Network dataset build errors

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Help archive

Available with Network Analyst license.

What are network dataset build errors?

When a network dataset is built using the Build Network tool, build errors may be generated. These errors indicate potential problems that may prevent the network from working as intended. Although some build errors may be safely ignored, others must be addressed before the network will work. Features with build errors will not be included in the built network dataset.

How to access network dataset build errors

When you run the Build Network tool, the tool will produce warning message 030116 if any build errors are generated. The message text gives the path to a text file containing a list of build errors. Open this text file in a text editor to see the build errors.

Be sure to review the build error text file or make a copy of it before closing ArcGIS Pro. The text file is stored only temporarily and will be deleted when your current session of ArcGIS Pro has ended.

Reading the build error text file

Each line in the build error text file represents a build error. Some network dataset build errors indicate global problems with the network dataset settings. In this case, the line in the file simply states the message.

Other build errors are specific to a particular edge, junction, or turn feature in the network dataset. These messages consist of three parts, separated by commas. The SourceName part indicates the network dataset source feature class with which the error is associated. The ObjectID part indicates the ID of the feature in that feature class that is causing the problem. The final part shows the build error text.

Common build errors and how to fix them

Build errors typically fall into one of a few common categories: geometry errors, hierarchy problems, and problems with turn features. The following sections contain information about some common build errors and suggestions for how to address them.

Geometry errors

Some build errors indicate a problem with the geometry of features that make up the network dataset. Some common geometry errors can be automatically identified and corrected using the Check Geometry and Repair Geometry tools. The Replace Geometry editing tool may be helpful for manually correcting serious geometry problems on individual features.

Geometry is empty.

This message indicates that the feature's geometry is empty. This often occurs when the feature is generated through some automated process, particularly if a line is automatically generated between two coincident points. To correct the problem, delete the feature or replace its geometry.

The feature's geometry has zero length.

This message indicates that the feature's geometry is empty or invalid. This often occurs when the feature is generated through some automated process, particularly if a line is automatically generated between two coincident points. To correct the problem, delete the feature or replace its geometry.

A line feature has fewer than two vertices.

This message indicates that the feature's geometry is invalid. This often occurs when the feature is generated through some automated process, particularly if a line is automatically generated between two coincident points. To correct the problem, delete the feature or replace its geometry.

The edge feature is too small to participate in snapping and may not be connected to other features.

Vertices that are closer than a small system-calculated tolerance are considered coincident by the network build algorithm. Network elements within this tolerance will be connected in the network. If a line feature's length is smaller than this tolerance, that line feature may not connect properly to other features. To correct the problem, delete the feature or edit the shape to be larger.

Hierarchy errors

Some build errors indicate problems with the network dataset's hierarchy attribute or the field values that are used to calculate the network dataset's hierarchy values.

Learn more about hierarchy attributes and how to configure them

If you're modeling travel within a small region, such as a metropolitan area, you may not need a hierarchy attribute. You can correct hierarchy errors in this case by removing the hierarchy attribute from the network.

Invalid hierarchical value.

This occurs when the calculated hierarchy value of a particular feature is 0, negative, null, or some noninteger value.

A network's hierarchy attribute is often configured with a field evaluator reading the hierarchy value from a field in the source's attribute table and falling back to a default value if the field value is null. This error can occur if the field value itself is invalid or, alternatively, if the field value is null but the default hierarchy value is 0.

To correct the problem, edit the feature's hierarchy value and ensure that the network has a good default value for hierarchy.

At least one feature in the network dataset should have hierarchy value 1.

A properly configured hierarchy attribute requires one or more features in the network to have a hierarchy value of 1. To correct the problem, edit your feature attributes or the hierarchy attribute's default value to ensure that some features have a hierarchy value of 1.

Turn errors

Some build errors indicate problems with turn features. Although turn features have geometry, the network dataset uses only the fields in the turn feature class's attribute table. Consequently, many problems with turn features relate to problems with the values in those fields.

Learn more about turn features

You can use the tools in the Turn Feature Class toolset in the Network Analyst Tools toolbox to create and modify turn features.

Turn element already exists.

Two turn features cannot represent the same turning movement. They cannot have the same first and last exterior edges.

To correct the problem, delete this turn feature or the other turn feature that represents the same turning movement.

The edges of the turn element conflict with existing interior/exterior edges.

The first or last edge (any exterior edge) in the turn cannot be an interior edge of another turn.

To correct the problem, edit or delete this turn feature or the other conflicting turn feature.

One of the interior edges of the turn element is the same as the first or last edge.

The turn feature is invalid. A turn feature cannot pass through an edge after starting on that edge or ending on it.

To correct the problem, edit the turn feature's attributes so that none of the interior edges are the same as the first or last edge.

The edges of the turn element are not connected to each other.

A turn cannot connect edges that are not logically connected in the network dataset. This message occurs when some of the edges participating in the turn are not connected.

To correct the problem, delete the turn, or edit it so that it connects network edges that are logically connected. You may need to edit the edge features or review the network dataset's connectivity policy.

Cannot find at junction.

