public Geometry GraphicBuffer( Geometry geometry, double distance, LineJoinType joinType, LineCapType capType, double miterLimit, double maxDeviation, int maxVerticesInFullCircle )
Public Overloads Function GraphicBuffer( _ ByVal geometry As Geometry, _ ByVal distance As Double, _ ByVal joinType As LineJoinType, _ ByVal capType As LineCapType, _ ByVal miterLimit As Double, _ ByVal maxDeviation As Double, _ ByVal maxVerticesInFullCircle As Integer _ ) As Geometry
- geometry
- The geometry to buffer
- distance
- The buffer distance in the unit of the geometry's spatial reference
- joinType
- The line join type
- capType
- The line cap type
- miterLimit
- The threshold determining when miter joins are replaced with the bevel joins. Use a value of 4 for a good default.
- maxDeviation
- The max deviation of the result buffer from the true buffer in the units of the spatial reference. When maxDeviation is NaN or 0, it is replaced with 1e-5 * abs(distance). When maxDeviation is larger than 0.5 * abs(distance), it is replaced with that value. See the remarks section for more information.
- maxVerticesInFullCircle
- The maximum number of vertices in round polygon produced from a buffered point. A value of 96 is the recommended default value. If the value is less than 12, it is replaced with that value. See the remarks section for more information.
Return Value
Polygon representing the graphic buffer. If the input multipoint is empty, then an empty polygon is returned.