CreateMapSurroundElement Method (ElementFactory)
Create a map surround element based on the geometry and associated
map surround and element properties. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
- elementContainer
- The parent element container
- frameOrLocation
- The map surround frame or page location
- surroundInfo
- Associated surround properties
- elementName
- An element name (optional)
- select
- Select after create flag (default is true) (optional)
- elementInfo
- Additional element properties (optional)
Return Value
//Create a scale bar for a specific map frame and assign a scale bar style item.
//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Reference a North Arrow in a style
StyleProjectItem stylePrjItm = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
ScaleBarStyleItem sbStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchScaleBars("Double Alternating Scale Bar 1")[0];
//Build geometry
Coordinate2D center = new Coordinate2D(7, 8);
//Reference MF, create north arrow and add to layout
MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("New Map Frame") as MapFrame;
if (mf == null)
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("Map frame not found", "WARNING");
//At 2.x -
//ScaleBar sbElm = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateScaleBar(layout, center, mf, sbStyleItm);
//sbElm.SetName("New Scale Bar");
var sbInfo = new ScaleBarInfo()
MapFrameName = mf.Name,
ScaleBarStyleItem = sbStyleItm
var sbElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
layout, center.ToMapPoint(), sbInfo, "New Scale Bar") as ScaleBar;
//Create a north arrow for a specific map frame and assign a north arrow style item.
//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Reference a North Arrow in a style
StyleProjectItem stylePrjItm = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
NorthArrowStyleItem naStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchNorthArrows("ArcGIS North 10")[0];
//Build geometry
Coordinate2D center = new Coordinate2D(7, 5.5);
//Reference MF, create north arrow and add to layout
MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("New Map Frame") as MapFrame;
if (mf == null)
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("Map frame not found", "WARNING");
//At 2.x -
//NorthArrow arrowElm = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateNorthArrow(layout, center, mf, naStyleItm);
//arrowElm.SetName("New North Arrow");
var naInfo = new NorthArrowInfo()
MapFrameName = mf.Name,
NorthArrowStyleItem = naStyleItm
var arrowElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
layout, center.ToMapPoint(), naInfo, "New North Arrow") as NorthArrow;
//Create a new table frame on the active layout.
Layout layout = LayoutView.Active.Layout;
//Perform on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Build 2D envelope geometry
Coordinate2D rec_ll = new Coordinate2D(1.0, 3.5);
Coordinate2D rec_ur = new Coordinate2D(7.5, 4.5);
//At 2.x - Envelope rec_env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(rec_ll, rec_ur);
Envelope rec_env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(rec_ll, rec_ur);
//Reference map frame
MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;
//Reference layer
Map m = mf.Map;
FeatureLayer lyr = m.FindLayers("GreatLakes").First() as FeatureLayer;
//Build fields list
var fields = new[] { "NAME", "Shape_Area", "Shape_Length" };
//Construct the table frame
//At 2.x - TableFrame tabFrame = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateTableFrame(layout, rec_env, mf, lyr, fields);
var surroundInfo = new TableFrameInfo()
FieldNames = fields,
MapFrameName = mf.Name,
MapMemberUri = lyr.URI
var tabFrame = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(layout, rec_env, surroundInfo) as TableFrame;
Create Legend
//Create a legend for an associated map frame.
//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Build 2D envelope geometry
Coordinate2D leg_ll = new Coordinate2D(6, 2.5);
Coordinate2D leg_ur = new Coordinate2D(8, 4.5);
//At 2.x - Envelope leg_env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(leg_ll, leg_ur);
Envelope leg_env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(leg_ll, leg_ur);
//Reference MF, create legend and add to layout
MapFrame mapFrame = layout.FindElement("New Map Frame") as MapFrame;
if (mapFrame == null)
//TODO handle null map frame
//At 2.x - Legend legendElm = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateLegend(
// layout, leg_env, mapFrame);
// legendElm.SetName("New Legend");
var legendInfo = new LegendInfo()
MapFrameName = mapFrame.Name
Legend legendElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
layout, leg_env, legendInfo, "New Legend") as Legend;
Create Scale Bar From StyleItem
//Create a scale bar using a style.
//Search for a style project item by name
StyleProjectItem arcgis_2dStyle = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>()
.First(si => si.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Reference the specific scale bar by name
ScaleBarStyleItem scaleBarItem = arcgis_2dStyle.SearchScaleBars(
"Double Alternating Scale Bar").FirstOrDefault();
//Reference the map frame and define the location
MapFrame myMapFrame = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;
Coordinate2D coord2D = new Coordinate2D(10.0, 7.0);
//Construct the scale bar
//At 2.x - LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateScaleBar(
// layout, coord2D, myMapFrame, scaleBarItem);
var sbarInfo = new ScaleBarInfo()
MapFrameName = myMapFrame.Name,
ScaleBarStyleItem = scaleBarItem
layout, coord2D.ToMapPoint(), sbarInfo);
Create North Arrow From StyleItem 1
//Create a north arrow using a style.
