ArcGIS Pro 3.1 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping Namespace / Snapping Class / SetLayerSnapModes Method / SetLayerSnapModes(IDictionary<Layer,LayerSnapModes>,Boolean) Method
Dictionary of LayerSnapModes (by Layer) to set.
(Optional) Reset snapping (on) for layers not specified in the dictionary. Default is False.
Example Version

SetLayerSnapModes(IDictionary<Layer,LayerSnapModes>,Boolean) Method
Sets the snap modes for a layer
public static void SetLayerSnapModes( 
   IDictionary<Layer,LayerSnapModes> dictionary,
   bool resetOtherLayers


Dictionary of LayerSnapModes (by Layer) to set.
(Optional) Reset snapping (on) for layers not specified in the dictionary. Default is False.
Provides the ability to set different snapmodes for different layers in one call.
Configure Snapping - LayerSnapModes
layerList = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>();

// configure by layer
foreach (var layer in layerList)
  // find the state of the snapModes for the layer
  var lsm = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.GetLayerSnapModes(layer);
  bool vertexOn = lsm.Vertex;
  // or use 
  vertexOn = lsm.GetSnapMode(SnapMode.Vertex);

  bool edgeOn = lsm.Edge;
  // or use 
  edgeOn = lsm.GetSnapMode(SnapMode.Edge);

  bool endOn = lsm.End;
  // or use 
  endOn = lsm.GetSnapMode(SnapMode.End);

  // update a few snapModes 
  //   turn Vertex off
  lsm.SetSnapMode(SnapMode.Vertex, false);
  // intersections on
  lsm.SetSnapMode(SnapMode.Intersection, true);

  // and set back to the layer
  ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetLayerSnapModes(layer, lsm);

  // assign a single snap mode at once
  ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetLayerSnapModes(layer, SnapMode.Vertex, false);

  // turn ALL snapModes on
  ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetLayerSnapModes(layer, true);
  // turn ALL snapModes off
  ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetLayerSnapModes(layer, false);

// configure for a set of layers

// set Vertex, edge, end on for a set of layers, other snapModes false
var vee = new LayerSnapModes(false);
vee.Vertex = true;
vee.Edge = true;
vee.End = true;
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetLayerSnapModes(layerList, vee);

// ensure intersection is on for a set of layers without changing any other snapModes

// get the layer snapModes for the set of layers
var dictLSM = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.GetLayerSnapModes(layerList);
foreach (var layer in dictLSM.Keys)
  var lsm = dictLSM[layer];
  lsm.Intersection = true;

// set all snapModes off for a list of layers
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetLayerSnapModes(layerList, false);

Configure Snapping - Combined Example
// interested in only snapping to the vertices of a specific layer of interest and not the vertices of other layers
//  all other snapModes should be off.

// snapping must be on
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.IsEnabled = true;

// turn all application snapModes off
//At 2.x - ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetSnapModes();

// set application snapMode vertex on 
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetSnapMode(SnapMode.Vertex, true);

// ensure layer snapping is on
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>

// set vertex snapping only
var vertexOnly = new LayerSnapModes(false);
vertexOnly.Vertex = true;

// set vertex only for the specific layer, clearing all others
var dict = new Dictionary<Layer, LayerSnapModes>();
dict.Add(fLayer, vertexOnly);
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetLayerSnapModes(dict, true);  // true = reset other layers

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3.0 or higher.
See Also