Open a stored network diagram

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

At any time, you can open stored diagrams you own as well as diagrams other users have stored in the database as public or protected diagrams.

To open a stored diagram using the Find Diagrams pane, complete the following steps:


This workflow can be run from either a utility network or trace network in a file or mobile geodatabase, a database connection to a utility network or trace network in an enterprise geodatabase, or a utility network or trace network service.

When working with a utility network or trace network service, see Work with historical moments to open a stored network diagram at a particular moment in the past.

  1. Activate a map view in your project that references the utility or trace network layer or any network diagram related to the utility or trace network you are interested in.
  2. Click the network layer or network diagram layer in the Contents pane so the Utility Network or Trace Network tab set or Network Diagram tab becomes available.
  3. Review the configurations currently set in the General section of the network diagram options in the context of the workflow you want to run on the stored diagram to be opened, and optionally, check the Open diagrams with all diagram template sublayers option.
  4. Click Find Find Diagrams either on the Utility Network or Trace Network tabs or on the Network Diagram tab in the ribbon.

    The Find Diagrams pane appears. As explained in Search for network diagrams in the database, the Find Diagrams pane offers various functions to refine diagram searches. For example, you can search for diagrams that contain particular network features or those that have been generated during a specific period.

  5. Set the pane options you need. For example, zoom to the part of the map covered by the diagrams you want to open, and make sure the Cover parts of the active map extent option is checked.
  6. Click Refresh Refresh at the bottom of the list to refresh the diagram list accordingly.
  7. Do one of the following:
    • Double-click the diagram item you are interested in.
    • Click the diagram item you are interested in so it appears checked in the list, and then right-click it and click Add To A New Diagram Map Open Diagram View on the context menu.

    You can open only one diagram at a time—the Add To A New Diagram Map command is unavailable on the context menu when you have several diagram items selected in the list.

The selected diagram appears in a new diagram map view, and the name reflects the diagram name.