ArcGIS Pro 3.1 API Reference Guide
Introduction / What's New for Developers at 3.1
In This Topic
    What's New for Developers at 3.1
    In This Topic

    1. API enhancements

    At 3.1 you can take advantage of API enhancements for:

    • DDL enhancements for Relates, Domains, and Subtypes.
    • New Extensibility API for Customizing Editor Attributes window.
    • New Start Page Controls for use within Configurations.
    Map Authoring:
    • Improvements to Layout tool and Tray button patterns.
    • Time support on layers and new Time Picker control.
    • Catalog layer creation for storing references to multiple different data types.
    • Map frame activation API in Layout.

    A complete list of the API enhancements is provided in the API Changes section on this page.

    2. SDK Resources

    There are many ProConcepts, ProGuide, ProSnippets, and samples to help you get up and running with the new SDK features. Updates to the SDK Resources include, but are not limited to:
     API Changes

    Select the ArcGIS Pro Assembly to see the new API Changes specific to that assembly.

    Showing all changes to the API that were introduced with ArcGIS Pro 3.1

      Detailed list of changes: ArcGIS.Core
    Type Change API change
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMAnnotationLayer
      public CIMFeatureSortInfo[] FeatureSortInfos { get; set; }
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMAttachmentsMediaInfo
      public bool IsCarousel { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMBarChartMediaInfo
      public bool IsCarousel { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMBaseLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMBasicFeatureLayer
      public CIMFeatureSortInfo[] FeatureSortInfos { get; set; }
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMBinningFeatureReduction
      public bool ClientSideBinning { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMBuildingDisciplineLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMBuildingDisciplineSceneLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMBuildingLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMBuildingSceneLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMCatalogDynamicGroupLayer
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMCatalogLayer
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartAxis
      public bool Inverted { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartBarSeries
      public CIMExpressionInfo[] FieldExpressions { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartBoxPlotSeries
      public CIMExpressionInfo[] FieldExpressions { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartCalendarHeatSeries
      public CIMExpressionInfo[] FieldExpressions { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartDataClockSeries
      public CIMExpressionInfo[] FieldExpressions { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartDimensionalProfileSeries
      public CIMExpressionInfo[] FieldExpressions { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartFillSymbolProperties
      public bool Visible { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartHistogramSeries
      public CIMExpressionInfo[] FieldExpressions { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartLineSeries
      public CIMExpressionInfo[] FieldExpressions { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartMatrixHeatSeries
      public CIMExpressionInfo[] FieldExpressions { get; set; }
      public string[] ColumnSortedCategoryValues { get; set; }
      public string[] RowSortedCategoryValues { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartMediaInfo
      public bool IsCarousel { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartPieSeries
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartPieSlice
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartProbabilityPlotSeries
      public CIMExpressionInfo[] FieldExpressions { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartProfileGraphSeries
      public CIMExpressionInfo[] FieldExpressions { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartScatterPlotMatrixSeries
      public CIMExpressionInfo[] FieldExpressions { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartScatterSeries
      public CIMExpressionInfo[] FieldExpressions { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartSeries
      public CIMExpressionInfo[] FieldExpressions { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartSpectralProfileSeries
      public CIMExpressionInfo[] FieldExpressions { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartSurfaceProfileBand
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartSurfaceProfileDimensionValue
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartSurfaceProfileDimensionValues
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartSurfaceProfileLayer
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartSurfaceProfileSeries
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMChartTextProperties
      public bool Visible { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMColumnChartMediaInfo
      public bool IsCarousel { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMDataEngineeringView
      public esriFieldType[] FieldTypeFilters { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMDimensionLayer
      public CIMFeatureSortInfo[] FeatureSortInfos { get; set; }
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMDynamicServiceLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMElevationSurfaceLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMENCDataConnection
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMENCDisplaySettings
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMENCLayer
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMExpressionMediaInfo
      public bool IsCarousel { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMFeatureLayer
      public CIMFeatureSortInfo[] FeatureSortInfos { get; set; }
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMFeatureMosaicSubLayer
      public CIMFeatureSortInfo[] FeatureSortInfos { get; set; }
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMFeatureSortInfo
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMFeatureTrajectorySubLayer
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMGALayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMGeodatabaseErrorLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMGeoFeatureLayerBase
      public CIMFeatureSortInfo[] FeatureSortInfos { get; set; }
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMGISProject
      public CIMProjectThumbnailOptions ThumbnailOptions { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMGraphicsLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMGridChartProperties
      public CIMChartLineSymbolProperties MiniChartOutlineSymbolProperties { get; set; }
      public CIMChartTextProperties MiniChartTitleText { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMGroupLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMImageMediaInfo
      public bool IsCarousel { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMImageMosaicSubLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMImageServiceLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMIndexedSceneLayer
      public CIMTimeDataDefinition TimeDefinition { get; set; }
      public CIMTimeDisplayDefinition TimeDisplayDefinition { get; set; }
      public CIMTimeTableDefinition TimeFields { get; set; }
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMIPSAwareMapProperties
