ATanH (Image Analyst)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive

Available with Spatial Analyst license.

Available with Image Analyst license.


Calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of cells in a raster.


ATanH illustration
OutRas = ATanH(InRas)


  • In mathematics, all trigonometric functions have a defined range of valid input values called the domain. The output values from each function also have a defined range. For this tool, the following are true:

    • The Domain is: -1 < [in_value] < 1

      Note that any input value that is outside this domain will receive NoData on the output raster.

    • The Range is: -∞ < [out_value] < ∞

    Note that -∞ and ∞ represent the smallest negative and largest positive values supported by the particular raster format, respectively.

  • The input and output values for this tool are interpreted as unitless.

  • Output values are always floating point, regardless of the input data type.

  • If the input is a multiband raster, the output will be a multiband raster. The tool will perform the operation on each band in the input.

  • If the input is multidimensional raster data, all slices from all variables will be processed. The output will be a multidimensional raster in CRF format.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input raster or constant value

The input for which to calculate the inverse hyperbolic tangent values.

To use a number as an input for this parameter, the cell size and extent must first be set in the environment.

Raster Layer; Constant

Return Value

LabelExplanationData Type
Output raster

The output raster.

The values are the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the input values.


Licensing information

  • Basic: Requires Image Analyst or Spatial Analyst
  • Standard: Requires Image Analyst or Spatial Analyst
  • Advanced: Requires Image Analyst or Spatial Analyst

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