ArcGIS Pro 3.1 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Portal Namespace / PortalItemType Enumeration
Example Example Version

PortalItemType Enumeration
An enumeration of portal item types.
AppBuilderExtension AppBuilder Extension for Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. URL that references custom widgets for use in Web AppBuilder apps within Portal.
AppBuilderWidgetPackage AppBuilder Widget Package for Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. Custom widget in a zip file that can be downloaded for use in Web AppBuilder Developer Edition or Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1 or above.
Application A custom application.
ArcGISProAddInPro Add In (esriaddinx).
ArcGISProConfiguration An ArcGIS Pro Configuration.
ArcPadPackageArcPad Package (zip).
BasemapPackageBasemap Package.
BigDataFileShareBig Data File Share.
CADDrawingA Computer-Aided Design drawing comprised of a single file.
CityEngineWebSceneA city engine web scene.
CodeAttachmentThe sample code associated with an application whose purpose is code sample.
CodeSampleA code sample.
ColorSetA color set.
CompactTilePackageCompact Tile Package (tpkx).
CSV A text file of data values separated by commas or other delimiters. Can be published as a feature service using the Portal API Publish call.
CSVCollection Comma-separated values (CSV) collection (.zip).
Dashboard Dashboards integrate maps, lists, charts, and gauges that help monitoring and managing daily operations.
DesktopAddInArcGIS Add-In (esriaddin).
DesktopApplicationDesktop Application (zip).
DesktopApplicationTemplateThe Desktop Application Template (zip) includes either a desktop add in or a toolbar.exe.
DesktopStyleArcGIS Pro Style file (stylx).
DocumentLinkLink to a web resource.
ExplorerAddInArcGIS Explorer Layer (eaz).
ExplorerLayerArcGIS Explorer Layer (nmc).
ExplorerMapArcGIS Explorer Document (nmf).
FeatureCollection A feature collection is a saved web map feature layer with layer definition (types, symbols, fields, and so on) and a feature set (the actual features).
FeatureCollectionTemplateA feature collection that includes the layer definition component.
FeatureService A feature service.
FileGeodatabaseFile Geodatabase.
FormForm authored using Survey123.
GeocodingService ArcGIS Server Geocoding Service. The URL to the service is stored in the ServiceUrl property of the item.
GeodataService ArcGIS Server Geodata Service. The URL to the service is stored in the ServiceUrl property of the item.
GeometryService ArcGIS Server Geometry Service.
GeoprocessingPackageArcGIS Geoprocessing Package (gpk).
GeoprocessingPackageProVersionArcGIS Pro Geoprocessing Package (gpkx).
GeoprocessingSampleGeoprocessing Sample.
GeoprocessingService ArcGIS Server Geoprocessing Service.
GlobeDocumentArcGlobe Document (3dd).
GlobeService ArcGIS Server Globe Service.
HubInitiative Initiatives organize data and tools with an organization goal.
HubPage Hub pages provide web site pages to market Hub Initiatives and provide chart and app content.
HubSiteApplication A customizable website that provides a focused view of an organization's items.
ImageImage Types (.jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .tiff, .png).
ImageCollection A portable file that contains one or more images that can be published as an image service for imagery visualization and analysis.
ImageService An image service.
InsightsModel Insights model records analysis steps on an insights pages, including adding and joining datasets, spatial analysis, data analytics and styling.
InsightsPage Insights Page resides in Insights Workbook, used to connect the data and analyze related content and themes with interactive visualization.
InsightsWorkbook Insights Workbook collects or associates all data and analytical activity for a project, capturing and maintaining relationships such as data locations and storing result layers, models, pages and cards.
IWorkKeynoteiWork Keynote file (.key).
IWorkNumbersiWork Numbers file (.numbers).
IWorkPagesiWork Pages file (.pages).
KML KML Network Link or KML file.
KMLCollectionA zip file containing a collection of KML/KMZ files.
LayerLayer File (lyr) or ArcGIS Pro layer file (lyrx).