//Search for a style project item by name
StyleProjectItem arcgis2dStyles = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>()
.First(si => si.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
NorthArrowStyleItem naStyleItem = arcgis2dStyles.SearchNorthArrows(
"ArcGIS North 13").FirstOrDefault();
//Reference the map frame and define the location
MapFrame newFrame = layout.FindElement("New Map Frame") as MapFrame;
Coordinate2D nArrow = new Coordinate2D(6, 2.5);
//Construct the north arrow
//At 2.x - var newNorthArrow = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateNorthArrow(
// layout, nArrow, newFrame, naStyleItem);
var naInfo = new NorthArrowInfo()
MapFrameName = newFrame.Name,
NorthArrowStyleItem = naStyleItem
var newNorthArrow = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
layout, nArrow.ToMapPoint(), naInfo);
Create Table Frame
//Create a table frame.
//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Build 2D envelope geometry
Coordinate2D rec_ll = new Coordinate2D(1.0, 3.5);
Coordinate2D rec_ur = new Coordinate2D(7.5, 4.5);
//At 2.x - Envelope rec_env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(rec_ll, rec_ur);
Envelope rec_env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(rec_ll, rec_ur);
//Reference map frame and layer
MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;
FeatureLayer lyr = mf.Map.FindLayers("GreatLakes").First() as FeatureLayer;
//Build fields list
var fields = new[] { "NAME", "Shape_Area", "Shape_Length" };
//Construct the table frame
//At 2.x - TableFrame tabFrame = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateTableFrame(
// layout, rec_env, mf, lyr, fields);
var tableFrameInfo = new TableFrameInfo()
FieldNames = fields,
MapFrameName = mf.Name,
MapMemberUri = lyr.URI
var tabFrame = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
layout, rec_env, tableFrameInfo) as TableFrame;
Create Legend 2
//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...
//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(6, 2.5);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(8, 4.5);
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);
//Reference MF, create legend and add to layout
MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement(mapFrameName) as MapFrame;
var surroundInfo = new LegendInfo()
MapFrameName = mf.Name
var legendElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
layout, env.Center, surroundInfo) as Legend;
legendElm.SetName("New Legend");
Create North Arrow From StyleItem 2
//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...
//Build geometry
Coordinate2D center = new Coordinate2D(7, 5.5);
//Reference a North Arrow in a style
StyleProjectItem stylePrjItm = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>()
.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
NorthArrowStyleItem naStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchNorthArrows(
"ArcGIS North 10")[0];
//Reference MF, create north arrow and add to layout
//var mf = container.FindElement("New Map Frame") as MapFrame;
var mf = layout.FindElement(MapFrameName) as MapFrame;
var narrow_info = new NorthArrowInfo()
MapFrameName = mf.Name,
NorthArrowStyleItem = naStyleItm
var arrowElm = (NorthArrow)ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
layout, center.ToMapPoint(), narrow_info) as NorthArrow;
arrowElm.SetName("New North Arrow");
Create Table Frame
//Create a table frame.
//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Build 2D envelope geometry
Coordinate2D rec_ll = new Coordinate2D(1.0, 3.5);
Coordinate2D rec_ur = new Coordinate2D(7.5, 4.5);
//At 2.x - Envelope rec_env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(rec_ll, rec_ur);
Envelope rec_env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(rec_ll, rec_ur);
//Reference map frame and layer
MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;
FeatureLayer lyr = mf.Map.FindLayers("GreatLakes").First() as FeatureLayer;
//Build fields list
var fields = new[] { "NAME", "Shape_Area", "Shape_Length" };
//Construct the table frame
//At 2.x - TableFrame tabFrame = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateTableFrame(
// layout, rec_env, mf, lyr, fields);
var tableFrameInfo = new TableFrameInfo()
FieldNames = fields,
MapFrameName = mf.Name,
MapMemberUri = lyr.URI
var tabFrame = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
layout, rec_env, tableFrameInfo) as TableFrame;
Create Scale Bar
//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...
//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(5.0, 6);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(6.0, 7);
Envelope sbEnv = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);
//Reference a Scale Bar in a style
StyleProjectItem stylePrjItm = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>()
.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
ScaleBarStyleItem sbStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchScaleBars(
"Alternating Scale Bar 1")[0];
//ScaleBarStyleItem sbStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchScaleBars(
// "Double Alternating Scale Bar 1")[0];
//ScaleBarStyleItem sbStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchScaleBars(
// "Hollow Scale Bar 1")[0];
//Create Scale Bar
ScaleBarInfo sbInfo = new ScaleBarInfo()
MapFrameName = mapFrame.Name
var sbElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
layout, sbEnv, sbInfo) as ScaleBar;
Create Scale Line
//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...
//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(5.0, 8);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(6.0, 9);
Envelope sbEnv = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);
//Reference a Scale Bar in a style
StyleProjectItem stylePrjItm = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>()
.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
ScaleBarStyleItem sbStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchScaleBars(
"Scale Line 1")[0];
//ScaleBarStyleItem sbStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchScaleBars(
// "Stepped Scale Line")[0];
//ScaleBarStyleItem sbStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchScaleBars(
// "Scale Line 2")[0];
//Create Scale Bar
ScaleBarInfo sbInfo = new ScaleBarInfo()
MapFrameName = mapFrame.Name,
ScaleBarStyleItem = sbStyleItm
var sbElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
layout, sbEnv, sbInfo, "ScaleBar Line") as ScaleBar;
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1
ArcGIS Pro version: 3.0 or higher.