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMIPSPositioningTableProperties
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMKeyframeRange
      public RangeRelation RangeRelation { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMKMLLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMKnowledgeGraphInvestigation
      public ArcGIS.Core.Internal.CIM.CIMKnowledgeGraphQueryDefinition[] QueryDefinitions { get; set; }
      public ArcGIS.Core.Internal.CIM.CIMKnowledgeGraphSearchDefinition[] SearchDefinitions { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMKnowledgeGraphLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMLASDatasetLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMLayerElevationSurface
      public bool IsRelativeToScene { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMLayerRange
      public RangeRelation CurrentRangeRelation { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMLineChartMediaInfo
      public bool IsCarousel { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMMap
      public CIMIPSAwareMapProperties IPSAwareMapProperties { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMMapFrame
      public bool UseMapBackgroundColor { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMMapImageLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMMaplexLabelPlacementProperties
      public MaplexCenterLabelAnchorType CenterLabelAnchorType { get; set; }
      public MaplexRemoveAmbiguousLabelsType RemoveAmbiguousLabels { get; set; }
      public MaplexUnit SecondaryOffsetUnit { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMMapStereoProperties
      public CIMDataConnection TerrainFollowingDEM { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMMediaInfo
      public bool IsCarousel { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMMosaicLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMNALayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMNetworkDatasetLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMNitfFeatureSubLayer
      public CIMFeatureSortInfo[] FeatureSortInfos { get; set; }
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMNitfImageSubLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMNitfLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMParcelFabricLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMParcelLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMPieChartMarker
      public CIMPolygonSymbol AggregateSliceSymbol { get; set; }
      public CIMPolygonSymbol InvalidValuesSymbol { get; set; }
      public bool AggregateSmallSlices { get; set; }
      public bool ShowInvalidValues { get; set; }
      public double SliceAggregationThreshold { get; set; }
      public string AggregateSliceLabel { get; set; }
      public string InvalidValuesLabel { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMPieChartMediaInfo
      public bool IsCarousel { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMPointCloudLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMPolygonSymbol
      public AngleAlignment AngleAlignment { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMProjectThumbnailOptions
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMProportionalPieSizeOptions
      public CIMExpressionInfo ProportionalExpressionInfo { get; set; }
      public double MaximumSize { get; set; }
      public double MaximumValue { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMProportionalRenderer
      public int SampleSize { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMRangeDefinition
      public RangeRelation CurrentRangeRelation { get; set; }
      public string EndFieldName { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMRasterLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMRelationshipMediaInfo
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMS52DisplaySettings
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMS52MarinerSettings
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMS52TextGroupVisibilitySettings
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMS52ViewingGroupSettings
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMServiceCompositeSubLayer
      public string URI { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMServiceLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMServiceSubLayer
      public string URI { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMSimpleRenderer
      public int SampleSize { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMStandaloneTable
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMStandaloneVideo
      public int[] SelectedKLVChannels { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMStatisticalDataCollectionField
      public esriFieldType OutputFieldType { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMStatisticalDataCollectionInputAreaProperty
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMStatisticalDataCollectionInputPropertiesCalculator
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMStatisticalDataCollectionInputProperty
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMSubtypeGroupLayer
      public CIMFeatureSortInfo[] FeatureSortInfos { get; set; }
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMSubtypeGroupLayerBase
      public CIMFeatureSortInfo[] FeatureSortInfos { get; set; }
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMTableMediaInfo
      public bool IsCarousel { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMTerrainLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMTextMediaInfo
      public bool IsCarousel { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMTiledServiceLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMTinLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMTopologyLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMTraceNetworkLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMTrajectoryLayer
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMUniqueValueRenderer
      public int SampleSize { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMUtilityNetworkLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMVectorTileLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMVoxelLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public VoxelAlignment Alignment { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMWCSServiceConnection
      public IDictionary`2[string,object] CapabilitiesParameters { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMWMSLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public bool UseVisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
      public TimeExtent VisibilityTimeExtent { get; set; }
    Enum new public Enum ChartSurfaceProfilePlotType
    Enum new public Enum esriFeatureType
      esriFTCatalogDatasetItem = 9
    Enum new public Enum esriFieldType
      esriFieldTypeDateOnly = 14
      esriFieldTypeTimeOnly = 15
      esriFieldTypeTimestampOffset = 16
    Enum new public Enum MaplexCenterLabelAnchorType
    Enum new public Enum MaplexRemoveAmbiguousLabelsType
    Enum new public Enum ProjectThumbnailAutomaticGenerationSource
    Enum new public Enum ProjectThumbnailGenerationMethod
    Enum new public Enum RangeRelation
    Enum new public Enum S52AreaSymbolizationType
    Enum new public Enum S52ColorScheme
    Enum new public Enum S52DepthDisplayUnits
    Enum new public Enum S52PointSymbolizationType
    Enum new public Enum TrajectorySubLayerType
    Enum new public Enum VoxelAlignment
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.RelationshipRule
