| Name | Description |
 | AlphaBandIndex |
Gets or sets the band to be represented in alpha.
 | BackgroundColor |
Gets or sets the background display color.
 | BackgroundValueBlue |
Gets or sets the background blue value.
 | BackgroundValueGreen |
Gets or sets the background green value.
 | BackgroundValueRed |
Gets or sets the background red value.
 | BlueBandIndex |
Gets or sets the band to be represented in blue.
 | BlueLookup |
Gets or sets the blue lookup values.
 | Brightness |
Gets or sets the brightness value.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMRasterColorizer) |
 | Contrast |
Gets or sets the contrast value.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMRasterColorizer) |
 | CustomStretchMaxBlue |
Gets or sets the color stretch custom maximum value for blue.
 | CustomStretchMaxGreen |
Gets or sets the color stretch custom maximum value for green.
 | CustomStretchMaxRed |
Gets or sets the color stretch custom maximum value for red.
 | CustomStretchMinBlue |
Gets or sets the color stretch custom minimum value for blue.
 | CustomStretchMinGreen |
Gets or sets the color stretch custom minimum value for green.
 | CustomStretchMinRed |
Gets or sets the color stretch custom minimum value for red.
 | DisplayBackgroundValue |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to display the background value.
 | ESRIStretchContrastB |
Gets or sets the Esri stretch contrast value for blue.
 | ESRIStretchContrastG |
Gets or sets the Esri stretch contrast value for green.
 | ESRIStretchContrastR |
Gets or sets the Esri stretch contrast value for red.
 | ESRIStretchMeanB |
Gets or sets the Esri stretch mean value for blue.
 | ESRIStretchMeanG |
Gets or sets the Esri stretch mean value for green.
 | ESRIStretchMeanR |
Gets or sets the Esri stretch mean value for red.
 | GammaB |
Gets or sets the gamma value for blue.
 | GammaG |
Gets or sets the gamma value for green.
 | GammaR |
Gets or sets the gamma value for red.
 | GreenBandIndex |
Gets or sets the band to be represented in green.
 | GreenLookup |
Gets or sets the green lookup values.
 | Heading |
Gets or sets the legend heading.
 | HistogramEditInfoBlue |
Gets or sets the edit info defining the histogram customization for blue.
 | HistogramEditInfoGreen |
Gets or sets the edit info defining the histogram customization for green.
 | HistogramEditInfoRed |
Gets or sets the edit info defining the histogram customization for red.
 | Invert |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the stretch is inverted.
 | LumLookup |
Gets or sets the lum lookup values.
 | MaxPercent |
Gets or sets the maximum percent.
 | MinPercent |
Gets or sets the minimum percent.
 | Name |
Gets or sets the name.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMRasterColorizer) |
 | NoDataColor |
Gets or sets the no data color.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMRasterColorizer) |
 | PansharpeningFilter |
Gets or sets the pansharpening filter.
 | RedBandIndex |
Gets or sets the band to be represented in red.
 | RedLookup |
Gets or sets the red lookup values.
 | ResamplingType |
Gets or sets the raster resampling type.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMRasterColorizer) |
 | SpecificationHistogramBlue |
Gets or sets the specification histogram for blue.
 | SpecificationHistogramGreen |
Gets or sets the specification histogram for green.
 | SpecificationHistogramRed |
Gets or sets the specification histogram for red.
 | StandardDeviationsParam |
Gets or sets the standard deviations parameter.
 | StretchStatsBlue |
Gets or sets the stretch statistics for blue.
 | StretchStatsGreen |
Gets or sets the stretch statistics for green.
 | StretchStatsRed |
Gets or sets the stretch statistics for red.
 | StretchStatsType |
Gets or sets the stretch statistics type.
 | StretchType |
Gets or sets the stretch type.
 | UseAlphaBand |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to use the alpha band.
 | UseBlueBand |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to use the blue band.
 | UseCustomStretchMinMax |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to use custom stretch minimum and maximum.
 | UseDefaultMapping |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to use default mapping.
 | UseGammaStretch |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to use gamma stretch.
 | UseGreenBand |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to use the green band.
 | UseRedBand |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to use the red band.