LayerPackageLayer Package (lpk).
LayoutArcGIS Pro Layout File (pagx).
LocatorPackageArcGIS Locator Package (gcpk).
MapArea A map area defining a preplanned offline map.
MapDocumentArcMap Document (mxd).
MapPackageArcGIS Map Package (mpk).
MapService A map service.
MapTemplateThe Map Template (.zip) contains documentation, a map, and GDB folder.
MicrosoftExcelMicrosoft Excel Document (.xls, .xlsx).
MicrosoftPowerpointMicrosoft Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptx).
MicrosoftWordMicrosoft Word Document (.doc, .docx).
MobileApplication A mobile application.
MobileBasemapPackageArcGIS Mobile Basemap Package (.bpk).
MobileMapPackageArcGIS Mobile Map Package (mmpk).
NativeApplicationNative Application for AppStudio for ArcGIS.
NativeApplicationInstallerNative Application Installer for AppStudio for ArcGIS.
NativeApplicationTemplateNative Application Template for AppStudio for ArcGIS.
NetCDF Self-describing, portable and scalable file format for storing multidimensional scientific data usable by GeoAnalytics tools.
NetworkAnalysisService ArcGIS Server Network Analyst Service.
OperationsDashboardAddInArcGIS Operations Dashboard Add In (opdashboardaddin).
OperationsDashboardExtensionArcGIS Operations Dashboard Extension.
OperationViewAn operation view.
PDFPortable Document Format (.pdf).
ProjectPackageArcGIS Project Package (ppkx).
ProjectTemplateArcGIS Project Template (aptx).
ProMapArcGIS Pro map file (mapx).
PublishedMapArcReader Document (pmf).
RasterFunctionTemplateArcGIS Pro raster function template.
RelationalDatabaseConnection ArcGIS server relational catalog service.
ReportTemplateReport template used by the geoenrichment service and Business Analyst applications to generate custom reports.
RulePackageArcGIS Rule Package (lpk).
SceneDocumentArcScene Document (sxd).
ScenePackageScene Layer Package (spk or slpk).
SceneServiceCached web layers that are optimized for displaying a large amount of 2D or 3D features.
ServiceDefinitionA Service Definition that can be published to create a geo spatial web service using the Portal API Publish call.
ShapeFileA shape file.
SQLiteGeodatabase A runtime sqlite geodatabase.
StatisticalDataCollection Data collection used by the geoenrichment service and Business Analyst applications to perform data aggregation with statistical feature data.
StreamService Streaming feature layer from an ArcGIS GeoEvent Server stream service.
SuitabilityModelArcGIS Pro suitability model supported for AGOL.
SuitabilityModelTemplateArcGIS Pro suitability model type maintained for backward compatibility - not supported on AGOL any more.
SymbolSetA symbol set.
TaskFileArcGIS Task File (esriTasks).
TilePackageTile Package (tpk).
VectorTilePackageVector Tile Package (.vtpk).
VectorTileService A Vector Tile Service.
VisioDocumentVisio Document (.vsd).
Vr360Experience A 360-degrees virtual reality experience that lets you explore a set of connected geo-located panoramic 3D visualizations or photos.
WebMapA Web map.
WebMappingApplicationA web mapping application.
WebSceneWeb scene.
WFS OGC Web Feature Service.
WindowsMobilePackageA windows mobile package.
WMS OGC Web Map Service.
WorkflowManagerPackageWorkflow Manager Package (wpk).
WorkflowManagerServiceArcGIS Server Workflow Manager Service.
WorkforceProjectWorkforce Project.
Portal: Download any package items in the user content
//user content previously from...
//var userContent = await portal.GetUserContentAsync(owner);

var packages = new List<PortalItemType>
var folder = @"E:\Temp\PortalAPITest\";
foreach (var di in userContent.PortalItems.Where(pi => packages.Contains(pi.PortalItemType)))
  var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(folder, di.Name);
  await di.GetItemDataAsync(path);
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3.0 or higher.
See Also