Available with Standard or Advanced license.
You can access properties of the utility network from both the Contents and Catalog panes in ArcGIS Pro. When opened from the Contents pane, the Layer Properties dialog box displays information about layer-specific properties as well as dataset properties. Opening the Utility Network Properties dialog box from the Catalog pane displays only the dataset properties for the utility network.
Access utility network properties
The Layer Properties and Utility Network Properties dialog boxes provide to the same dataset properties for the utility network. However, when you access Layer Properties from the Contents pane, additional tabs such as General, Metadata, and Source allow you to set layer properties common to all map layers.
Access properties from the Contents pane
Use the following steps to open the Layer Properties dialog box using the utility network layer's context menu in the Contents pane.
- Ensure the utility network is added to an active map. If the utility network layer is not present in a map, from the Catalog pane, right-click the utility network dataset
and select Add to new map or Add to current map.
The utility network and related network classes are added to a new or existing map view.
- In the Contents pane,
right-click the utility network layer and select Properties.
The Layer Properties dialog box appears.
The following tabs are available on the Layer Properties dialog box:
- General
- Metadata
- Source
- Network Properties
- Network Diagrams
Access properties from the Catalog pane
You can access the Utility Network Properties dialog box from the utility network dataset's contextual menu under Databases in the Catalog pane.
- With ArcGIS Pro open, browse to the Catalog pane and open the geodatabase and feature dataset containing the utility network.
- In the Catalog pane,
right-click the utility network dataset and select Properties.
The Utility Network Properties dialog box appears.
- Network Properties
- Network Diagrams
The following tabs are available on the Utility Network Properties dialog box:
Network Properties tab
The Network Properties tab provides information about the creation date, network topology, domain networks, rules, diagram templates, and other important metadata regarding the current configuration of the utility network.

The following sections are included on the Network Properties tab for the utility network:
The General section includes information about the creation and last modified times and version information for the utility network:
- Created Time
- Utility Network Version
- ArcGIS Pro Release
- Last Modified Time
- Portal Utility Network Owner (see note below)
- Upgraded (see note below)
When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the Portal Utility Network Owner and Upgraded properties are only available on the Network Properties tab when accessed from a database connection as the database utility network owner. The portal utility network owner is helpful when performing configuration and publishing tasks.
Network Topology
The Network Topology section includes information about whether the network topology is enabled, the dirty area count, and error counts. In addition, specific operations are recorded as they are completed against the utility network:
- Is Enabled
- Point Features with Errors (*Point Error Count)
- Line Features with Errors (*Line Error Count)
- Polygon Features with Errors (*Polygon Error Count)
- Nonspatial Objects with Errors
- Dirty Area Count
- Initial Enable Topology Time and Duration
- Enable Topology Time and Duration
- Last Full Validate Topology Time and Duration
- Last Partial Validate Topology Time and Duration
- Disable Topology Time and Duration
- Last Update Is Connected Time
* Utility Network Version 3 or earlier
Structure Network
The Structure Network section comprises the following subsections:
- General—Information about the structure network
- Created Time
- Name
- Alias Name
- Structure network datasets
Structure network dataset name Structure Junction
Structure Line
Structure Boundary
Structure Junction Object
Structure Edge Object
The following properties for each dataset are displayed:
- Asset Group Name
- Asset Type Name
- Association Role
- Container View Scale
- Association Deletion Semantics
- Category (all except boundary)
- Network Edge Connectivity Policy (line and edge object only)
- Container Split Policy (line and edge object only)
Domain Network
For each domain network that is part of the utility network, there is a section titled <Domain network name> Network. This section within the network properties comprises the following subsections:
- General—Information about the domain network
- Created Time
- Name
- Alias Name
- Tier Definition
- Subnetwork Controller Type
- Tiers—Tiers that have been created with their associated subnetwork definition
- Tier Name
- Tier Rank
- Tier Topology Type
- Support Disjoint Subnetworks
- Update Subnetwork Policy
- Manage IsDirty: True | False
- Update Structure Network Containers: True | False
- Update Domain Network Containers: True | False
- Edit Mode in Default: Without Eventing | With Eventing (enterprise, file, and mobile geodatabases)
- Edit Mode in Version: Without Eventing | With Eventing (enterprise geodatabase only)
- Valid Subnetwork Controllers
- Device
- Junction Object
- Subnetwork Field Name—Domain networks with hierarchical tier definitions only
- Valid Devices
- Valid Lines
- Aggregated Lines for SubnetLine Feature Class
- Valid Junctions
- Valid Junction Objects
- Valid Edge Objects
- Diagram Templates
- Trace Configuration
- Domain network datasets
Domain network dataset name <Domain network name> Device
<Domain network name> Junction
<Domain network name> Line
<Domain network name> Assembly
<Domain network name> Junction Object
<Domain network name> Edge Object
The following properties for each dataset are displayed:
- Asset Group Name
- Asset Type Name
- Association Role
- Container View Scale
- Association Deletion Semantics
- Category
- Network Edge Connectivity Policy (line and edge object only)
- Terminal Configuration Name (device and junction object only)
- Container Split Policy (line and edge object only)
The Rules section lists the existing network rule base for the utility network. This section is divided by network rule type, as shown below. Within each rule type is a Sort By filter for easier viewing.
- Junction-Junction Connectivity
- Junction-Edge Connectivity
- Edge-Junction-Edge Connectivity
- Containment
- Structural Attachment
Within each rule type, the table contains all the properties for that rule. See View network rules for more details.
Attributes and Assignments
The Attributes and Assignments section includes the network attributes and assignments for the utility network. As network attributes are created in the utility network, they are listed in the Attributes table.
- Name
- Field Type
- Nullable
- Inline (Bit Size)
- Domain Name
- Apportionable
- Network Attribute to Substitute
- Created Time
When they are assigned to a particular feature class and field, they populate the Assignments table.
- Attribute Name
- Class Name
- Field Name
Terminal Configurations
The Terminal Configurations section includes a table that displays the existing terminal configurations in the utility network and includes information about the following properties of each terminal configuration.
- Name
- Directionality Model
- Terminals (ID/Name/Upstream Terminal)
- Valid Paths
- Created Time
For information about which asset types are assigned a specific terminal configuration, review the device feature class or junction object table properties in the specific domain network (terminal configuration name).
The Categories section includes the names of existing network categories in the utility network. For information about which asset types are assigned a specific network category, review the Category column for the specific feature class or table in the Structure Network and <Domain name> Network sections.
- Name
- Created Time
Trace Configurations
The Trace Configurations section includes the name, description, creator, created time, and tags for named trace configurations created in the utility network. To learn more, see Named trace configurations.
Network Diagrams tab
The Network Diagrams tab includes the Diagram Templates section. This section includes the names of existing diagram templates in the utility network, and information about the following properties for each diagram template is displayed:
- Name
- Created Time
- Last Modified Time
- Diagram Storage
- Is System
- Extend Diagram
- Description