Add Raster to GeoPackage (Conversion)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive


Loads raster datasets into an OGC GeoPackage raster pyramid.


  • The target GeoPackage can be created using the Create SQLite Database tool.

  • The GeoPackage raster name cannot already exist in the GeoPackage.

  • Raster data with an unknown coordinate reference will be created with a 6-level tiling scheme.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Raster

The raster dataset to load into the OGC GeoPackage raster pyramid.

Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer
Target GeoPackage

The GeoPackage into which the raster dataset will be loaded.

Raster Name

The name of the output GeoPackage raster pyramid.

Tiling Scheme

Specifies the tiling scheme.

  • TiledThe spatial reference of the input raster will be maintained and tiles will be generated consistent with the GeoPackage standard. This is the default.
  • ArcGIS Online Raster tiles will be generated in a Web Mercator coordinate reference (the same scheme developed for the Army Geospatial Center).
  • NSG Profile Scaled Transverse MercatorA scaled transverse Mercator will be used.
  • NSG Profile WGS84 GeographicWGS84 Geographic will be used.
  • Google Earth Web MercatorRaster tiles will be created using the parameters in the Web Mercator coordinate reference.
  • Custom tiling scheme fileA custom tiling scheme from a file with an XML schema definition created using the Generate Tile Cache Tiling Scheme tool will be used.
Tiling Scheme File

A custom tiling scheme file that is required when Tiling Scheme is set to Custom tiling scheme file.

Area of Interest

An area of interest used to limit the area of the raster to be loaded, rather than the entire dataset.

Feature Set

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output GeoPackage

The updated GeoPackage.

Raster Dataset

arcpy.conversion.AddRasterToGeoPackage(in_dataset, target_geopackage, raster_name, {tiling_scheme}, {tiling_scheme_file}, {area_of_interest})
NameExplanationData Type

The raster dataset to load into the OGC GeoPackage raster pyramid.

Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer

The GeoPackage into which the raster dataset will be loaded.


The name of the output GeoPackage raster pyramid.


Specifies the tiling scheme.

  • TILEDThe spatial reference of the input raster will be maintained and tiles will be generated consistent with the GeoPackage standard. This is the default.
  • ARCGISONLINE_SCHEME Raster tiles will be generated in a Web Mercator coordinate reference (the same scheme developed for the Army Geospatial Center).
  • NSGPROFILE_SCALED_TRANSVERSE_MERCATORA scaled transverse Mercator will be used.
  • NSGPROFILE_WGS84_GEOGRAPHICWGS84 Geographic will be used.
  • GOOGLE_EARTH_WEB_MERCATORRaster tiles will be created using the parameters in the Web Mercator coordinate reference.
  • FROM_FILEA custom tiling scheme from a file with an XML schema definition created using the Generate Tile Cache Tiling Scheme tool will be used.

A custom tiling scheme file that is required when tiling_scheme is set to FROM_FILE.


An area of interest used to limit the area of the raster to be loaded, rather than the entire dataset.

Feature Set

Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The updated GeoPackage.

Raster Dataset

Code sample

AddRasterToGeoPackage example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the AddRasterToGeoPackage function.

import arcpy
arcpy.conversion.AddRasterToGeoPackage("c:/data/san_diego.png", "c:/data/san_diego.gpkg", 
                                       "SanDiego", "TILED")


Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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