

Implement requirement ID 1

Complete the following steps to implement requirement ID 1 from the previous table:

Road features must not contain duplicates. This requirement is implemented with the Duplicate Feature check to find road centerline features that contain matching geometries and identical attribute values.

  1. In the Contents pane, right-click a layer in the Roads group such as Local Streets, and click Data Design > Attribute Rules.

    The Attribute Rules pane and tab appear for the Road Centerline feature class.

  2. On the Attribute Rules tab, in the Add Rules group, click the Ready to Use Rules button Ready To Use Rules to display ArcGIS Data Reviewer automated checks.

    The contents of the Ready to Use Rules gallery vary depending on the chosen data source.

  3. From the Ready to Use Rules gallery, in the Validation section, click the Duplicate Feature button Duplicate Feature to add a new rule.

    The new rule appears in the Attribute Rules view with a red row header, indicating that required parameters are missing from the rule configuration.

    Attribute Rules view with required parameters missing
  4. In the Check Parameters section, click the Feature/Rows to Compare drop-down arrow and choose RoadCenterline.
    Features/Rows to Compare parameter
  5. In the Details section, configure the properties that will be stored for each result that has features that fail validation.
    1. Type Road features must not contain duplicates in the Name text box.
    2. Type This is a duplicate feature. Delete one of the features. in the Description text box.
    3. Click the Severity(1-High, 5-Low) drop-down arrow and choose 2 to set the relative importance for results of this type compared to others.
    4. Type LGIM 2016, thematic accuracy, attributes in the Tags text box and press Enter.

      Tags can be used to enable requirements traceability. Consider including the data model and version for which the rule is related or possibly including an ISO-19157 data quality element, such as thematic accuracy.

      Details for Duplicate Feature check

Implement requirement ID 2

Complete the following steps to implement requirement ID 2 from the table above—Road vertices must not exist within one foot from each other. This requirement is implemented with the Duplicate Vertex check to find road centerline features that contain vertices less than a foot apart.

  1. On the Attribute Rules tab, in the Add Rules group, click the Ready to Use Rules button Ready To Use Rules to display ArcGIS Data Reviewer automated checks.

    The contents of the Ready to Use Rules gallery vary depending on the chosen data source.

  2. From the Ready to Use Rules gallery, in the Validation section, click the Duplicate Vertex button Duplicate Vertex to add a new rule.

    The new rule appears in the Attribute Rules view with a red row header, indicating that required parameters are missing from the rule configuration.

  3. In the Check Parameters section, type 1 in the Tolerance (Required) text box and choose US Feet for the units.
  4. In the Details section, configure the properties that will be stored for each result that has features that fail validation.
    1. Type Road vertices must not exist within one foot from each other in the Name text box.
    2. Type Road vertices exist within one foot from each other. Update the vertices to be more than one foot apart. in the Description text box.
    3. Click the Severity(1-High, 5-Low) drop-down arrow and choose 3 to set the relative importance for results of this type compared to others.
    4. Type LGIM 2016, thematic accuracy, attributes in the Tags text box and press Enter.

      Tags can be used to enable requirements traceability. Consider including the data model and version for which the rule is related or possibly including an ISO-19157 data quality element, such as thematic accuracy.

Implement requirement ID 3

Perform the following steps to implement requirement ID 3 from the table above—Road centerline Full Road Name attribute values must match the master street index. This requirement is implemented with the Table to Table Attribute check to find local roads that contain road name values that are not found in an authoritative list of road names for the municipality.

  1. On the Attribute Rules tab, in the Add Rules group, click the Ready to Use Rules button Ready To Use Rules to display ArcGIS Data Reviewer automated checks.

    The contents of the Ready to Use Rules gallery vary depending on the chosen data source.

  2. From the Ready to Use Rules gallery, in the Validation section, click the Table to Table Attribute button Table to Table Attribute to add a new rule.

    The new rule appears in the Attribute Rules view with a red row header, indicating that required parameters are missing from the rule configuration.

  3. Configure a filter on the Road Centerlines feature class so that validation will only return results on roads that are local.
    1. In the Input Filters section, click New attribute filter.
    2. Construct the following clause: Road Class is equal to Local-Local.
    3. Click the Verify the SQL expression is valid button Verify the SQL expression is valid to validate the SQL expression.
    4. Click Apply.
  4. In the Check Parameters section, create the relationship between the Master Road Name feature class and the full road name.
    1. Click the Features/Rows to Compare drop-down arrow and click MasterRoadName.
    2. Click New attribute relationship and construct the following SQL query: Full Road Name is equal to Full Road Name.
    3. Click the Verify the SQL expression is valid button Verify the SQL expression is valid to validate the SQL expression.
    4. Click Apply.
  5. Check the Invert relationship check box to find scenarios where the master road name doesn't match the full road name.
  6. In the Details section, configure the properties that will be stored for each result that has features that fail validation.
    1. Type Road name missing from master street list in the Name text box.
    2. Type This check fails if the full road name is not found in the master street index. Provide a valid road name. in the Description text box.
    3. Click the Severity(1-High, 5-Low) drop-down arrow and choose 1 to set the relative importance for results of this type compared to others.
    4. Type LGIM 2016, thematic accuracy, attributes in the Tags text box and press Enter.

      Tags can be used to enable requirements traceability. Consider including the data model and version for which the rule is related or possibly including an ISO-19157 data quality element, such as thematic accuracy.

  7. On the Attributes Rules tab, in the Attributes Rules group, click the Save button Save to save the new rules.
  8. Close the Attribute Rules pane to close rule design.

In this exercise, you opened an existing ArcGIS Pro project and implemented a series of attribute validation rules to implement quality control in your geodatabase. These rules are based on ArcGIS Data Reviewer checks that identify spatial relationship and feature integrity errors in your features. You will use these rules in a later exercise to ensure that your data meets quality requirements.