ArcGIS Pro 3.1 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping Namespace / LineOfSight Class / LineOfSight Constructor / LineOfSight Constructor(Camera,List<Camera>,Double,Double)
A Camera object used for position of the observer. Must be in the target map's ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.SpatialReference.
A list of Camera objects used for the target points. At least one target is required. Must be in the target map's ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.SpatialReference.
Defines a near distance limit in meters. Any scene content closer than this value is disregarded.
Defines a far distance limit and size of the view dome in meters. Any scene content far than this value is disregarded.

In This Topic
    LineOfSight Constructor(Camera,List<Camera>,Double,Double)
    In This Topic
    The default LineOfSight constructor.


    A Camera object used for position of the observer. Must be in the target map's ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.SpatialReference.
    A list of Camera objects used for the target points. At least one target is required. Must be in the target map's ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.SpatialReference.
    Defines a near distance limit in meters. Any scene content closer than this value is disregarded.
    Defines a far distance limit and size of the view dome in meters. Any scene content far than this value is disregarded.

    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

    ArcGIS Pro version: 3.0 or higher.
    See Also