An overview of the Working With Geostatistical Layers toolset

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Available with Geostatistical Analyst license.

This toolset contains tools used to create, modify, export, and manipulate the properties of a geostatistical layer.


Areal Interpolation Layer To Polygons

Reaggregates the predictions of an Areal Interpolation layer to a new set of polygons.

Calculate Z Value

Uses the interpolation model in a geostatistical layer to predict a value at a single location.

Create Geostatistical Layer

Creates a new geostatistical layer. An existing geostatistical layer is required to populate the initial values for the new layer.

GA Layer 3D To Multidimensional Raster

Exports a 3D geostatistical layer created using the Empirical Bayesian Kriging 3D tool to a multidimensional Cloud Raster Format (*.crf file) raster dataset. Tools in the Multidimensional Analysis toolset of the Image Analyst toolbox are designed to work directly on multidimensional rasters and can identify the 3D nature of the data.

GA Layer 3D To NetCDF

Exports one or more 3D geostatistical layers created using the Empirical Bayesian Kriging 3D tool to netCDF format (*.nc file). The primary purpose of this tool is to prepare the 3D geostatistical layers for visualization as a voxel layer in a local scene.

GA Layer To Contour

Creates a feature class of contours from a geostatistical layer. The output feature class can be either a line feature class of contour lines or a polygon feature class of filled contours.

GA Layer To Grid

Exports a Geostatistical layer to a raster.

GA Layer To Points

Exports a geostatistical layer to points. The tool can also be used to predict values at unmeasured locations or to validate predictions made at measured locations.

GA Layer To Rasters

Exports a geostatistical layer to one or multiple rasters.

Get Model Parameter

Gets model parameter value from an existing geostatistical model source.

Set Model Parameter

Sets parameter values in an existing geostatistical model source.

Tools in the Working With Geostatistical Layers toolset

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