A turn cannot connect edges that are not logically connected in the network dataset. This message occurs when some of the edges participating in the turn are not connected.

To correct the problem, delete the turn, or edit it so that it connects network edges that are logically connected. You may need to edit the edge features or review the network dataset's connectivity policy.

One of the edges of the turn element is a self-loop.

A self-looping edge connects to itself. You cannot connect a turn to such an edge.

To correct the problem, delete the turn feature or edit the self-looping edge so that it is no longer self-looping.

Cannot interpret turn row.

The values in the edge identifier fields for the turn are invalid or null.

To correct the problem, review and update the fields defining the turn or delete the turn.

Learn more about the schema of a turn feature class

Traffic errors

Some build errors indicate problems with traffic.

The free-flow speed is not a positive value.

In the Streets-Profiles historical traffic table, the field value for the free-flow speed is either null, zero, or negative.

To correct the problem, specify a positive value in the free-flow speed field.

The free-flow travel time is not a positive value.

In the Streets-Profiles historical traffic table, the field value for the free-flow travel time is either null, zero, or negative.

To correct the problem, specify a positive value in the free-flow travel time field.

Edge feature class and feature ID errors

Several tables and feature classes participating in the network dataset include fields relating rows to edge source feature class rows. If these edge identifier field values cannot be successfully matched to an edge feature, a build error will occur.

Affected feature classes and tables may include turn feature classes, the historical traffic Streets-Profiles table, the live traffic Streets-TMC table, and the reference landmarks, Signposts-Streets and road forks tables used in directions configuration.

Learn more about the schema of a turn feature class

Learn more about the schema of a Streets-Profiles table

Learn more about the schema of a Streets-TMC table

Learn more about the schema of a reference landmarks table

Learn more about the schema of a Signposts_Streets table

Learn more about the schema of a road forks table

Invalid EdgeFCID field value


The message may specify a slightly different field name, such as Edge1FCID or Edge2FCID, for some feature classes and tables.

The EdgeFCID field (or Edge1FCID, Edge2FCID, etc. in some tables), is the object class ID of the edge source to which this row relates. The error indicates that this ID value does not correspond to the ID of a feature class participating in the network dataset as an edge source. This most commonly occurs if you export or copy feature classes and recreate the network dataset using the copies because the object class IDs may be different.

To correct the problem, replace the invalid EdgeFCID field (or Edge1FCID, Edge2FCID, etc.) values with the correct values for the corresponding edge source by manually editing the data or using the Calculate Field tool.

You can find the object class ID value for a feature class by opening the feature class or layer properties, and clicking the Source tab. In the Data Source section, in the Name row, click the Object Class ID button and read the displayed value.

Invalid EdgeFID field value


The message may specify a slightly different field name, such as Edge1FID or Edge2FID, for some feature classes and tables.

The EdgeFID field (or Edge1FID, Edge2FID, etc. in some tables), is the object identifier of the edge source feature to which this row relates. The error indicates that this ID value does not correspond to the ID of a row in the edge source. This most commonly occurs if you have deleted street features and have not updated the other tables to remove corresponding records. It could also occur if you have exported or copied the edge source feature class and its object identifiers have changed.

You can correct the problem in several ways depending on its cause. If the corresponding edge features have been deleted and are no longer relevant, either ignore the build errors or delete the rows causing the build errors. If the records refer to rows that still exist, update the EdgeFID (or Edge1FID, Edge2FID, etc.) field values with the correct values. For a turn feature class, this can be done automatically using the Update By Geometry tool. Correcting the other feature classes and tables requires manual inspection and editing.

Network edge not found with positions <value> to <value>

This message indicates that the values in the EdgeFrmPos and EdgeToPos fields (or Edge1FrmPos and Edge1ToPos, Edge2FrmPos and Edge2ToPos, etc. in some tables) do not correspond to a network dataset edge element in the internal logical network. Typically this occurs when a dissolved network dataset is clipped or edited.

If you have clipped the network, and the errors correspond to edge features on the outer boundaries of the network where you don't expect travel to occur for your analysis, you can ignore these errors. Otherwise, manually inspect and edit the values.

Cannot find edge element corresponding to turn identifier <value>

This message indicates an invalid value in the Edge1FID, Edge2FID, etc. field of a turn feature class. The numerical value in the message corresponds to the numerical value in the field name. For instance, the message "Cannot find edge element corresponding to turn identifier 2" indicates a problem in the Edge2FID field.

See the explanation for the "Invalid EdgeFID field value" message above for more details. You may be able to correct the problem automatically using the Update By Geometry tool.


Additional errors are described below.

Standalone user-defined junction is detected.

The junction feature is not connected to any edges and will not be reachable when routing.

Delete the junction, or edit it or the edges so that it is properly connected.

No connectivity policy found.

This message typically occurs when defining connectivity using subtypes if the feature's subtype value is null or does not correspond to any value defined in the network's connectivity policy. To correct the problem, update the feature's subtype field value or update the network's connectivity policy.

Learn more about subtypes

Learn more about network dataset connectivity