public enum FieldType : System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
Public Enum FieldType Inherits System.Enum Implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
public enum FieldType : System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
Public Enum FieldType Inherits System.Enum Implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
Member | Description |
BigInteger | 64-bit Integer. |
Blob | Binary Large Object. |
Date | Date. |
DateOnly | Date Only. |
Double | Double-precision floating-point number. |
Geometry | Geometry. |
GlobalID | Esri Global ID. |
GUID | Globally Unique Identifier. |
Integer | 32-bit Integer. |
OID | Integer representing an object identifier. 32-bit OID has a length of 4 bytes, and 64-bit OID has a length of 8 bytes. |
Raster | Raster. |
Single | Single-precision floating-point number. |
SmallInteger | 16-bit Integer. |
String | Character string. |
TimeOnly | Time Only. |
TimestampOffset | Timestamp Offset. DateTime value, together with an offset. |
XML | XML Document. |
FieldDescription bigIntegerFieldDescription = new FieldDescription("BigInteger_64", FieldType.BigInteger);
// 64-bit FieldDescription oidFieldDescription_64 = new FieldDescription("ObjectID_64", FieldType.OID) { Length = 8 }; // 32-bit FieldDescription oidFieldDescription_32 = new FieldDescription("ObjectID_32", FieldType.OID) { Length = 4 };
// Earthquake occurrences date and time // 9/28/2014 (DateOnly) FieldDescription earthquakeDateOnlyFieldDescription = new FieldDescription("Earthquake_DateOnly", FieldType.DateOnly); // 1:16:42 AM (TimeOnly) FieldDescription earthquakeTimeOnlyFieldDescription = new FieldDescription("Earthquake_TimeOnly", FieldType.TimeOnly); // 9/28/2014 1:16:42.000 AM -09:00 (Timestamp with Offset) FieldDescription earthquakeTimestampOffsetFieldDescription = new FieldDescription("Earthquake_TimestampOffset_Local", FieldType.TimestampOffset); // 9/28/2014 1:16:42 AM (DateTime) FieldDescription earthquakeDateFieldDescription = new FieldDescription("Earthquake_Date", FieldType.Date);
public void CreateFeatureDatasetWithFeatureClassSnippet(Geodatabase geodatabase) { // Creating a FeatureDataset named as 'Parcel_Information' and a FeatureClass with name 'Parcels' in one operation string featureDatasetName = "Parcel_Information"; string featureClassName = "Parcels"; SchemaBuilder schemaBuilder = new SchemaBuilder(geodatabase); // Create a FeatureDataset token FeatureDatasetDescription featureDatasetDescription = new FeatureDatasetDescription(featureDatasetName, SpatialReferences.WGS84); FeatureDatasetToken featureDatasetToken = schemaBuilder.Create(featureDatasetDescription); // Create a FeatureClass description FeatureClassDescription featureClassDescription = new FeatureClassDescription(featureClassName, new List<FieldDescription>() { new FieldDescription("Id", FieldType.Integer), new FieldDescription("Address", FieldType.String) }, new ShapeDescription(GeometryType.Point, SpatialReferences.WGS84)); // Create a FeatureClass inside a FeatureDataset FeatureClassToken featureClassToken = schemaBuilder.Create(new FeatureDatasetDescription(featureDatasetToken), featureClassDescription); // Build status bool buildStatus = schemaBuilder.Build(); // Build errors if (!buildStatus) { IReadOnlyList<string> errors = schemaBuilder.ErrorMessages; } }
public void CreateFeatureClassInsideFeatureDatasetSnippet(Geodatabase geodatabase) { // Creating a FeatureClass named as 'Tax_Jurisdiction' in existing FeatureDataset with name 'Parcels_Information' string featureDatasetName = "Parcels_Information"; string featureClassName = "Tax_Jurisdiction"; // Create a FeatureClass description FeatureClassDescription featureClassDescription = new FeatureClassDescription(featureClassName, new List<FieldDescription>() { new FieldDescription("Tax_Id", FieldType.Integer), new FieldDescription("Address", FieldType.String) }, new ShapeDescription(GeometryType.Point, SpatialReferences.WGS84)); FeatureDatasetDefinition featureDatasetDefinition = geodatabase.GetDefinition<FeatureDatasetDefinition>(featureDatasetName); SchemaBuilder schemaBuilder = new SchemaBuilder(geodatabase); // Create a FeatureClass inside a FeatureDataset using a FeatureDatasetDefinition schemaBuilder.Create(new FeatureDatasetDescription(featureDatasetDefinition), featureClassDescription); // Build status bool buildStatus = schemaBuilder.Build(); // Build errors if (!buildStatus) { IReadOnlyList<string> errors = schemaBuilder.ErrorMessages; } }
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10