Delete a subnetwork

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A subnetwork represents a topological subpart within a tier where all the connected features are defined by the same subnetwork controllers. A subnetwork can be deleted from a network by removing all the subnetwork controllers defining the subnetwork. Once this is complete, the Update Subnetwork tool is run to mark the subnetwork as deleted in the Subnetworks table; each row belonging to a subnetwork controller that was removed is marked as deleted. The Export Subnetworks tool is used to export information about your deleted subnetwork and remove the rows from the table, effectively deleting the subnetwork.

The following is an outline of the process:

  • Remove corresponding subnetwork controllers using the Modify Subnetwork Controller pane.
  • Validate the network topology.
  • Update the subnetwork to remove the subnetwork name from features.
  • Export the subnetwork using the Set export acknowledged option set to true to delete it from the Subnetworks table.


  • When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the Input Utility Network parameter must be from a utility network service.
  • When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the connected ArcGIS Enterprise portal account must be the portal utility network owner.
  • The network topology must be enabled.
  • The Input Utility Network parameter must be referencing the default branch version.


The requirements listed may not be needed for all individual tasks but are summarized for the entire process of deleting a subnetwork. See individual tool help references for the requirements specific to each step.

Delete a subnetwork from a utility network

To delete a subnetwork from a utility network, complete the following steps:

  1. Remove all corresponding subnetwork controllers. This is done by removing the subnetwork controller setting using the Modify Subnetwork Controller pane.

    This step marks the Is Deleted attribute for the corresponding row or rows in the Subnetworks table as true. The Is Dirty attribute for the corresponding diagrams and feature in the SubnetLine feature class are marked as true.

  2. Validate the network topology so it is aware of the changes.
  3. Use the Update Subnetwork tool to update the subnetwork and remove the name of the subnetwork from all connected features.

    This process also updates the corresponding records in the SubnetLine feature class.

  4. Use the Export Subnetwork tool to export the subnetwork with the Set export acknowledged check box checked.

    For subnetwork controllers with the Is Deleted attribute set to true, the corresponding records in the Subnetworks table are deleted. If a subnetwork system diagram exists, it is deleted after all subnetwork controllers are deleted.

  5. The subnetwork is deleted from the utility network.

    Some subnetworks contain multiple subnetwork controllers. The subnetwork is not considered deleted until all subnetwork controllers are removed and exported with the Set export acknowledged option enabled. View the Subnetworks table and order by Subnetwork Name to see all subnetwork controllers participating in a specific subnetwork.