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.SpatialQueryFilter
      public string SpatialRelationshipDescription { get; set; }
    Enum new public Enum FieldType
      BigInteger = 13
      DateOnly = 14
      TimeOnly = 15
      TimestampOffset = 16
    Enum new public Enum RelationshipMessageDirection
    Enum new public Enum RelationshipType
    Enum new public Enum SortBy
    Enum new public Enum SpatialRelationship
      Relation = 9
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.AnnotationFeatureClassDescription
      public SubtypeFieldDescription SubtypeFieldDescription { get; set; }
      public List`1[ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMSymbolIdentifier] Symbols { get; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.AttributedRelationshipClassDescription
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.AttributedRelationshipClassToken
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.AttributeIndexDescription
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.FeatureClassDescription
      public SubtypeFieldDescription SubtypeFieldDescription { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.IndexDescription
    from public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.RangeDomainDescription
     public object MaxValue { get; }
     public object MinValue { get; }
    to public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.RangeDomainDescription
      public object MaxValue { get; set; }
      public object MinValue { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.RelationshipClassDescription
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.RelationshipClassToken
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.RelationshipRuleDescription
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.SpatialIndexDescription
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.SubtypeFieldDescription
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.TableDescription
      public SubtypeFieldDescription SubtypeFieldDescription { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.Mapping.CatalogDataset
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.Mapping.CatalogDatasetDefinition
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.Mapping.CatalogDatasetFeature
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.Data.UtilityNetwork.ValidationResult
      public bool IsDiscoveredSubnetworksSupported { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Envelope
      public double Length { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry
      public double Length { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.GeometryBag
      public double Length { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MapPoint
      public double Length { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Multipart
      public double Length { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Multipatch
      public double Length { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Multipoint
      public double Length { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Polygon
      public double Length { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Polyline
      public double Length { get; }
    Method new public struct ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Coordinate2D
      static Coordinate2D ConstructEmpty()
      static double Distance(Coordinate2D, Coordinate2D)
    Method new public struct ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Coordinate3D
      static double Distance(Coordinate3D, Coordinate3D)
      Detailed list of changes: ArcGIS.CoreHost
    Type Change API change
      Detailed list of changes: ArcGIS.Desktop.Catalog
    Type Change API change
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Catalog.GDBProjectItem
      public ESRI.ArcGIS.ItemIndex.ItemInfoValue ItemInfoValue { get; }
      public System.Nullable`1[bool] IsAttributedRelationship { get; }
      public System.Nullable`1[bool] IsGeodatabase { get; set; }
      public System.Nullable`1[bool] IsMxNRelationship { get; }
      public System.Nullable`1[bool] IsRegisteredWithGDB { get; }
    NameSpace new ArcGIS.Desktop.Catalog.DatabaseConnections
    ctor new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Catalog.DatabaseConnections.CDWInterface
     .ctor ()
    Event new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Catalog.DatabaseConnections.CDWInterface
     public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Catalog.DatabaseConnections.CDWInterface
     public ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[string] BigQueryProjectIDs { get; set; }
     public int AuthenticationType { get; set; }
     public object Model { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Contracts.IView.View { get; set; }
    Interface new public interface ArcGIS.Desktop.Catalog.DatabaseConnections.ICDWInterface
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Portal.PortalFolder
      string ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Core.IItemInternal.DisplayType { get; }
      string CreatedTime { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Portal.PortalGroup
      string ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Core.IItemInternal.DisplayType { get; }
      string CreatedTime { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Portal.PortalItem
      string ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Core.IItemInternal.DisplayType { get; }
      string CreatedTime { get; set; }
    Enum new public Enum PortalItemType
      SuitabilityModel = 111
      Detailed list of changes: ArcGIS.Desktop.Core
    Type Change API change
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.CustomItemBase
      string ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Core.IItemInternal.DisplayType { get; }
      string CreatedTime { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.CustomProjectItemBase
      string ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Core.IItemInternal.DisplayType { get; }
      string CreatedTime { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.CustomProjectItemContainer`1
      string ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Core.IItemInternal.DisplayType { get; }
      string CreatedTime { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.EditingOptions
      public AnnotationFollowMode AnnotationFollowMode { get; set; }
      public AnnotationPlacementMode AnnotationPlacementMode { get; set; }
      public bool AutomaticallyFollowLinkedLineFeatures { get; set; }
      public bool AutomaticallyFollowLinkedPolygonFeatures { get; set; }
      public bool UseAnnotationPlacementProperties { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.GeneralOptions
      public bool CreateProjectBackups { get; set; }
      public int ProjectBackupInterval { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.GeoprocessingOptions
      public bool AnalyzeScriptsAndModels { get; }
      public bool AutoOpenMessagesWindow { get; }
      public bool DisplayDisabledParameters { get; }
      public bool DisplayShortedDataPaths { get; }
      public bool EnableUndoOn { get; }
      public bool WriteGPOperationsToDataset { get; }
      public bool WriteGPOperationsToLog { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Item
      string ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Core.IItemInternal.DisplayType { get; }
      string CreatedTime { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.ProApp
      public static ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.TimeZoneManager TimeZoneManager { get; }
