Import CAD To Indoor Dataset (Indoors)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive


Imports features from CAD files to an indoor dataset that conforms to the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model. The output of this tool can be used to create floor-aware maps and scenes, as well as to generate an indoor network for routing.


  • Use this tool to load floor plan data into an Indoors workspace created using the Create Indoor Dataset tool or the Create Indoors Database tool.

  • The source CAD data must be georeferenced before running the tool.

  • The Source CAD Data parameter value must be at least one .dwg or .dgn file.


    The tool imports one level (floor) of a facility at a time. If you have multiple CAD files with data for the same level, you can add multiple CAD files to the Source CAD Data parameter.

  • The Target Unit Features, Target Level Features, Target Facility Features, and Target Detail Features parameters must reference feature classes or feature layers that conform to the Indoors model.


    The target features must all be from the same file geodatabase, enterprise geodatabase, or feature service.

    • When features in the Target Unit Features parameter value are added, updated, or deleted, the tool creates a summary text file in the ArcGISProTemp directory. The summary text file lists any added, updated, or deleted unit features using the UNIT_ID and NAME fields.
  • Provide the name of the level for the Level Name parameter. If the level exists in the target Levels layer, you can choose it from the drop-down list. If you choose an existing Levels layer, the Levels feature and associated Units and Details features will be updated. Field values from fields in the Levels and Units layers that are not populated by default will be preserved if they are not mapped using the CAD Annotation Mapping parameter. Details features will be deleted and overwritten.

  • You can import features from CAD layers in the input CAD data, or add the CAD data to a map and import features from the polyline layers. Use the Select Layer From Source CAD parameter to specify whether to import from input CAD layers or from map polyline layers.

    • If the Select Layer From Source CAD parameter is checked, provide CAD layers for the Source CAD Layers for Units, Source CAD Layers for Levels, Source CAD Layers for Details, and Source CAD Layers for Facilities parameters. Optionally, include door entities in the Source CAD Layers for Doors parameter.
    • If the Select Layer From Source CAD parameter is unchecked, provide CAD polyline map layers for the Source Layers For Units, Source Layers For Levels, Source Layers For Details, and Source Layers For Facilities parameters. Optionally, include door entities in the Source Layers For Doors parameter. The tool honors selections and definition queries on input map layers.
  • The tool creates a configuration file when the tool is run with the Select Layer From Source CAD parameter enabled. The configuration file stores all of the CAD mappings for polyline geometries and annotation information, as well as Advanced Option settings. You can use this file as input to the Floor Plan Configuration File parameter in subsequent tool runs for other CAD files with the same or similar CAD layers and mappings. This can help with consistency and efficiency between multiple imports.

    • The Floor Plan Configuration File parameter is available when the Select Layer From Source CAD parameter is checked. Use this parameter to import a JSON configuration file to quickly set up the tool for subsequent runs for other CAD files with the same or similar CAD layers and mappings.
    • The tool does not create a config file in the following scenarios:
      • If the Select Layer From Source CAD parameter is unchecked when the tool is run.
      • If you provide an input to the Floor Plan Configuration File parameter and make no further changes to the parameter settings.
      A configuration file is created if the Select Layer From Source CAD parameter is checked when the tool is run. If you specify a configuration file for the Floor Plan Configuration File parameter and make no further changes to the parameter settings, a configuration file will not be created.
    • You can make further adjustments to the parameters when providing a configuration file for the Floor Plan Configuration File parameter. For example, if the CAD file for which you are running the tool contains an additional CAD layer that was not present in the first CAD file, you can provide a floor plan configuration file and then add the extra layer to the CAD mapping parameters. If changes are made to parameter settings after importing a configuration, a new output configuration file will be created when the tool is run.
    • The default output location of the output configuration file is the home folder for the ArcGIS Pro project, or the scratch folder if the tool is run outside of a project.

