ArcGIS Pro 3.3 API Reference Guide
Inheritance Hierarchy Version
ArcGIS.Core.Data.Knowledge Namespace

This namespace contains types used for knowledge graphs.

Class Represents a Knowledge Graph datastore.
Class Represents an array of knowledge graph values in a KnowledgeGraph.
Class Represents the properties used to connect to a knowledge graph datastore.
Class Represents an object returned by a query or text search performed on a knowledge graph.
Class Represents the data model for the knowledge graph.
Class Represents an end point for a relationship type in the data model.
Class Represents an entity type in the knowledge graph.
Class Represents a knowledge graph entity.
Class Extension methods for use with KnowledgeGraph
Class Represents an object containing information about how the knowledge graph service generates unique identifiers.
ClassAbstract base class representing information about unique identifiers in the knowledge graph. Concrete subclasses include KnowledgeGraphNativeIdentifier and KnowledgeGraphUniformIdentifier.
ClassAbstract base class representing a named object type. Concrete subclasses include KnowledgeGraphEntityType and KnowledgeGraphRelationshipType.
Class Represents a named object value from a KnowledgeGraph. Named objects can be either entities or relationships.
Class Represents a unique identifier information object for a knowledge graph that uses the database native identifier as the unique identifier for entities and relationships.
Class Represents an anonymous object value in a KnowledgeGraph.
Class Represents a path value in a knowledge graph.
Class Represents a primitive value in a KnowledgeGraph.
Class Represents a knowledge graph property.
ClassRepresents a filter for performing a query against a KnowledgeGraph.
Class Represents a relationship type in the knowledge graph.
Class Represents a knowledge graph relationship.
ClassRepresents a row from a KnowledgeGraphCursor.
ClassRepresents a filter for performing a full text search against a KnowledgeGraph.
Class Represents an error object returned from a knowledge graph service.
Class Represents a unique identifier information object for a knowledge graph that uses a uniform property as the unique identifier for entities and relationships.
Class Abstract base class for all kKnowledge graph values.
EnumerationRepresents the role of a named object type. See KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectType.GetRole.
EnumerationRepresents the category of a named type. The default is unspecified. Other options include entity, relationship, both entity and relationship, and provenance. Currently used to communicate search targets.

The categories supported by the Knowedge Graph is determined by KnowledgeGraph.GetSupportedSearchTargets.
EnumerationRepresents the role of a graph property. See KnowledgeGraphProperty.GetRole.
EnumerationIndicates whether entities with an entity type of role KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectTypeRole.Provenance should be excluded or included in the query results. See KnowledgeGraphQueryFilter.ProvenanceBehavior.
EnumerationRepresents the method that the knowledge graph service uses for generating unique identifiers in the event that one is not provided by the user. See KnowledgeGraphIdentifierGeneration.GetMethodHint.
Enumeration Represents the type of knowledge graph value.
See Also