ArcGIS Pro 3.0 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing Namespace / AssociationDescription Class / AssociationDescription Constructor / AssociationDescription Constructor(AssociationType,RowHandle,RowHandle)
The association type.
The first row in the association.
The second row in the association.

AssociationDescription Constructor(AssociationType,RowHandle,RowHandle)
Creates a new utility network AssociationDescription of the specified type. Use this constructor for
public AssociationDescription( 
   AssociationType type,
   RowHandle row1,
   RowHandle row2


The association type.
The first row in the association.
The second row in the association.
A utility network structural attachment association is defined between a structure row (row1) and an attachment row (row2). A utility network connectivity association is defined by two junction rows that are not geometrically coincident. A utility network junction-edge "from side" object connectivity association represents a junction or non-spatial junction object (row1) connecting to the "from" side of a non-spatial edge object (row2). A utility network junction-edge "to side" object connectivity association represents a junction or non-spatial junction object (row1) connecting to the "to" side of a non-spatial edge object (row2).

If type is ArcGIS.Core.Data.UtilityNetwork.AssociationType.Containment, the overloaded AssociationDescription Constructor(AssociationType,RowHandle,RowHandle,Boolean) should be used instead.

If type is ArcGIS.Core.Data.UtilityNetwork.AssociationType.JunctionEdgeObjectConnectivityMidspan, the overloaded AssociationDescription Constructor(AssociationType,RowHandle,RowHandle,Double) should be used instead.
Create a utility network association
// Create edit operation
EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
editOperation.Name = "Create structural attachment association";

// Create a RowHandle for the pole

Element poleElement = utilityNetwork.CreateElement(poleAssetType, poleGlobalID);
RowHandle poleRowHandle = new RowHandle(poleElement, utilityNetwork);

// Create a RowHandle for the transformer bank

Element transformerBankElement = utilityNetwork.CreateElement(transformerBankAssetType, transformerBankGlobalID);
RowHandle transformerBankRowHandle = new RowHandle(transformerBankElement, utilityNetwork);

// Attach the transformer bank to the pole

AssociationDescription structuralAttachmentAssociationDescription = new AssociationDescription(AssociationType.Attachment, poleRowHandle, transformerBankRowHandle);

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1

ArcGIS Pro version: 2.6 or higher.
See Also