    The configuration file may contain values for the following parameters:

    • Source CAD Layers for Units/Levels/Doors/Details/Facilities
    • CAD Annotation Mappings:
      • Target Indoor Layer
      • Target Field
      • Type
      • Source CAD Layer
      • Block Attribute
      • Delimiter
      • Position
    • Advanced Options:
      • Door To Wall Distance
      • Minimum Unit Width
      • Minimum Unit Area

    If a previous tool run is opened in the History pane, the tool will show the parameters as loaded from the configuration file. Changes made to parameters after loading a configuration file will only be visible if you right-click and select View Details on a previous tool run.

  • Provide the polyline layers that represent unit boundaries for the Source CAD Layers for Units or Source Layers for Units parameters. This can include a single layer that represents room boundaries, or multiple layers that, when combined, represent room boundaries (such as layers for exterior walls, interior walls, and doors).

  • Provide the polyline layers that represent level boundaries for the Source CAD Layers for Levels or Source Layers for Levels parameters.

    If no value is provided for either parameter, the tool will create a level polygon feature based on the extent of the unit polygons.

  • Set the Level Elevation parameter value as the elevation of the level in relation to the ground. The parameter value must include a numeric value and a unit of measure (international feet or meters). Z-values for levels, units, and details are populated based on this value.

  • Provide an ordinal integer representing the vertical order of each floor for the Vertical Order parameter value. The vertical order of the ground floor is zero (0). Floors above the ground floor have positive vertical order values, and floors below the ground floor have negative values.

  • Provide the polyline layers that represent facility boundaries for the Source CAD Layers for Facilites or Source Layers for Facilities parameters.

    If no value is provided for either parameter, the tool will create or update the facility polygon based on the extent of all the level polygons in the facility.

  • Provide the polyline layers that represent features you want to import as polyline features in the details layer (such as walls, windows, doors, furniture, and so on) for the Source CAD Layers for Details or Source Layers for Details parameters.

  • If the input CAD data contains door features that must be closed to create unit, level, or facility boundaries, use the following parameters to close doors:

    • For the Source CAD Layers For Doors or Source Layers For Doors parameters, provide the CAD or map layers that contain door features.
    • Optionally, provide a value for the Door To Wall Distance parameter. The parameter value indicates the distance the tool will search from the door feature for the boundary of the related unit. The parameter value must include a numeric value and a unit of measure (international inches or millimeters). The default is 0.3 international inches.
  • Use the CAD Annotation Mapping parameter to map CAD annotation to features in the Indoors model. At a minimum, it is recommended that you map information from CAD to the NAME and USE_TYPE fields in the Units layer. These field values are used to enable functionality in ArcGIS Pro and the Indoors web and mobile apps. The NAME field is also used in update scenarios when rerunning the tool to update features in the Indoors workspace. This parameter supports mapping annotation from block or text, as well as mapping entity handles for closed polyline entities.

    Handles are unique identifiers assigned to entities in a .dwg file. You can map handle information to a TEXT type field in the Units, Facilities, or Levels layers. Mapping handles is supported when a single closed polyline entity in the input CAD file represents a single polygon in the Indoors workspace.

    Set CAD Annotation Mapping values as follows:

    • Target Indoor Layer—Specify the layer in the Indoors workspace to which you want to map annotation. You can set Units, Levels, or Facilities as inputs to this value, which correspond to the values provided for the Target Unit Features, Target Level Features, and Target Facility Features parameters. Mapping annotation to the Details layer is not supported.
    • Target Field—Provide the field from the target indoor layer to which you want to map CAD annotation.
    • Type—Specify the entity type (Text, Block, or Handle) of the CAD annotation you are mapping. If the CAD annotation is Text or MText in the source CAD data, choose Text. If the CAD annotation is stored as block annotation, choose Block. To map entity handles to the Indoors workspace, choose Handle.
    • Source CAD Layer—Provide the CAD layer that contains the CAD annotation you want to map.
    • Block Attribute—If you set the Type value to Block, provide the name of the block attribute where the CAD annotation you want to map to the target field is stored. If you set the Type value to Text or Handle, do not provide a value.
    • Delimeter—If the value you want to map to the target field is stored as delimited text, set the delimiter for this value. For example, if you have period-delimited CAD annotation such as CAMPUS.A.A-210 and you want to map the third part of the string (A-210) as the UNIT_NAME field value, use a period (.) as the Delimeter value.
    • Position—If the value you want to map to the target field is stored as delimited text, set the position of the value you want to map in which the beginning of the string is position 1. For example, if you have period-delimited CAD annotation such as CAMPUS.A.A-210 and you want to map the third part of the string (A-210) as the UNIT_NAME field value, use 3 as the Position value.