      public static int NotificationInterval { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.ProBasedApp
      public static int NotificationInterval { get; set; }
    Enum new public Enum AnnotationFollowMode
    Enum new public Enum AnnotationPlacementMode
    Enum new public Enum VertexSymbolType
      ControlpointSelected = 5
      ControlpointUnselected = 4
    Enum new public Enum ViewType
    Method new public interface ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.ISharingModule
      System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[bool] DoesServerItemExistAsync(string, string, string, int, string, string, string, string)
    Property new public interface ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.ISharingPaneViewModel
      public List`1[string] SelectedGroupIDs { get; }
    NameSpace new ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Controls
    ctor new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Controls.RecentProjectsControl
     .ctor ()
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Controls.RecentProjectsControl
     public ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.ViewType ViewType { get; set; }
    Event new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Controls.RecentProjectsControl
     public event AncestorChangedEventHandler VisualAncestorChanged
     public event ContextMenuEventHandler ContextMenuClosing
     public event ContextMenuEventHandler ContextMenuOpening
     public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler DataContextChanged
     public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler FocusableChanged
     public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsEnabledChanged
     public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsHitTestVisibleChanged
     public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsKeyboardFocusedChanged
     public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged
     public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsMouseCapturedChanged
     public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsMouseCaptureWithinChanged
     public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsMouseDirectlyOverChanged
     public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsStylusCapturedChanged
     public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsStylusCaptureWithinChanged
     public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsStylusDirectlyOverChanged
     public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsVisibleChanged
     public event DragEventHandler DragEnter
     public event DragEventHandler DragLeave
     public event DragEventHandler DragOver
     public event DragEventHandler Drop
     public event DragEventHandler PreviewDragEnter
     public event DragEventHandler PreviewDragLeave
     public event DragEventHandler PreviewDragOver
     public event DragEventHandler PreviewDrop
     public event EventHandler InheritanceContextChanged
     public event EventHandler Initialized
     public event EventHandler LayoutUpdated
     public event EventHandler ResourcesChanged
     public event EventHandler`1 GotTouchCapture
     public event EventHandler`1 LostTouchCapture
     public event EventHandler`1 ManipulationBoundaryFeedback
     public event EventHandler`1 ManipulationCompleted
     public event EventHandler`1 ManipulationDelta
     public event EventHandler`1 ManipulationInertiaStarting
     public event EventHandler`1 ManipulationStarted
     public event EventHandler`1 ManipulationStarting
     public event EventHandler`1 PreviewTouchDown
     public event EventHandler`1 PreviewTouchMove
     public event EventHandler`1 PreviewTouchUp
     public event EventHandler`1 SourceUpdated
     public event EventHandler`1 TargetUpdated
     public event EventHandler`1 TouchDown
     public event EventHandler`1 TouchEnter
     public event EventHandler`1 TouchLeave
     public event EventHandler`1 TouchMove
     public event EventHandler`1 TouchUp
     public event GiveFeedbackEventHandler GiveFeedback
     public event GiveFeedbackEventHandler PreviewGiveFeedback
     public event InheritedPropertyChangedEventHandler InheritedPropertyChanged
     public event KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler GotKeyboardFocus
     public event KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler LostKeyboardFocus
     public event KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler PreviewGotKeyboardFocus
     public event KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler PreviewLostKeyboardFocus
     public event KeyEventHandler KeyDown
     public event KeyEventHandler KeyUp
     public event KeyEventHandler PreviewKeyDown
     public event KeyEventHandler PreviewKeyUp
     public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseDoubleClick
     public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseDown
     public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseLeftButtonDown
     public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseLeftButtonUp
     public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseRightButtonDown
     public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseRightButtonUp
     public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseUp
     public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseDoubleClick
     public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseDown
     public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown
     public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp
     public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseRightButtonDown
     public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseRightButtonUp
     public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseUp
     public event MouseEventHandler GotMouseCapture
     public event MouseEventHandler LostMouseCapture
     public event MouseEventHandler MouseEnter
     public event MouseEventHandler MouseLeave
     public event MouseEventHandler MouseMove
     public event MouseEventHandler PreviewMouseMove
     public event MouseWheelEventHandler MouseWheel
     public event MouseWheelEventHandler PreviewMouseWheel
     public event QueryContinueDragEventHandler PreviewQueryContinueDrag
     public event QueryContinueDragEventHandler QueryContinueDrag
     public event QueryCursorEventHandler QueryCursor
     public event RequestBringIntoViewEventHandler RequestBringIntoView
     public event RoutedEventHandler GotFocus
     public event RoutedEventHandler Loaded
     public event RoutedEventHandler LostFocus
     public event RoutedEventHandler Unloaded
     public event SelectedProjectChangedEventHandler SelectedProjectChanged
     public event SizeChangedEventHandler SizeChanged
     public event StylusButtonEventHandler PreviewStylusButtonDown
     public event StylusButtonEventHandler PreviewStylusButtonUp
     public event StylusButtonEventHandler StylusButtonDown
     public event StylusButtonEventHandler StylusButtonUp
     public event StylusDownEventHandler PreviewStylusDown
     public event StylusDownEventHandler StylusDown
     public event StylusEventHandler GotStylusCapture
     public event StylusEventHandler LostStylusCapture
     public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusInAirMove
     public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusInRange
     public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusMove
     public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusOutOfRange
