GA Layer To Rasters (Geostatistical Analyst)

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Available with Geostatistical Analyst license.


Exports a geostatistical layer to one or multiple rasters.

Learn more about creating a raster from a geostatistical layer


  • The primary purpose of this tool is to export geostatistical layers to multiple output types. For example, a geostatistical layer made from Empirical Bayesian Kriging can be exported into a prediction raster, standard error raster, quantile raster, and probability raster with a single run of this tool. This allows fast export of various output types.

  • Using this tool is the only way to create standard error, quantile, or probability maps from the EBK Regression Prediction tool. To get these outputs, create a geostatistical layer using EBK Regression Prediction, and provide the geostatistical layer as input into this tool.

  • If the Input geostatistical layer represents an Indicator, Probability, or Disjunctive kriging method, you can only use the threshold value that was used to create the geostatistical layer. For these methods, the semivariogram is calculated for that particular threshold, and it cannot be recalculated for any other threshold value.

  • If the Input geostatistical layer represents a 3D interpolation model, you must specify the elevation of the contours that you want to export using the Output elevation parameter. The Number of points in the cell (horizontal) and Number of points in the cell (vertical) parameters do not apply to 3D models. The tool will use one point horizontally and vertically regardless of the values provided in these parameters.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input geostatistical layer

The geostatistical layer to be analyzed.

Geostatistical Layer
Output raster

The primary output raster to be created. Additional rasters can be created with the Additional output rasters parameter.

Raster Dataset
Output Surface Type

The surface type of the output raster.

For more information, see What output surface types can the interpolation models generate?

  • PredictionA raster of predicted values.
  • Prediction standard errorA raster of standard errors of prediction.
  • ProbabilityA raster predicting the probability that a threshold is exceeded.
  • QuantileA raster predicting the quantile of the predicted value.
  • Standard error of indicatorsA raster of standard errors of indicators.
  • Condition numberA raster showing the condition number for predictions in Local Polynomial Interpolation. The condition number surface indicates the stability of calculations at a particular location. The larger the condition number, the more unstable the prediction, so locations with large condition numbers may be prone to artifacts and erratic predicted values.
Quantile or probability value

If the Output surface type is set to Quantile, use this parameter to enter the requested quantile. If the Output surface type is set to Probability, use this parameter to enter the requested threshold value, then the probability that the threshold is exceeded will be calculated.


If the Input geostatistical layer is a probability or standard errors of indicators map that was created with the Not exceed option, then the probability that this threshold is not exceeded will be calculated. This will apply to all probability raster outputs from this tool.

Output cell size

The cell size of the output rasters. This value will be shared by the Output raster and the Additional output rasters parameters.

Analysis Cell Size
Number of points in the cell (horizontal)

The number of predictions for each cell in the horizontal direction for block interpolation.

Number of points in the cell (vertical)

The number of predictions for each cell in the vertical direction for block interpolation.

Additional output rasters

Provide the name, output type, and quantile or probability value for each additional output raster. See the descriptions of parameters above for more information. These additional rasters will be saved in the same location as the Output raster.

Value Table
Output elevation

For 3D interpolation models, you can export rasters at any elevation. Use this parameter to specify the elevation you want to export. If left empty, the elevation will be inherited from the input layer. The units will default to the same units of the input layer.

Linear Unit

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Additional rasters

A container for the Additional output rasters.

Multiple Value (raster)

Licensing information

  • Basic: Requires Geostatistical Analyst
  • Standard: Requires Geostatistical Analyst
  • Advanced: Requires Geostatistical Analyst

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