ArcGIS Pro 3.3 API Reference Guide
In This Topic
ArcGIS.Core Assembly
In This Topic
This namespace contains exceptions common to ArcGIS.Core methods.

This namespace contains types used in Arcade expression evaluation.

This namespace contains types used for the Cartographic Information Model.
The ArcGIS.Core.Data contains types that support data access.

This namespace contains types used for TINs, LAS, and Terrains.

This namespace contains classes that support the data definition language (DDL) operations.

This namespace contains exceptions used by classes in ArcGIS.Core.Data.

This namespace contains types used for knowledge graphs.

This namespace contains classes that support data access for annotation and dimensions.

This namespace contains types used for network diagramming.

This namespace contains classes that support parcel datasets.

This namespace contains classes that support the PluginDatastore.
This namespace contains types that support raster data access.
This namespace contains classes that support RealTime data.

This namespace contains types that support topology.

This namespace contains types used by the utility network.
This namespace contains types used with the tracing capabilities of the utility network.
This namespace contains types used for ArcGIS Pro Global Events.
This namespace contains types for creating, modifying, deleting, and converting geometry objects.

This namespace contains exceptions used by geometry operations.

This namespace contains types used for querying licensing status.

This namespace contains exceptions used by licensing.

This namespace contains types that support various utility methods.

This namespace contains types that asynchronous programming in Pro.