Create a 3D object feature class

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A 3D object feature class stores and manages features in a geodatabase using a defined geographic location with a referenced 3D geometry mesh. The referenced geometry of a feature is a multipatch and works with the following 3D model storage formats: COLLADA (.dae), Autodesk Filmbox (.fbx), Wavefront (.obj), GL Transmission Format (.glTF), and Binary GL Transmission Format (.glb) files.

There are two ways to create a 3D object feature class:

Create a new 3D object feature class

To create a 3D object feature class, use the Create Feature Class pane accessed from the file context menu in the geodatabase and follow these steps:

  1. On the View tab in the Windows group, click Catalog Pane Catalog Pane.
  2. In the Catalog pane, right-click the file geodatabase or feature dataset in which you want to create a feature class, point to New and click Feature Class from the drop-down menu.

    The Create Feature Class pane appears.

  3. Follow the steps to create a stand-alone feature class or feature class in a feature dataset.
  4. On the Define page in the Create Feature Class pane, click the Feature Class Type drop-down arrow and choose 3D Object.

    A 3D object feature class must contain z-values, so the Z Values - Coordinates include Z values used to store 3D data check box is checked by default for this geometry type.

  5. Follow the remaining create feature class steps from step 3.
  6. Click Finish to create the feature class.

An empty 3D object feature class is created in the geodatabase. Right-click and choose Add to Current Map or Open in New, and select the map or scene option to display the data. To create features for the feature class, use the tools on the Edit tab.

To add more storage formats for your 3D object features, such as .dae or .gltf files, see Modify a 3D object feature class.

Convert an existing multipatch feature class to a 3D object feature class

To convert an existing multipatch feature class to a 3D object feature class, use the Add 3D Formats to Multipatch geoprocessing tool.

  1. On the Analysis tab in the Geoprocessing group, click Tools Tools.

    The Geoprocessing pane appears.

  2. Click the Toolboxes tab and browse to Data Management > 3D Objects, and double-click the Add 3D Formats to Multipatch geoprocessing tool.

    The Add 3D Formats to Multipatch tool opens in the Geoprocessing pane.

  3. Click the Input Features drop-down arrow and select the multipatch feature class, or click browse Browse to browse to its location.
  4. Optionally, check the boxes next to the formats in the 3D Formats to Add section that you want the layer to support.

    Every feature will be stored and maintained in each format selected in the list. If you don't select additional formats, only a multipatch representation feature will be maintained.

    To learn more about managing the list of supported formats for a 3D object feature class, see Modify a 3D object feature class.

  5. Click Run Run.

The multipatch feature class is converted to a 3D object feature class. If additional 3D formats have been specified, all existing features are converted to those formats and stored in the geodatabase. This process occurs in the background and may take some time to complete.

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