    When targeting the Units feature class, if the CAD annotation is sourced from multiple CAD layers, you can provide multiple inputs to the CAD Annotation Mapping parameter targeting the same field. If more than one of the specified CAD layers contain annotations for a unit feature, the tool uses the CAD annotation from the first provided CAD layer that contains annotation for the feature.

  • The Minimum Unit Width parameter indicates the smallest width a polygon must have to be considered a unit feature. The parameter value must include a numeric value and a unit of measure (international feet or meters). The default is 3 international feet.

  • The Minimum Unit Area parameter indicates the smallest area a polygon must have to be considered a unit feature. The parameter value must include a numeric value and a unit of measure (square international feet or square meters). The default is 9 square international feet.

  • Any polygons that do not meet the thresholds set by the Minimum Unit Width or Minimum Unit Area parameters are copied to a scratch feature class in the default geodatabase of the ArcGIS Pro project. You can inspect the scratch feature class polygons and append any of them to the Units layer as needed.

  • If a level feature exists with the same name as the Level Name parameter value, the level and its associated units and details features will be updated as follows:

    • The levels feature will be updated. Any attributes that are not populated by default, including custom fields, will be preserved.
    • The tool will compare unit features between the CAD drawing and the Units layer. If units with matching names or geometry are found, they will be updated. Any fields the tool does not populate by default that are not mapped using the CAD Annotation Mapping parameter will be preserved. Features that are present in the CAD drawing but not in the Units layer will be added. Features that are not present in the CAD drawing but are present in the Units layer will be deleted.
    • Details features will be deleted and reimported from the CAD drawing.
    • If map layers are provided as the inputs for units, the tool will honor any definition queries or selections applied to those layers.

    If the Level Name parameter value does not match the NAME field value for an existing level feature, the tool imports the CAD drawing as a new level with the specified Level Name value.

  • The Gap Tolerance parameter can be used to set the proximity snapping tolerance for dangling endpoints of the input features. This can help with reducing the number of incomplete units or unused line segments. The default value is 0.039 international inches (1 millimeter).


    Increasing gap tolerance temporarily increases the XY tolerance during tool processing, which may result in reduced accuracy when importing geometry. Verify the accuracy of imported geometry after running the tool when increasing the Gap Tolerance parameter.


LabelExplanationData Type
Source CAD Data

The .dwg or .dgn files that contain floor plan information that will be imported to the Indoors model.

CAD Drawing Dataset
Target Level Features

The target Levels feature layer, feature class, or feature service that conforms to the Indoors model and resides in the same workspace as the target Facilities, Units, and Details features.

Feature Layer
Level Name

The unique level name of the level on which the source CAD data is located.

Vertical Order

An ordinal integer representing the vertical order of each floor. The vertical order of the ground floor is zero (0). Floors above the ground floor have positive vertical order values, and floors below the ground floor have negative values.

Elevation Of Level

The elevation of the level relative to a flat terrain. This value will be used to populate the z-value for levels, units, and details.

Linear Unit
Target Facility Features

The target Facilities feature layer, feature class, or feature service that conforms to the Indoors model and resides in the same workspace as the target Levels, Units, and Details features.

Feature Layer
Facility Name

The unique facility name of the building where the source CAD data is located.

