Different Z at Intersection

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Help archive

Available with ArcGIS Pro Standard and Data Reviewer licenses.


The ArcGIS Data Reviewer Different Z at Intersection check searches for intersecting polyline features with z-value differences that are within the minimum and maximum range at intersection points.

Supported workflows

ArcGIS Data Reviewer checks support multiple methods for implementing automated review of data. The following table identifies the supported implementation methods for this check:

Validation attribute ruleConstraint attribute rule


(ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 or later)



The Different Z at Intersection check identifies features that may have different z-values, such as two feature classes that intersect in the x,y plane.

For example, a contour line and a bridge can have different elevations since the contour measures the elevation on the ground and the bridge can be significantly above the ground. In this instance, the intersection is valid, as the difference in z-values is expected. However, a road feature intersecting the bridge should have the same z-value as the bridge at the intersection; they cannot have different z-values and still have a valid intersection point.





The subtype to which the rule is applied.




A query that identifies the features to which the rule is applied.


Features to Compare


Input features are returned as errors based on their relationship to the features from this data source.

Valid inputs are z-enabled polyline features with horizontal and vertical datums that match the input data source.


Features to Compare Filter


A query that identifies the features to include in the rule, from the data source specified in the Features to Compare parameter.


Spatial Relationship


The spatial relationship to be evaluated.

Types of spatial relationships include the following:

  • Crosses—The interior of a feature from the input feature class meets the interior of a feature from the Features to Compare source at a point.
  • Touches—The boundary of a feature from the input feature class meets the boundary of a feature from the Features to Compare source. The interiors of the features do not intersect.


Z-Value Range


The error condition evaluated by the rule.

This parameter contains an upper and lower bound that defines the range in which to search for errors. Polyline features with a z-value absolute difference within the maximum and minimum specified range at the point where they intersect are returned as an error. For example, if the lower bound is set to 1 and the upper bound is set to 2, two lines that cross or touch with a vertical distance between 1 and 2 (inclusive) return an error.

The z-value range can be defined in feet, U.S. feet, or meters.




A unique name for the rule.

This information is used to support data quality requirement traceability, automated reporting, and corrective workflows.




A description of the error you define when a noncompliant feature is found.

This information is used to provide guidance for corrective workflows.




The severity of the error assigned when a noncompliant feature is found.

This value indicates the importance of the error relative to other errors. Values range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest.




The tag property of the rule.

This information is used in rule authoring and management workflows to support traceability and reporting of data quality requirements.



Keep the following in mind when using the check:

  • This check supports z-enabled polyline features.
  • A vertical coordinate system must be defined for the feature classes you want to use with this check.
  • The Validation Status attribute value of input features is ignored during evaluation. For example, input features with a validation status of 0 (No calculation required, no validation required, no error), 1 (No calculation required, no validation required, has error(s)),4 (Calculation required, no validation required, no error), or 5 (Calculation required, no validation required, has error(s)) are still included during rule evaluation.
  • The Attribute and Features to Compare Filter parameters are limited to comparison (=, <>, >, <, >=, <=) and logical (AND/OR, IN/NOT IN, LIKE/NOT LIKE, IS NULL) operators.
  • Include the data source for the Features to Compare parameter when creating map or project packages and when sharing web layers with the Validation capability enabled.
  • The Attribute filter parameter does not support the following field types: Big Integer, Date Only, Time Only, and Timestamp Offset. If selected, the row header is marked in red and does not allow the rule to be saved.

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