Enable dynamic diagram mode

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

Dynamic diagram mode is used to dynamically update the active diagram. Working in this mode allows you to automatically overwrite the content of the active diagram. When you change the set of selected network elements in the map, the diagram reflects the new selection set. This mode is useful in the following situations:

  • When you are creating a diagram and need to refine its content
  • When you want to verify or explore network connectivity


Dynamic diagram mode can be enabled on temporary diagrams only—this mode cannot be enabled on stored diagrams. Moreover, the All Layers mode must be turned on for the network diagram layer.

The sections below detail how to enable dynamic diagram mode on any temporary diagram that is open and active in your project.

Requirements and prerequisites

The requirements and prerequisites to enable dynamic diagram mode are as follows:

  • The network topology must be enabled.
  • Since this operation is transactional, edits must be saved before it is run.
  • This operation applies to a network diagram layer that is from either a utility network or trace network in a file or mobile geodatabase, or a network diagram service. When working with a utility network or trace network in an enterprise geodatabase, the input network diagram layer must be from a service.
  • The diagram you are working on must be temporary.
  • There are network features or network objects selected in the network map you specified for the overwriting process.
  • The network features and network objects selected in the specified network map and the network diagram share the same trace network or the same utility network branch version.
  • There are no dirty areas on the input network features used to overwrite the diagram.
  • There are no dirty areas on the container features related to the network objects used as input to overwrite the diagram
  • The All Layers diagram mode must be turned on for the diagram layer to which the operation applies so all layers are present in the Contents pane whether they contain diagram features or not. If it is turned off, on the Network Diagram tab, in the Manage group, click All Layers All Layers On/Off.

How to enable dynamic diagram mode

To enable dynamic diagram mode on an open temporary diagram map, complete the following steps:

  1. Above the open temporary diagram map, right-click the map tab and choose New Vertical Tab Group.

    You'll see both the geographic and diagram maps side by side.

  2. Click Dynamic in the Manage group of the Network Diagram tab.
  3. In the geographic map, change the set of selected network elements; that is, select any new network features or network objects you want in the map itself or in the object tables referenced in this map.

The content in the active temporary diagram is automatically overwritten to reflect the network elements selection set change in the geographic map. Any diagram rules or layouts assigned to the template will be processed. The previous content of the temporary diagram is not kept; you cannot switch between the previous content and the new content.


When using this functionality to verify or explore connectivity, you can work with a diagram template that is configured to run an automatic layout algorithm such as Force Directed; this algorithm is particularly useful for quickly identifying disconnected areas at a glance.


The dynamic diagram mode process can fail in the following situations:

  • None of the features or objects you selected in the network map belong to a utility network or trace network. In this situation, there is no solution; network diagrams are built from utility network or trace network features only.
  • There are dirty areas on the network features you selected in the network map or on container features related to network objects you selected in object tables. Before working with dynamic diagram mode, you must validate the network topology.
  • The network elements selected in the network map and the network diagram don't share the same trace network or the same utility network branch version.

Click Dynamic Dynamic On/Off in the Manage group of the Network Diagram tab to turn off the dynamic diagram mode when needed.


Until the dynamic mode is enabled on a diagram, the Store button in the Manage group of the Network Diagram tab is disabled.

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