     public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusUp
     public event StylusEventHandler StylusEnter
     public event StylusEventHandler StylusInAirMove
     public event StylusEventHandler StylusInRange
     public event StylusEventHandler StylusLeave
     public event StylusEventHandler StylusMove
     public event StylusEventHandler StylusOutOfRange
     public event StylusEventHandler StylusUp
     public event StylusSystemGestureEventHandler PreviewStylusSystemGesture
     public event StylusSystemGestureEventHandler StylusSystemGesture
     public event TextCompositionEventHandler PreviewTextInput
     public event TextCompositionEventHandler TextInput
     public event ToolTipEventHandler ToolTipClosing
     public event ToolTipEventHandler ToolTipOpening
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Controls.RecentProjectsControl
     public bool AllowDrop { get; set; }
     public bool AreAnyTouchesCaptured { get; }
     public bool AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin { get; }
     public bool AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver { get; }
     public bool AreAnyTouchesOver { get; }
     public bool ClipToBounds { get; set; }
     public bool Focusable { get; set; }
     public bool ForceCursor { get; set; }
     public bool HasAnimatedProperties { get; }
     public bool HasContent { get; }
     public bool IsArrangeValid { get; }
     public bool IsBrowseProjectsVisible { get; set; }
     public bool IsEnabled { get; set; }
     public bool IsFilterVisible { get; set; }
     public bool IsFocused { get; }
     public bool IsHitTestVisible { get; set; }
     public bool IsInitialized { get; }
     public bool IsInputMethodEnabled { get; }
     public bool IsKeyboardFocused { get; }
     public bool IsKeyboardFocusWithin { get; }
     public bool IsLoaded { get; }
     public bool IsManipulationEnabled { get; set; }
     public bool IsMeasureValid { get; }
     public bool IsMouseCaptured { get; }
     public bool IsMouseCaptureWithin { get; }
     public bool IsMouseDirectlyOver { get; }
     public bool IsMouseOver { get; }
     public bool IsSealed { get; }
     public bool IsSortVisible { get; set; }
     public bool IsStylusCaptured { get; }
     public bool IsStylusCaptureWithin { get; }
     public bool IsStylusDirectlyOver { get; }
     public bool IsStylusOver { get; }
     public bool IsTabStop { get; set; }
     public bool IsTitleVisible { get; set; }
     public bool IsViewTypesVisible { get; set; }
     public bool IsVisible { get; }
     public bool OverridesDefaultStyle { get; set; }
     public bool SnapsToDevicePixels { get; set; }
     public bool UseLayoutRounding { get; set; }
     public IEnumerable`1[System.Windows.Input.TouchDevice] TouchesCaptured { get; }
     public IEnumerable`1[System.Windows.Input.TouchDevice] TouchesCapturedWithin { get; }
     public IEnumerable`1[System.Windows.Input.TouchDevice] TouchesDirectlyOver { get; }
     public IEnumerable`1[System.Windows.Input.TouchDevice] TouchesOver { get; }
     public IReadOnlyList`1[string] PinnedProjects { get; set; }
     public IReadOnlyList`1[string] RecentProjects { get; set; }
     public double ActualHeight { get; }
     public double ActualWidth { get; }
     public double FontSize { get; set; }
     public double Height { get; set; }
     public double MaxHeight { get; set; }
     public double MaxWidth { get; set; }
     public double MinHeight { get; set; }
     public double MinWidth { get; set; }
     public double Opacity { get; set; }
     public double Width { get; set; }
     public int PersistId { get; }
     public int TabIndex { get; set; }
     public object Content { get; set; }
     public object DataContext { get; set; }
     public object Tag { get; set; }
     public object ToolTip { get; set; }
     public string ContentStringFormat { get; set; }
     public string Name { get; set; }
     public string SelectedProject { get; set; }
     public string Uid { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Controls.ContextMenu ContextMenu { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Controls.ControlTemplate Template { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Controls.DataTemplateSelector ContentTemplateSelector { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Controls.ScrollBarVisibility ShowHorizontalScroll { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Controls.ScrollBarVisibility ShowVerticalScroll { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Data.BindingGroup BindingGroup { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.DataTemplate ContentTemplate { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.DependencyObject Parent { get; }
     public System.Windows.DependencyObject TemplatedParent { get; }
     public System.Windows.DependencyObjectType DependencyObjectType { get; }
     public System.Windows.FlowDirection FlowDirection { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.FontStretch FontStretch { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.FontStyle FontStyle { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.FontWeight FontWeight { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment HorizontalContentAlignment { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Input.CommandBindingCollection CommandBindings { get; }
     public System.Windows.Input.Cursor Cursor { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Input.InputBindingCollection InputBindings { get; }
     public System.Windows.Input.InputScope InputScope { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Markup.XmlLanguage Language { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Media.Brush Background { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Media.Brush BorderBrush { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Media.Brush Foreground { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Media.Brush OpacityMask { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Media.CacheMode CacheMode { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffect BitmapEffect { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffectInput BitmapEffectInput { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect Effect { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Media.FontFamily FontFamily { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Media.Geometry Clip { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Media.Transform LayoutTransform { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Media.Transform RenderTransform { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Point RenderTransformOrigin { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.ResourceDictionary Resources { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Size DesiredSize { get; }
     public System.Windows.Size RenderSize { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Style FocusVisualStyle { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Style Style { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Thickness BorderThickness { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Thickness Margin { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Thickness Padding { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher Dispatcher { get; }
     public System.Windows.TriggerCollection Triggers { get; }
     public System.Windows.VerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.VerticalAlignment VerticalContentAlignment { get; set; }
     public System.Windows.Visibility Visibility { get; set; }
     static System.Windows.DependencyObjectType ContentPresenterDType { get; }
