EnvelopeBuilderEx Class Methods
For a list of all members of this type, see EnvelopeBuilderEx members.
| Name | Description |
  | CreateEnvelope | Overloaded. |
 | Expand | Overloaded. |
  | FromEsriShape | Creates a new instance of the Envelope class from an Esri shape buffer. |
  | FromJson | Creates a new instance of the Envelope class from an ArcGIS JSON geometry representation. |
  | FromXml | Creates a new instance of the Envelope class from an ArcGIS XML string representation. |
 | Intersection | Intersects the with the EnvelopeBuilderEx. |
 | Intersects | Checks if the input Envelope intersects the EnvelopeBuilderEx. |
 | IsEqual | Overloaded. |
 | SetCoords |
Sets the coordinates from the input envelope.
 | SetEmpty | Overridden.
Sets the geometry of this builder to empty.
 | SetIDCoords |
Sets the ID-coordinates, that is, IDMin and IDMax. Also sets HasID = true.
 | SetMCoords |
Sets the M-coordinates, that is, MMin and MMax. Also sets HasM = true.
 | SetXYCoords |
Sets the xy-coordinates, that is, XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax.
 | SetZCoords |
Sets the Z-coordinates, that is, ZMin and ZMax. Also sets HasZ = true.
 | ToGeometry | Returns an Envelope instance representing the current state of the builder. |
 | Union | Unions the with the EnvelopeBuilderEx. |