ArcGIS Pro 3.1 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing Namespace / ParcelFeatures Class
Members Example

In This Topic
    ParcelFeatures Class
    In This Topic
    Represents basic information about a parcel feature.
    Get parcel features
    string sReportResult = "Polygon Information --" + Environment.NewLine;
    string sParcelTypeName = "tax";
    string errorMessage = await QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
      var myParcelFabricLayer =
      //if there is no fabric in the map then bail
      if (myParcelFabricLayer == null)
        return "There is no fabric layer in the map.";
      //first get the parcel type feature layer
      var featSrcLyr = myParcelFabricLayer.GetParcelPolygonLayerByTypeNameAsync(sParcelTypeName).Result.FirstOrDefault();
      if (featSrcLyr.SelectionCount == 0)
        return "There is no selection on the " + sParcelTypeName + " layer.";
      sReportResult += " Parcel Type: " + sParcelTypeName + Environment.NewLine;
      sReportResult += " Poygons: " + featSrcLyr.SelectionCount + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
        // ------- get the selected parcels ---------
        var ids = new List<long>((featSrcLyr as FeatureLayer).GetSelection().GetObjectIDs());
        var sourceParcels = new Dictionary<MapMember, List<long>>();
        sourceParcels.Add(featSrcLyr, ids);
        ParcelFeatures parcFeatures =
                        await myParcelFabricLayer.GetParcelFeaturesAsync(SelectionSet.FromDictionary(sourceParcels));
        //since we know that we want to report on Tax lines only, and for this functionality 
        // we can use any of the Tax line layer instances (if there happens to be more than one)
        // we can get the first instance as follows
        FeatureLayer myLineFeatureLyr =
        if (myLineFeatureLyr == null)
          return sParcelTypeName + " line layer not found";
        FeatureLayer myPointFeatureLyr =
        if (myPointFeatureLyr == null)
          return "fabric point layer not found";
        var LineInfo = parcFeatures.Lines; //then get the line information from the parcel features object
        //... and then do some work for each of the lines
        int iRadiusAttributeCnt = 0;
        int iDistanceAttributeCnt = 0;
        sReportResult += "Line Information --";
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<long>> kvp in LineInfo)
          if (kvp.Key.ToLower() != sParcelTypeName)
            continue; // ignore any other lines from different parcel types
          foreach (long oid in kvp.Value)
            var insp = myLineFeatureLyr.Inspect(oid);
            var dRadius = insp["RADIUS"];
            var dDistance = insp["DISTANCE"];
            if (dRadius != DBNull.Value)
            if (dDistance != DBNull.Value)
            //Polyline poly = (Polyline)insp["SHAPE"];
          sReportResult += Environment.NewLine + " Distance attributes: " + iDistanceAttributeCnt.ToString();
          sReportResult += Environment.NewLine + " Radius attributes: " + iRadiusAttributeCnt.ToString();
        var PointInfo = parcFeatures.Points; //get the point information from the parcel features object
        //... and then do some work for each of the points
        sReportResult += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Point Information --";
        int iFixedPointCnt = 0;
        int iNonFixedPointCnt = 0;
        foreach (long oid in PointInfo)
          var insp = myPointFeatureLyr.Inspect(oid);
          var isFixed = insp["ISFIXED"];
          if (isFixed == DBNull.Value || (int)isFixed == 0)
          // var pt = insp["SHAPE"];
        sReportResult += Environment.NewLine + " Fixed Points: " + iFixedPointCnt.ToString();
        sReportResult += Environment.NewLine + " Non-Fixed Points: " + iNonFixedPointCnt.ToString();
      catch (Exception ex)
        return ex.Message;
      return "";
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
      MessageBox.Show(errorMessage, "Get Parcel Features");
      MessageBox.Show(sReportResult, "Get Parcel Features");
    Inheritance Hierarchy



    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

    ArcGIS Pro version: 3.0 or higher.
    See Also