An overview of the Package toolset

The Package toolset contains tools to consolidate, package, and share layers (.lyr and .lyrx), maps (.mxd and .mapx), projects (.aprx), address locators (.loc), and geoprocessing results.

Layer files, maps and basemaps in projects, and address locators are containers that reference data that resides on local disk, across a local area network, or in an enterprise geodatabase. The tools in the Package toolset allow you to consolidate all your data resources into a single folder location using the consolidation tools or into a single compressed file using the package tools. You can use the tools in the Package toolset to organize and share data, maps, address locators, and geoprocessing workflows.

You can share packages using standard file transfer techniques or by publishing them to ArcGIS Online using the Share Package tool.


Consolidate Layer

Consolidates one or more layers by copying all referenced data sources into a single folder.

Consolidate Locator

Consolidate a locator or composite locator by copying all locators into a single folder.

Consolidate Map

Consolidates a map and all referenced data sources to a specified output folder.

Consolidate Project

Consolidates a project (an .aprx file) and referenced maps and data to a specified output folder.

Consolidate Toolbox

Consolidates one or more toolboxes to a specified output folder.

Create Map Tile Package

Generates tiles from a map or basemap and packages the tiles to create a single compressed .tpk file.

Create Mobile Map Package

Packages maps and basemaps along with all referenced data sources into a single .mmpk file.

Create Mobile Scene Package

Creates a mobile scene package file (.mspk) from one or more scenes for use across the ArcGIS platform.

Create Vector Tile Index

Creates a multiscale mesh of polygons that can be used as index polygons when creating vector tile packages.

Create Vector Tile Package

Generates vector tiles from a map or basemap and packages the tiles in a single .vtpk file.

Extract Package

Extracts the contents of a package to a specified folder. The output folder will be updated with the extracted contents of the input package.

Package Layer

Packages one or more layers and all referenced data sources to create a single compressed .lpkx file.

Package Locator

Package a locator or composite locator to create a single compressed .gcpk file.

Package Map

Packages a map and all referenced data sources to create a single compressed .mpkx file.

Package Project

Consolidates and packages a project file (.aprx) of referenced maps and data to a packaged project file (.ppkx).

Package Result

Packages one or more geoprocessing results, including all tools and input and output datasets, into a single compressed file (.gpkx).

Share Package

Shares a package by uploading it to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise.

Tools in the Package toolset

An overview of the Scene Layers toolset

The following table summarizes the tools in the Scene Layers toolset (a toolset under the Package toolset). These tools are for packaging scene layers and validating third-party scene layer packages.


Create 3D Object Scene Layer Content

Creates a scene layer package (.slpk) or scene layer content (.i3sREST) from a multipatch or 3D object feature layer input.

Create Building Scene Layer Content

Creates a scene layer package (.slpk) or scene layer content (.i3sREST) from a building layer input.

Create Integrated Mesh Scene Layer Content

Creates a scene layer package from OpenSceneGraph binary (OSGB) data.

Create Point Cloud Scene Layer Content

Creates a point cloud scene layer package (.slpk) from LAS, zLAS, LAZ, or LAS dataset input.

Create Point Scene Layer Content

Creates a point scene layer package (.slpk) or scene layer content (.i3sREST) from a point feature layer.

Create Voxel Scene Layer Content

Creates a scene layer package (.slpk file) from a voxel layer input.

Upgrade Scene Layer

Upgrades a scene layer package to the current I3S version in SLPK format or output to i3sREST for use in ArcGIS Enterprise.

Validate Scene Layer

Evaluates a scene layer package (*.slpk) to determine its conformity to I3S specifications.

Tools in the Scene Layers toolset

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