| Name | Description |
 | AddField |
Displays the Add Field GP tool.
 | BringIntoView |
Scroll the table grid to the desired row and field and set the active cell.
 | ClearAllFrozenFieldsAsync |
Clears all the frozen fields.
 | ClearHighlighted |
Clears the current highlight of the table view.
 | ClearSelection |
Clears the current selection of the table view.
 | CustomSort |
Shows the custom field sort dialog.
 | DeleteField |
Deletes the active field of the table view.
 | DeleteHighlighted |
Deletes the highlighted rows.
 | DeleteSelected |
Deletes the selected rows in the table view.
 | Export |
Shows the Export Talbe GP tool for exporting the attributes of the table view.
 | Find |
Shows the Find control.
 | FindAndReplace |
Shows the Find and Replace control.
 | GetActivePageObjectIds |
Get the object ids of all active pages. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
 | GetAllObjectIds |
Gets all the sorted object ids from the data source. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
 | GetField |
Gets the field at the given index.
 | GetFieldIndex |
Gets the index of the field with the given name.
 | GetFields | Gets a read-only list of FieldDescription representing the columns in the table. |
 | GetFrozenFields |
Gets the set of frozen fields in the table view.
 | GetHiddenFields |
Gets the set of hidden fields in the table view.
 | GetHighlightedObjectIds |
Gets all the highlighted object ids from the data source.
 | GetObjectIdAsync | Gets the object id for a row in the current ViewMode of the table. |
 | GetRowCountAsync |
Loads the row count from the data source.
 | GetRowIndex | Gets the index of a row in the current ViewMode of the table. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run. |
 | GetRowIndexAsync | Gets the index of a row in the current ViewMode of the table. |
 | GetSelectedFields |
Gets the set of selected fields in the table view.
 | GetSelectedObjectIds |
Gets all the selected object ids from the data source. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
 | GetSelectedRowIndexes |
Gets the indexes of all the selected rows. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
 | GoTo |
Shows the Go to row number control.
 | HideSelectedFields |
Hides the selected fields of the table view.
 | Highlight |
Highlights rows in the table view.
 | PanToHighlighted |
Pans to the highlighted rows.
 | PanToSelected |
Pans to the selected rows in the table view.
 | Refresh |
Refreshes the content of the table view.
 | ResetFieldOrder |
Resets the field order in the table view.
 | Select |
Selects rows in the table view. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
 | SelectAll |
Selects all the rows in the table view.
 | SetActiveField | Overloaded. |
 | SetFieldOrderAsync |
Sets the field order in the table view according to the specified set of field names.
 | SetFrozenFieldsAsync |
Sets the specified fields to be frozen in the table view. Frozen fields are promoted to be the first visible fields in the table view
and stay visible as the table view is scrolled horizontally. A divider bar is placed between the frozen fields and the remaining fields
in the table. The specified list of fields are added to any existing fields that are already frozen.
 | SetHiddenFields | Sets the specified fields to be hidden in the table view UI. The specified list of fields are added to any existing fields that are already hidden. To display all fields use ShowAllFields. |
 | SetSelectedFields |
Sets the specified fields to be selected in the table view.
 | SetViewMode |
Sets the view mode of the table view.
 | SetZoomLevel |
Set the zoom level for the table view. The allowed values are 50 to 400.
 | ShowAllFields |
Shows all fields on the table view.
 | SortAscending |
Sorts the values of the active field from lowest to highest.
 | SortAsync |
Sorts the attributes in the table view.
 | SortDescending |
Sorts the values of the active field from highest to lowest.
 | SwitchHighlight |
Switch the current highlight of the table view.
 | SwitchSelection |
Switch the current selection of the table view.
 | ToggleFieldAlias |
Toggles between the field name and alias on the column headers of the table view.
 | ToggleRowHighlight |
Toggles the highlight of the active row of the table view.
 | ToggleRowSelection |
Toggles the selection of the active row of the table view.
 | ToggleSubtypeDomainDescriptionsAsync |
Toggles between the subtype and domain descriptions and codes in the colums of the table view.
 | ZoomToHighlighted |
Zooms to the highlighted rows.
 | ZoomToSelected |
Zooms to the selected rows in the table view.