Export to TIFF

TIFF files are the best choice for importing into image editing applications and are also a common GIS raster data format. However, they cannot be natively viewed by a web browser. TIFFs also support georeferencing information in GeoTIFF tags or in a separate world file for use as raster data.

To export a TIFF file, ensure that a map or layout view is active. On the Share tab, click Export Map Export Map or Export Layout Export Layout, depending on the active view, to open the Export pane. Change the File Type parameter to TIFF. Set a name and location for the file, as well as any other properties, and click Export.


Certain options are only available when exporting a map or layout. When exporting a map, you can set the size of the map export. When exporting a layout, you can clip to graphics extent.

The following properties are available when exporting to a TIFF file:


Transparent background

Export a layout with a transparent page instead of a white page.

Transparent backgrounds are only supported when Color depth is set to 32-bit with Alpha.

This option is not available for maps, but transparency on a map is honored on export.

Image compression

The compression scheme used to compress image or raster data in the output file. Choose from the following:

  • None—Compression is not applied.
  • Pack Bits—Lossless compression method that works well if there are large areas of the same color.
  • JPEG—Lossy compression method that works well for photographic-type images.
  • LZW—Lossless compression method using a code table.
  • Deflate—Lossless compression method that works well for most cases.


The amount of image compression applied to the export. Low quality has a smaller file size but less clear data; max quality has a larger file size but crisper data. This only applies when certain compression types are used.


The resolution of the export file in dots per inch (dpi). DPI is only available when exporting a layout. When exporting a map, the DPI is calculated automatically. For map exports, increase the Width and Height values to add additional pixels and get a higher resolution output.

Write world file

In the same location as the exported map, generate a separate world file that contains georeference information. This allows the exported image to be used as raster data in ArcGIS Pro or other GIS applications.

When exporting a layout, set Map frame to the 2D map frame you want the world file georeferenced information to be based on.

This option is not available in 3D views.

Write GeoTIFF tags

Add GeoTIFF information directly to the TIFF header. This allows the exported image to be used as raster data in ArcGIS Pro or other GIS applications.

When exporting a layout, set Map frame to the 2D map frame you want the GeoTIFF information to be based on.

This is independent from Write world file. With GIS-capable software, you can choose to honor the GeoTIFF information or the world file for these exports.

Color depth

The number of bits to describe color in a pixel. Choose from the following:

  • 8-bit Adaptive—255 possible colors. This option uses an adaptive palette to maintain recognizable hues.
  • 8-bit Grayscale—256 shades of gray. All colors are converted to grayscale.
  • 24-bit True Color—16,777,216 possible colors. This option is good for maximum color fidelity.
  • 32-bit with Alpha—16,777,216 possible colors and an alpha (transparency) channel of 255 values. This option is useful for maps or layouts with transparency.

Embed color profile

Include the color profile set for the map or layout in the exported file. This helps create consistency in colors when the file is viewed on different devices. If the profile is not embedded, or a non-color-managed viewer is used, the colors may be significantly different than what is seen on-screen.

This option is only available when color management is enabled. If color management is not enabled and your colorspace is set to CMYK, the CMYK colorspace is still included in the export. This may cause some colors to appear differently when viewing the exported file.

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