You may need to periodically update the data in the feature service after you load data to an Indoors workspace, prepare and share a floor-aware map to your ArcGIS organization, and create web apps from it.
How you manage your indoor data affects whether you will use ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise, the type of geodatabase you store your data in, how you publish data to your ArcGIS organization, and how you update published data. After deciding what data management strategy to use, you can review the specifics of the appropriate data management workflow in the sections below.
Edit data in a geodatabase
You can change data in a geodatabase in ArcGIS Pro and use these layers to overwrite shared feature service layers. This workflow allows you to review changes in ArcGIS Pro and conduct quality control against them before committing them to the live feature service being consumed by web maps and apps.
Complete these steps to make edits locally in a geodatabase and overwrite published web feature layers with your changes:
- Start ArcGIS Pro and connect to the geodatabase that contains your indoor data.
When overwriting a web layer, it is not possible to preserve edits that have been made to the feature service after it has been published, such as assignments made for office hotels or occupants in Space Planner. If your feature service contains edits that need to be preserved, export the feature service to a file geodatabase and open the exported geodatabase in ArcGIS Pro before proceeding with the steps below.
- Edit the geodatabase data with changes as necessary.
For example, you can run the Import BIM To Indoor Dataset or Import CAD To Indoor Dataset tool to add a new building or incorporate floor plan changes, update the equipment filter by adding new fields with the proper coded value domains applied, and so on.
- Optionally, perform quality control workflows on the data.
- Add all layers present in the feature service that you want to overwrite to the map.
Overwriting targeted layers in a feature service is not supported; you must overwrite the entire feature service. Ensure that all matching layers from the feature service are added to the map in ArcGIS Pro before overwriting the feature service to avoid losing data.
- Select all the layers in the table of contents that match the layers in the service that you want to overwrite.
- Right-click the layers and choose Sharing > Overwrite web layer.
The Overwrite web layer pane appears.
- In the Overwrite web layer pane, choose the feature service that contains the layers used in your floor-aware web map.
- Review the assigned IDs of all layers and ensure they match the existing web layer IDs.
Your layer selection and unique layer IDs must match the layers in the service you are overwriting. Overwriting with the incorrect layer IDs or different layers can cause existing web maps to become nonfunctional.
- Click Publish to overwrite the web layer.
The feature service is updated with your data changes. Check web maps and apps that consume the feature service to ensure that all layers load as expected.
If you have multiple feature services published with your floor plan data, follow the steps above for each feature service you want to overwrite.
Edit data in a branched feature service
You can manage data in a branch versioned feature service to support multiuser editing workflows in ArcGIS Enterprise. You can configure branch versioned feature services after you load data to an Indoors workspace in an enterprise geodatabase and register a data store on your portal. Branch versioning is useful for workflows that require multiple users editing the same data, or updates that require quality control before they are committed to the default version and visible in apps and web maps.
The layers you include in a branch versioned feature service vary according to your use case. You may choose to publish multiple branch versioned feature services to your portal that contain different subsets of your data to support multiple editing workflows.
For example, if you are using Indoor Space Planner, your feature service should include the Units layer, Occupants layer, and Areas and Area Roles tables. If you are making updates to floor plans and conducting quality control workflows on your data, you can publish a second feature service that includes the Sites, Facilities, Levels, Units, and Details layers as well as the error layers, and publish a feature service with both branch versioning and validation enabled to support data update scenarios with quality control checks.
Consider sharing any layers that will not be edited as a map image layer together to improve performance. Layers can be configured to only be editable in certain scenarios. For example, while you may share one editable branch versioned feature service that includes all of the floor plan layers, in a web map for Indoor Viewer, you may choose to share some of those layers that users don't need to edit (such as facilities, levels, and details) as map image layers to improve performance.
Share a branch versioned feature service
The following steps provide an overview for sharing your indoor data as a branch-versioned feature service:
- Start ArcGIS Pro and connect to the enterprise geodatabase that contains your Indoors data using a version-enabled connection.
- Select the layers from the Contents pane that you want to include in the branch versioned feature service.
- Right-click the selected layers and click Sharing > Share Web Layer.
The Share as Web Layer pane appears.
- Configure layers and service properties to enable branch versioning.
If your data contains true curves, consider if their geometry should be preserved and set the editing options accordingly.
Edit branch versioned data, reconcile, and post changes to default
Follow the steps below to add branch versioned feature service layers to a map in ArcGIS Pro and perform edits in a version:
- Locate your feature service on the Portal tab, in the Catalog pane.
- Select the layers from the feature service that you want to add, right-click, and choose Add To Current Map.
- Click the List By Data Source tab in the Contents pane.
- Right-click the data source icon
for the layer, and choose Manage Versions.
The Versioning tab is enabled.
- On the Versioning tab, in the Versioning group, click the New Version button
to open the New Version creation dialog box.
The version you are currently connected to appears in the Parent Version section at the top of the dialog box.
- Set the name and permission level for the new version, and check the Change to this new version check box.
- Click OK to create the named version.
- Perform edits as necessary on the new version.
Changes made to a version are not be visible in web maps or apps that use your published data until you reconcile and post them to the default version. If the validation capability is enabled on the branch versioned service, you can perform quality control checks on your changes before reconciling and posting them.
- Reconcile and post changes to commit changes to the default version.
When merging a plan in Space Planner, changes are automatically reconciled and posted to the default version. Conflicts can be reviewed in ArcGIS Pro before committing changes from any space plan.
Edits made in the version are now visible in web maps and apps that reference the data store.
Edit data in a feature service
If you publish editable hosted feature services to your ArcGIS organization, you can optionally update features in the hosted feature services. You can edit the web feature layer with Map Viewer, ArcGIS Pro, or ArcGIS REST API.
Be careful when editing feature service data. Editing a feature service makes changes immediately available to users, meaning you cannot conduct quality control workflows before changes appear, and reverting changes can be difficult. Editing a hosted feature service may be suitable for small changes such as edits to feature attributes, while larger changes such as floor plan remodels are better suited to branch versioning workflows.
Follow the steps below to update the attributes of your editable layers in the feature service in ArcGIS Pro:
- In the Catalog pane, click the Portal tab.
- Browse to or search for a web map or web feature layer in My Content or another portal collection.
- Add the web layer or web map using one of the following methods:
- Drag the map service or web layer onto the map.
- Right-click the map service or web layer and click Add To Current Map
To add individual sublayers, double-click to expand and browse the feature layers.
- Apply edits to feature layer data.
- Use the Save Edits button
to commit your changes.
The feature services in the map are updated with your data changes. Check the web map and apps that use it to ensure all layers load as expected.