Validate Scene Layer (Data Management)


Evaluates a scene layer package (*.slpk) to determine its conformity to I3S specifications.


  • This tool will validate a scene layer package using the I3S specification to identify issues that may cause problems when viewing the scene layer in an ArcGIS client application. Consider running this tool before consuming or publishing a scene layer package generated outside of the ArcGIS platform.

  • The tool will identify the presence of the following:

    • Expected values for all required and recommended JSON objects
    • Declared textures for buildings, 3D objects, and integrated meshes
    • Declared attributes and associated statistics for points, building, 3D objects, and point clouds
    • Declared vertex attributes such as position, color, UV, and normals
    • Root nodes and declared child nodes in the node tree
  • The default output report is a readable JSON file, but it can also be generated as a text or .xml file. The report lists warnings for issues that do not conform to the I3S specifications but may not cause a problem in displaying the data, and errors for issues that will cause problems in rendering the scene layer package.

  • Note:

    Voxel scene layer packages are not supported as input.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Scene Layer

The scene layer package file that will be evaluated.

Output Log File

The output log file that will summarize the results of the evaluation.

File, out_report)
NameExplanationData Type

The scene layer package file that will be evaluated.


The output log file that will summarize the results of the evaluation.


Code sample

ValidateSceneLayerPackage example (Python window)

The following sample demonstrates the use of this tool in the Python window.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = 'C:/Data''street_furniture.slpk', 'validate_report.json')


Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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