     static System.Windows.DependencyObjectType ControlDType { get; }
     static System.Windows.DependencyObjectType PageDType { get; }
     static System.Windows.DependencyObjectType PageFunctionBaseDType { get; }
     bool CanModifyEffectiveValues { get; set; }
     bool DO_Sealed { get; set; }
     bool HandlesScrolling { get; }
     bool HasEffectiveKeyboardFocus { get; }
     bool HasHeightEverChanged { get; set; }
     bool HasWidthEverChanged { get; set; }
     bool IsDesignMode { get; }
     bool IsEnabledCore { get; }
     bool IsInPropertyInitialization { get; set; }
     bool NeedsClipBounds { get; set; }
     bool NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect { get; }
     bool RenderingInvalidated { get; set; }
     IEnumerator LogicalChildren { get; }
     IEnumerator LogicalChildren { get; }
     double VisualOpacity { get; set; }
     int VisualChildrenCount { get; }
     int VisualChildrenCount { get; }
     System.Nullable`1[System.Windows.Rect] VisualScrollableAreaClip { get; set; }
     object DefaultStyleKey { get; set; }
     uint EffectiveValuesCount { get; set; }
     System.Windows.DependencyObject VisualParent { get; }
     System.Windows.InheritanceBehavior InheritanceBehavior { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Input.StylusPlugIns.StylusPlugInCollection StylusPlugIns { get; }
     System.Windows.Media.BitmapScalingMode VisualBitmapScalingMode { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Media.Brush VisualOpacityMask { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Media.CacheMode VisualCacheMode { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Media.ClearTypeHint VisualClearTypeHint { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Media.DoubleCollection VisualXSnappingGuidelines { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Media.DoubleCollection VisualYSnappingGuidelines { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Media.EdgeMode VisualEdgeMode { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffect VisualBitmapEffect { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffectInput VisualBitmapEffectInput { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect VisualEffect { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Media.Geometry VisualClip { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Media.TextHintingMode VisualTextHintingMode { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Media.TextRenderingMode VisualTextRenderingMode { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Media.Transform VisualTransform { get; set; }
     System.Windows.ResourceDictionary System.Windows.Markup.IHaveResources.Resources { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Vector VisualOffset { get; set; }
     System.Windows.Visibility VisibilityCache { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Controls.RecentTemplatesControl
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Controls.SelectedProjectChangedEventArgs
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Controls.SelectedTemplateChangedEventArgs
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Controls.SignOnControl
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Controls.SignOnStatusChangedEventArgs
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Events.GPExecuteToolEvent
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Events.GPExecuteToolEventArgs
    Interface new public interface ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Geoprocessing.IGPHistoryItem
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Licensing.LicensedApplication
      public static int NotificationInterval { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Portal.OnlineItem
      string ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Core.IItemInternal.DisplayType { get; }
      string CreatedTime { get; set; }
    NameSpace new ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.TimeZoneData
    ctor new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.TimeZoneData
     .ctor ()
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.TimeZoneData
     public string DisplayName { get; set; }
     public string WindowsId { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.TimeZoneManager
      Detailed list of changes: ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing
    Type Change API change
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.GeodatabaseTopologyProperties
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.InspectorProvider
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.MapTopologyProperties
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.NoTopologyProperties
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.TopologyProperties
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Attributes.AttributeTabEmbeddableControl
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Controls.TableControl
      public ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MapMember MapMember { get; }
      public bool CanClearHighlighted { get; }
      public bool CanDeleteHighlighted { get; }
      public bool CanDeleteSelected { get; }
      public bool CanFindAndReplace { get; }
      public bool CanGetHighlightedObjectIds { get; }
      public bool CanHighlight { get; }
      public bool CanPanToHighlighted { get; }
      public bool CanPanToSelected { get; }
      public bool CanResetFieldOrder { get; }
      public bool CanSwitchHighlight { get; }
      public bool CanToggleRowHighlight { get; }
      public bool CanToggleSubtypeDomainDescriptions { get; }
      public bool CanZoomToHighlighted { get; }
      public bool CanZoomToSelected { get; }
      public bool ShowFieldAlias { get; set; }
      public bool ShowSubtypeDomainDescriptions { get; set; }
      public int ActiveRowindex { get; }
      public int ZoomLevel { get; }
      public System.Nullable`1[long] ActiveObjectId { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Controls.TableControlContent
      Dictionary`2[string,System.ValueTuple`2[System.Windows.ResourceKey,ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Core.TableCellBindingTarget]] ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Core.IInternalTableControlContent.CustomCellTemplates { get; set; }
    NameSpace new ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping
    Event new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.TableException
     public event EventHandler`1 SerializeObjectState
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.TableException
     public IDictionary Data { get; }
     public System.Exception InnerException { get; }
     public int HResult { get; set; }
     public System.Reflection.MethodBase TargetSite { get; }
     public string HelpLink { get; set; }
     public string Message { get; }
     public string Source { get; set; }
     public string StackTrace { get; }
     bool HasBeenThrown { get; }
     object SerializationWatsonBuckets { get; }
     string SerializationStackTraceString { get; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.TableView
    Interface new public interface ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.IExternalTablePane
    Interface new public interface ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.ITablePaneEx
      Detailed list of changes: ArcGIS.Desktop.Extensions
    Type Change API change
      Detailed list of changes: ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework
    Type Change API change
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.ApplicationProperties
