ArcGIS Pro 3.0 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Geoprocessing Namespace / Geoprocessing Class / ShowMessageBox Method
Pass messages from the result (IGPResult) of ExecuteToolAsync to be shown on the message box.
Header of the messages.
Geoprocessing message box style, for example, GPMessageBoxStyle.Default or GPMessageBoxStyle.Error
Title at the top bar of the message box.
Path to a icon image to be shown next to content header.

In This Topic
    ShowMessageBox Method
    In This Topic
    Shows a messag box with Geoprocessing messages as formatted for the message box.
    Public Shared Sub ShowMessageBox( _
       ByVal messages As IEnumerable(Of IGPMessage), _
       ByVal content_header As String, _
       ByVal style As GPMessageBoxStyle, _
       Optional ByVal window_title As String, _
       Optional ByVal icon_source As String, _
       Optional ByVal parentViewModel As ViewModelBase _


    Pass messages from the result (IGPResult) of ExecuteToolAsync to be shown on the message box.
    Header of the messages.
    Geoprocessing message box style, for example, GPMessageBoxStyle.Default or GPMessageBoxStyle.Error
    Title at the top bar of the message box.
    Path to a icon image to be shown next to content header.
    var environment = Geoprocessing.MakeEnvironmentArray(overwriteoutput: true);
          var prj = Project.Current;
          var map = MapView.Active;
          var defaultGDB = Project.Current.DefaultGeodatabasePath;
          var featLayers = map.Map.Layers.OfType<FeatureLayer>();
          var targetLayer = featLayers.ElementAt(0);  // First layer in TOC
          var joinLayer = featLayers.ElementAt(1);    // Second layer in TOC
          var outputFeatureClass = @"C:/temp/outputFC3.shp";
          // Specify the field map in Spatial Join with target and join feature class/layers in the App
          // Run Spatial Join manually - then Copy the fieldmap string from the result in Geoprocessing history and paste it for the fieldmap parameter. 
          // in this example of fieldmap, FireStations is the name of join layer
          // FireStations layer has two numeric fileds (used in Fieldmap): TYPE and NUMBER - these two fields are used in the FiedlMap
          var joinLayerName = joinLayer.Name;
          var fieldMap = "TYPE 'TYPE' true true false 4 Long 0 0,Count,#,{joinLayerName},TYPE,-1,-1;NUMBER 'NUMBER' true true false 4 Long 0 0,Max,#,{joinLayerName},NUMBER,-1,-1";
          var toolParameters = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(targetLayer, joinLayer, outputFeatureClass, "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", "KEEP_COMMON", fieldMap, "INTERSECT");
          GPExecuteToolFlags executeFlags = GPExecuteToolFlags.AddOutputsToMap | GPExecuteToolFlags.GPThread | GPExecuteToolFlags.AddToHistory | GPExecuteToolFlags.RefreshProjectItems;
          IGPResult gpResult = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("analysis.SpatialJoin", toolParameters, environment, null, null, executeFlags);
          Geoprocessing.ShowMessageBox(gpResult.Messages, "GP Messages", gpResult.IsFailed ? GPMessageBoxStyle.Error : GPMessageBoxStyle.Default);
    // get the syntax of the tool from Python window or from tool help page
    string in_features = @"C:\data\data.gdb\HighwaysWeb84";
          string out_features = @"C:\data\data.gdb\HighwaysUTM";
          var param_values = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(in_features, out_features);
          // crate the spatial reference object to pass as an argument to management.CopyFeatures tool
          var sp_ref = await QueuedTask.Run(() => {
              return SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(26911);    // UTM 83 11N: 26911
          // set output coordinate system environment           
          var environments = Geoprocessing.MakeEnvironmentArray(outputCoordinateSystem: sp_ref);
          // set environments in the 3rd parameter
          var gp_result = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("management.CopyFeatures", param_values, environments, null, null, GPExecuteToolFlags.AddOutputsToMap);
          Geoprocessing.ShowMessageBox(gp_result.Messages, "Contents", GPMessageBoxStyle.Default, "Window Title");
          //return gp_result;
    var gp_result = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("management.GetCount", Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(@"C:\data\f.gdb\hello"));
          // this icon shows up left of content_header
          string icon_src = @"C:\data\Icons\ModifyLink32.png";
          Geoprocessing.ShowMessageBox(gp_result.Messages, "Content Header", GPMessageBoxStyle.Error, "Window Title", icon_src);
    How to pass parameter with multiple or complex input values
    var environments = Geoprocessing.MakeEnvironmentArray(overwriteoutput: true);
          string toolName = "Snap_edit";  // or use edit.Snap
          // Snap tool takes multiple inputs each of which has
          // Three (3) parts: a feature class or layer, a string value and a distance
          // Each part is separated by a semicolon - you can get example of sytax from the tool documentation page
          var snapEnv = @"'C:/SnapProject/fgdb.gdb/line_1' END '2 Meters';'C:/SnapProject/fgdb.gdb/points_1' VERTEX '1 Meters';'C:/SnapProject/fgdb.gdb/otherline_1' END '20 Meters'";
          var infc = @"C:/SnapProject/fgdb.gdb/poly_1";
          var snapParams = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(infc, snapEnv);
          GPExecuteToolFlags tokens = GPExecuteToolFlags.RefreshProjectItems | GPExecuteToolFlags.GPThread | GPExecuteToolFlags.AddToHistory;
          IGPResult snapResult = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync(toolName, parameters, environments, null, null, tokens);
          //return gpResult;

    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1

    See Also