Add 3D Formats To Multipatch (Data Management)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive


Converts a multipatch to a 3D object feature layer by linking the feature class with one or more 3D model formats.


Add 3D Formats To Multipatch tool illustration


  • This tool converts a multipatch feature class into a 3D object feature layer by creating additional tables associated with the multipatch.

  • One or more 3D model formats can be associated with the multipatch to enable the lighting, reflectance, roughness, textures, materials and other visualization effects supported by those formats.

  • The 3D object feature layer can be used without an associated 3D model. This will provide the texture optimization of the 3D object feature layer for the multipatch feature class. In a multipatch, the texture is stored for each feature independently, and the memory used for rendering the feature will require loading the geometry and the textures in one stream. The 3D object feature layer stores shared textures only once and can load the textures separately from the geometry, allowing the same data to be stored and processed more efficiently.

    Learn more about working with 3D object feature layers


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features

The input geodatabase multipatch feature that will be converted to a 3D object feature layer.

Table View
Use multipatch materials

This parameter is no longer supported. The option to control whether multipatch materials were used was removed to improve this tool's usability. Materials will always be used when they are available through the 3D object feature layer, and they will be automatically removed when the 3D object feature layer capabilities are removed from the multipatch. Additional parameters are available using the dedicated API for multipatches.

3D Formats to Add

Specifies the 3D formats that will be associated with the multipatch features. Each input feature will be duplicated for each selected format. The available options depend on the codecs installed on the computer.

  • Collada (.dae)The COLLADA format will be added.
  • Autodesk Drawing (.dwg)The DWG format will be added.
  • Autodesk (.fbx)The Autodesk FilmBox format will be added.
  • Khronos Group glTF binary (.glb)The binary Graphics Library Transmission format will be added.
  • Khronos Group glTF json (.gltf)The JSON Graphics Library Transmission format will be added.
  • Industry Foundation Classes (.ifc)The Industry Foundation Classes format will be added.
  • Wavefront (.obj)The Wavefront format will be added.
  • Universal Scene Description (.usdc) The Universal Scene Description format will be added.
  • Compressed Universal Scene Description (.usdz) The compressed version of the Universal Scene Description format will be added.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Input Features

The updated input features.

Feature Layer, {multipatch_materials}, {formats})
NameExplanationData Type

The input geodatabase multipatch feature that will be converted to a 3D object feature layer.

Table View

This parameter is no longer supported. The option to control whether multipatch materials were used was removed to improve this tool's usability. Materials will always be used when they are available through the 3D object feature layer, and they will be automatically removed when the 3D object feature layer capabilities are removed from the multipatch. Additional parameters are available using the dedicated API for multipatches.


Specifies the 3D formats that will be associated with the multipatch features. Each input feature will be duplicated for each selected format. The available options depend on the codecs installed on the computer.

  • FMT3D_DAEThe COLLADA format will be added.
  • FMT3D_DWGThe DWG format will be added.
  • FMT3D_FBXThe Autodesk FilmBox format will be added.
  • FMT3D_GLBThe binary Graphics Library Transmission format will be added.
  • FMT3D_GLTFThe JSON Graphics Library Transmission format will be added.
  • FMT3D_IFCThe Industry Foundation Classes format will be added.
  • FMT3D_OBJThe Wavefront format will be added.
  • FMT3D_USDC The Universal Scene Description format will be added.
  • FMT3D_USDZ The compressed version of the Universal Scene Description format will be added.

Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The updated input features.

Feature Layer

Code sample

Add3DFormats example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the Add3DFormats function in immediate mode.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = 'C:/data/city_models.gdb''Downtown_Buildings', 'MULTIPATCH_WITH_MATERIALS', 
                              ['FMT3D_DAE', 'FMT3D_OBJ'])


Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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