      public bool IsSpellCheckLocked { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.FrameworkApplication
      public static int NotificationInterval { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Notification
      public Notification+SeverityLevel Severity { get; set; }
    Interface new public interface ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.IConvertibleTo`1
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Contracts.ShortCut
      string UpCommandRefID { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Controls.DateChangedEventArgs
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Controls.DateTimePickerControl
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Controls.ProWindow
      string InstanceID { get; set; }
      string InternalID { get; }
    Delegate new public delegate ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Controls.DateChangedEventHandler
    Event new public static class ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.DragDrop.DragDrop
     public event EventHandler DragInfoChanged
      Detailed list of changes: ArcGIS.Desktop.GeoProcessing
      Detailed list of changes: ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts
    Type Change API change
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.LayoutsModule
     bool ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Core.ILayoutSettingsInternal.ResizeElements { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.LayoutTrayButton
      public bool CanAutoClose { get; set; }
      public string HelpURI { get; set; }
      object SmallImageDaml { get; set; }
      object SmallImagePrivate { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.LayoutView
      public ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MapView ActivatedMapView { get; }
      public MapFrame ActivatedMapFrame { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.MapFrame
      public bool IsActivated { get; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.ProductFeatureGuideInfo
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.ProductGridStreetIndexInfo
    Enum new public Enum MapSurroundType
      ProductFeatureGuide = 63
      ProductGridStreetIndex = 64
    Method new public interface ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.IGraphicFactory
      ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry GetGraphicOutline(ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.IElementContainer, ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMGraphic)
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Reports.ReportsModule
      string ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Reports.IReportsModuleInternal.ReportCustomTemplatePath { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Reports.ReportTemplate
      public bool IsCustom { get; }
      public string DocJson { get; }
    from public Enum LayoutElementType
     AutoText = 65
     ReportLayoutPageSection = 64
     ReportRelateSection = 63
    to public Enum LayoutElementType
     AutoText = 67
     ProductFeatureGuide = 63
     ProductGridStreetIndex = 64
     ReportLayoutPageSection = 66
     ReportRelateSection = 65
      Detailed list of changes: ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping
    Type Change API change
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.AnnotationLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.AnnotationSubLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.BasicFeatureLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.BasicRasterLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.BuildingDisciplineSceneLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.BuildingSceneLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.CatalogDynamicGroupLayer
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.CatalogLayer
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.CatalogLayerCreationParams
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.CompositeLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.DiagramLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.DimensionLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.DynamicServiceLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.ElevationLayerCreationParams
      public bool AutoZoomOnEmptyMap { get; set; }
      public Dictionary`2[string,string] ServiceCustomParameters { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.ElevationSurfaceLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.ENCLayer
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.FeatureLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      bool EnableDisplayFilters { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.FeatureLayerCreationParams
      public bool AutoZoomOnEmptyMap { get; set; }
      public Dictionary`2[string,string] ServiceCustomParameters { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.FeatureMosaicSubLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      bool EnableDisplayFilters { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.FeatureSceneLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      bool MaskingEnabled { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.FeatureTrajectorySubLayer
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.GlobeServiceLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.GraphicsLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.GraphicsLayerCreationParams
      public bool AutoZoomOnEmptyMap { get; set; }
      public Dictionary`2[string,string] ServiceCustomParameters { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.GroupLayerCreationParams
      public bool AutoZoomOnEmptyMap { get; set; }
      public Dictionary`2[string,string] ServiceCustomParameters { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.ImageMosaicSubLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.ImageServiceLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.IntegratedMeshSceneLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.KMLLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Layer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.LayerCreationParams
      public bool AutoZoomOnEmptyMap { get; set; }
      public Dictionary`2[string,string] ServiceCustomParameters { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Map
      ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Framework.Utilities.BulkObservableCollection`1[StandaloneTable] ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IStandaloneTableContainerInternal.InternalStandaloneTables { get; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MapImageLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MapMember
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MapTrayButton
      public bool CanAutoClose { get; set; }
      public string HelpURI { get; set; }
      object SmallImageDaml { get; set; }
      object SmallImagePrivate { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MapViewOverlayControl
      public bool FillMoveHandle { get; set; }
      public bool MaintainAspectRatio { get; set; }
      public System.Windows.Thickness Margin { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MosaicLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MosaicLayerCreationParams
      public bool AutoZoomOnEmptyMap { get; set; }
      public Dictionary`2[string,string] ServiceCustomParameters { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.NitfFeatureSubLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      bool EnableDisplayFilters { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.NitfImageSubLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.NitfLayer
      ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Framework.Utilities.BulkObservableCollection`1[StandaloneTable] ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IStandaloneTableContainerInternal.InternalStandaloneTables { get; }
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public ObjectModel.ReadOnlyObservableCollection`1[StandaloneTable] StandaloneTables { get; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.ParcelLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.ParcelLayerCreationParams
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.PointCloudSceneLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.PrinterSettings
    ctor new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.RangeExtent
      .ctor (System.Nullable{Double}, System.Nullable{Double}, ArcGIS.Core.CIM.RangeRelation, bool)
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.RangeExtent
      public bool ExcludeMax { get; set; }
      public bool ExcludeMin { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.RasterLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.RasterLayerCreationParams
      public bool AutoZoomOnEmptyMap { get; set; }
      public Dictionary`2[string,string] ServiceCustomParameters { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.ServiceCompositeSubLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.ServiceLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.ServiceSubLayer
      public ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.ServiceSubLayerSourceLayerType SourceLayerType { get; set; }
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      public int BackingFeatureLayerID { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.StandaloneTable
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.StreamLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      bool EnableDisplayFilters { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.SubtypeGroupLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.SubtypeGroupLayerCreationParams
      public bool AutoZoomOnEmptyMap { get; set; }
      public Dictionary`2[string,string] ServiceCustomParameters { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.TiledServiceLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.TimeParameters
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.TopologyLayer
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.TopologyLayerCreationParams
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.TraceNetworkLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.TrajectoryLayer
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.TrayButton
      public bool CanAutoClose { get; set; }
      public string HelpURI { get; set; }
      object SmallImageDaml { get; set; }
      object SmallImagePrivate { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.UtilityNetworkLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.VectorTileLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.VoxelLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.VoxelLayerCreationParams
      public ArcGIS.Core.CIM.VoxelAlignment Alignment { get; set; }
      public bool AutoZoomOnEmptyMap { get; set; }
      public Dictionary`2[string,string] ServiceCustomParameters { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.WMSLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Property new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.WMSSubLayer
      public bool RasterizeOnExport { get; set; }
      int ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Mapping.IInternalMapMember.DatabasePlatform { get; set; }
    Enum new public Enum esriServerCapability
      esriSCUNSupportsTraceAssociationResults = 43
      esriSCUNSupportsTraceFeatureElementResults = 42
      esriSCUNSupportsTraceSystemNetworkAttributes = 41
    Enum new public Enum FeatureLayerAggregationType
      ClientSideBinning = 3
    Enum new public Enum SimpleStipplePattern
    Enum new public Enum TimeIntervalType
    Interface new public interface ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.IInternalTrajectoryLayer
    Method new public interface ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.IStandaloneTableContainer
      IReadOnlyList`1[StandaloneTable] GetSnapshot()
    Method new public interface ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.ISymbolFactory
      ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMFill ConstructGradientFill(ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMColor, ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMColor, ArcGIS.Core.CIM.GradientFillMethod, int)
      ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMFill ConstructGradientFill(ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMColorRamp, ArcGIS.Core.CIM.GradientFillMethod, int)
      ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMFill ConstructHatchFill(ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMStroke, double, double, double)
      ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMFill ConstructPictureFill(string, double)
      ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMFill ConstructWaterFill(ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMColor, ArcGIS.Core.CIM.WaterbodySize, ArcGIS.Core.CIM.WaveStrength)
      ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMPolygonSymbol ConstructPolygonSymbol(ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMColor, SimpleStipplePattern)
      ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMPolygonSymbol ConstructPolygonSymbol(ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMColor, SimpleStipplePattern, ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMColor)
      ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMPolygonSymbol ConstructPolygonSymbol(ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMFill, ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMStroke, ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMColor, SimpleStipplePattern)
      ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMPolygonSymbol ConstructPolygonSymbolWithPenInkCrossHatch(ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMColor, bool)
      ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMPolygonSymbol ConstructPolygonSymbolWithPenInkRipple(ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMColor)
      ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMPolygonSymbol ConstructPolygonSymbolWithPenInkStipple(ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMColor, bool)
    Event new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Controls.ColorPickerControl
      public event EventHandler PopupClosed
      public event EventHandler PopupOpened
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Controls.SelectedTransformationNamesChangedEventArgs
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Controls.TransformationInfo
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Controls.TransformationsControl
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Controls.TransformationsControlProperties
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Controls.TransformationSelectedArgs
    Class new public class ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Events.StandaloneTablesMovedEvent
    Enum new public Enum ExpressionType
     Charts = 10
     ModelBuilder = 9
    Field new public struct ServiceContracts.BookmarkInfo
     public rangeRelation
      Detailed list of changes: ArcGIS.Desktop.TaskAssistant
      Detailed list of changes: ArcGIS.Desktop.Workflow
    Type Change API change