Prepare Aviation Data (Aviation)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive

Available with Aviation Charting license.


Migrates attributes from main aviation data to their cartographic features based on specific JSON scripts. These attributes are used for labeling and symbolizing cartographic features. Attributes defined in the JSON will be copied from their locations in the main feature classes and formatted into output attributes also defined in the JSON.


  • Attributes will be migrated to the cartographic features in the format || <> <value> <> || in which features are delimited by || and the attribute values of those features are delimited by <>.

    For example, to migrate the TYPE_CODE, IDENT_TXT, and MAGNETICVARIATION_VAL features from the main ADHP feature class, the output in the ADHP_C cartographic feature class will be <> TYPE_CODE <> IDENT_TXT <> MAGNETICVARIATION_VAL <>.


    The || symbols may not be included in the migrated information if a single feature is being migrated from the main features to the cartographic features.


    The ArcGIS Aviation Charting product data files contain Arcade scripts for parsing this delimited data. These scripts are located at <installation location>\ArcGIS Aviation Charting\Product Files\<version>\SampleConfigs\ICAO\Enroute\ArcadeExpressions.

  • The optional Input Datasets parameter is populated by a list of tables and feature classes from the provided JSON. You can select specific tables and features classes for evaluation. If none are selected, they will all be evaluated.


    There are existing limitations with using a file geodatabase that will affect the performance of this tool.

  • This tool will run on all the charts in a project unless individual charts or chart series are specified with the Area of Interest Features parameter. Select the charts to process in the area of interest (AOI) layer and use them as the Area of Interest Features parameter value making sure to turn on the Use the selected records toggle button below the parameter.

  • The Configuration File (.json) parameter lists all of the rules used to extract information from the main aviation data and migrates the information to the cartographic features so that it can be used for symbology and labeling expressions. For each cartographic feature class, a list of rules can be added, with each consisting of the following elements:

    • calcfield—The required field on the cartographic feature where the output will be written. This is required.
    • fields—A list of the main feature fields from which information will be extracted. Fields from multiple related tables can be used. This is required.
    • tables—A list of the tables or feature classes from which attribute information will be extracted. All of the tables referenced by a field in the fields list should be included. This is required.
    • where—An SQL expression that defines the relationships between the tables and, optionally, filters the results. This is required.
    • distinct—Specifies whether duplicate values will be removed from the results and only distinct values will be written to the calcfield field (true). This is optional.
    • requires—A property that sets dependencies for the calcfield elements to determine the order in which they are written. This is optional.
  • There is no set order for the calcfield elements when they are processed from the .json configuration file. There may be times when a calcfield value has a dependency on the output of another calcfield value such as the following:

    • When a calcfield value depends on the output of another calcfield value, you must add a requires key value pair to the calcfield value in the JSON.
    • The value is a string with a key value pair of the table and the calcfield value must be processed before the current calcfield value. For example, "requires":"airspace_c.service_info".
    • Alternatively, you can also provide a list if the output of multiple other calcfield elements are required, for example, "requires":["airspace_c.service_info", "navaidsystem_c.fss_info"].
    • When listing a required calcfield value that also has its own dependency, it is not necessary to also list its required field. However, it must have its own requires key value pair in the JSON.

  • This tool will adjust the processing order to ensure that any required dependencies are run first.

  • The following sample configuration file can be used to populate the Configuration File (.json) parameter:

                "fields": [ 
                "tables": [
                "where": "Master_ID = adhp.gfid" 
                "fields": [
                "tables": [
                "where": "Master_ID = adhp.gfid and adhp.gfid = airspace.adhp_id and airspace.class_code IN ('C', 'D')"
        "navaidsystem": [
                "fields": [
                "tables": [
                "where": "navaidsystem.gfid = availability.predicated_id"
                "fields": [
                "tables": [
                "where": "navaidsystem.gfid = navaidassociation.navaidsystem_id and navaidassociation.navaidcomponent_id = navaidcomponent.gfid", 
                "distinct" : true,
                "requires": ["adhp_c.adhp_info", "adhp_c.availability_info"] 

    The migration data will be stored in the target feature class in the calcfield value. This is populated with the values, such as attributes, from the fields value, which target the source feature class.


    The distinct property allows duplicate values to be removed from the results.


LabelExplanationData Type
Target Geodatabase

The ArcGIS Aviation Charting schema workspace on which the evaluation will be run.

Configuration File (.json)

The .json file containing the evaluation criteria.

Input Datasets

The names of the tables and feature classes that will be evaluated.

Area of Interest Features

An area of interest polygon layer that will be used to spatially filter source features.

Feature Layer

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Workspace

The output aviation workspace containing the evaluation results.


arcpy.aviation.PrepareAviationData(target_gdb, config_file, {in_dataset_names}, {aoi_features})
NameExplanationData Type

The ArcGIS Aviation Charting schema workspace on which the evaluation will be run.


The .json file containing the evaluation criteria.


The names of the tables and feature classes that will be evaluated.


An area of interest polygon layer that will be used to spatially filter source features.

Feature Layer

Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The output aviation workspace containing the evaluation results.


Code sample

PrepareAviationData example (stand-alone script)

The following Python script demonstrates how to use the PrepareAviationData function.

import arcpy

# set gp environment

# Input database where data 
target_gdb = r"C:\data\MyData.gdb"

# config file for data calculation
config_file = r"C:\data\config.json"

# subset of tables or feature classes that will be calculated
in_datasets = "adhp;navaidsystem"

#Input your area of interest features
aoi_features = r"C:\data\MyData.gdb\AOI"

# Running tool
arcpy.aviation.PrepareAviationData(target_gdb, config_file, in_datasets, aoi_features)



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Requires ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: Requires ArcGIS Aviation Charting

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