public ReadOnlyObservableCollection<Item> Items {get;}
Public ReadOnly Property Items As ReadOnlyObservableCollection(Of Item)
public ReadOnlyObservableCollection<Item> Items {get;}
Public ReadOnly Property Items As ReadOnlyObservableCollection(Of Item)
Returns the current collection of project items: the maps, layouts, toolboxes, databases, folder connections, locators, and so on that have been added to the project.
A folder connection is a project item. Subfolders and files accessed using a folder connection are items, but are not project items; they have not been added to a project. Similarly, databases that have been added to a project are project items, but databases accessed from a folder connection are items. The items within a database are always items, not project items.
string openProjectPath = @"D\DATA\IGPHistoryItemTestProject\IGPHistoryItemTestProject.aprx"; await Project.OpenAsync(openProjectPath); MapProjectItem mapProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("Map", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); var map = await QueuedTask.Run(() => mapProjItem.GetMap()); var ftrLayer = map.Layers[0] as FeatureLayer; string tool1 = "management.GetCount"; var args1 = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(ftrLayer); var env = Geoprocessing.MakeEnvironmentArray(overwriteoutput: true); GPExecuteToolFlags executeFlags = GPExecuteToolFlags.AddToHistory; var t = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync(tool1, args1,env,null,null,executeFlags); IEnumerable<IGPHistoryItem> hisItems = Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer(Geoprocessing.HistoryContainerKey) as IEnumerable<IGPHistoryItem>; String hitemID=""; String hitemToolPath="" ; IGPResult hitemGPResult=null; DateTime hitemTimeStamp; foreach (var hitem in hisItems) { // common IGPHistoryItem and Item properties hitemID = (hitem as Item).ID; hitemToolPath = hitem.ToolPath; hitemGPResult = hitem.GPResult; hitemTimeStamp = hitem.TimeStamp; }
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10