Analyzing Patterns toolset |
Average Nearest Neighbor |  |  |  |
High/Low Clustering |  |  |  |
Incremental Spatial Autocorrelation |  |  |  |
Multi-Distance Spatial Cluster Analysis |  |  |  |
Spatial Autocorrelation |  |  |  |
Mapping Clusters toolset |
Build Balanced Zones |  |  |  |
Calculate Composite Index |  |  |  |
Cluster and Outlier Analysis: Anselin Local Moran's I |  |  |  |
Density-based Clustering |  |  |  |
Hot Spot Analysis |  |  |  |
Hot Spot Analysis Comparison |  |  |  |
Multivariate Clustering |  |  |  |
Optimized Hot Spot Analysis |  |  |  |
Optimized Outlier Analysis |  |  |  |
Similarity Search Advanced license is required to use Collapse Output To Points parameter. |  |  |  |
Spatial Outlier Detection Spatial Analyst is required to use the Output Prediction Raster parameter. |  |  |  |
Spatially Constrained Multivariate Clustering |  |  |  |
Measuring Geographic Distributions toolset |
Central Feature |  |  |  |
Directional Distribution (Standard Deviational Ellipse) |  |  |  |
Linear Directional Mean |  |  |  |
Mean Center |  |  |  |
Median Center |  |  |  |
Neighborhood Summary Statistics Advanced license is required to use Delaunay triangulation neighborhood type. |  |  |  |
Standard Distance |  |  |  |
Modeling Spatial Relationships toolset |
Causal Inference Analysis |  |  |  |
Colocation Analysis |  |  |  |
Exploratory Regression |  |  |  |
Forest-based and Boosted Classification and Regression Spatial Analyst is required to use rasters. |  |  |  |
Generalized Linear Regression |  |  |  |
Generate Network Spatial Weights | Requires Network Analyst | Requires Network Analyst | Requires Network Analyst |
Generate Spatial Weights Matrix |  |  |  |
Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) Advanced license is required to generate coefficient rasters. |  |  |  |
Hot Spot Comparison |  |  |  |
Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR) Advanced license is required to generate coefficient rasters. |  |  |  |
Local Bivariate Relationships |  |  |  |
Ordinary Least Squares |  |  |  |
Predict Using Spatial Statistics Model File Spatial Analyst is required to use rasters. |  |  |  |
Presence-Only Prediction Spatial Analyst is required to use rasters. |  |  |  |
Spatial Association Between Zones Spatial Analyst is required to use rasters as input or output. |  |  |  |
Utilities toolset |
Calculate Distance Band from Neighbor Count |  |  |  |
Calculate Rates |  |  |  |
Collect Events |  |  |  |
Convert Spatial Statistics Popup Charts for Web Display |  |  |  |
Convert Spatial Weights Matrix to Table |  |  |  |
Describe Spatial Statistics Model File |  |  |  |
Dimension Reduction |  |  |  |
Export Feature Attribute to ASCII |  |  |  |
Set Spatial Statistics Model File Properties |  |  |  |
Time Series Smoothing |  |  |  |