Target Unit Features

The target Units feature layer, feature class, or feature service that conforms to the Indoors model and resides in the same workspace as the target Facilities, Levels, and Details features.

Feature Layer
Target Detail Features

The target Details feature layer, feature class, or feature service that conforms to the Indoors model and resides in the same workspace as the target Facilities, Levels, and Units features.

Feature Layer
Select Layer From Source CAD

Specifies whether polylines that represent unit boundaries will be sourced from CAD files or from map feature layers. If you specify to source from map feature layers, you can make a selection on the layer to import a subset of features.

  • Checked—Polylines that represent unit boundaries will be sourced directly from the CAD files. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Polylines that represent unit boundaries will be sourced from map feature layers.
Source CAD Layers For Units

The CAD layers that contain polyline entities that define the edges and extent of the usable spaces within a facility. These polylines will be used to create unit polygon features in the target Units layer.

Source Layers For Units

The feature layers that contain polyline entities that define the edges and extent of the usable spaces within a facility. These polylines will be used to create unit polygon features in the target Units layer.

Feature Layer
Source CAD Layers For Levels

The CAD layers that contain polyline entities that define the edges and extent of the level. These polylines will be used to create unit polygon features in the target Levels layer.

Source Layers For Levels

The feature layers that contain polyline entities that define the edges and extent of the level. These polylines will be used to create unit polygon features in the target Levels layer.

Feature Layer
Source CAD Layers For Doors

The CAD layers that contain polyline entities that define the doors that are part of a unit boundary. These polylines will be closed to create unit polygon features in the target Units layer.

Source Layers For Doors

The feature layers that contain polyline entities that define the doors that are part of a unit boundary. These polylines will be closed to create unit polygon features in the target Units layer.

Feature Layer
Source CAD Layers For Details

The CAD layers that contain polyline entities that represent floor-plan details—such as walls, windows, and doors—that will be included as polyline features in the target Details layer.

Source Layers For Details

The feature layers that contain polyline entities that represent floor-plan details—such as walls, windows, and doors—that will be included as polyline features in the target Details layer.

Feature Layer
Source CAD Layers For Facilities

The CAD layers that contain polyline entities that define the edges and extent of the facility footprint. If no value is provided, the facility footprint will be created or updated based on the extent of all levels within the facility.

Source Layers For Facilities

The feature layers that contain polyline entities that define the edges and extent of the facility footprint. If no value is provided, the facility footprint will be created or updated based on the extent of all levels within the facility.

Feature Layer
CAD Annotation Mapping

Specifies the field mapping for CAD annotation features to populate a field of a layer in the Indoors workspace.

  • Target Indoor Layer—The layer in the Indoors workspace to which you want to map annotation. The tool supports mapping to the layer provided for the Target Facilities, Target Levels, and Target Units parameters.
  • Target Field—The field in the target layer to which you want to map annotation. The field must already exist.
  • Type—The type of the annotation you want to map. Text, Block, and Handle types are supported.
  • Source CAD Layer—The CAD layer that contains the annotation that will be mapped.
  • Block Attribute—For annotation that has the block type, provide the block attribute that contains the information to map.
  • Delimiter—For annotation stored in a delimited string, provide the delimiting character.
  • Position—For annotation stored in a delimited string, provide the position of the value to map.

Value Table
Door To Wall Distance

The distance the tool will search from a door feature for a unit boundary in international inches or millimeters. The default is 0.3 international inches.

Linear Unit
Minimum Unit Width

The minimum width in international feet or meters a space must be to be considered a unit feature. Features with a width that falls below this threshold will be written to a nonunit polygons feature class and will not be included in the target Units layer. The default is 3 international feet.

Linear Unit
Minimum Unit Area

The minimum area in square international feet or square meters a space must be to be considered a unit feature. Features with an area that falls below this threshold will be written to a nonunit polygons feature class and will not be included in the target Units layer. The default is 9 square international feet.

Areal Unit
Floor Plan Configuration File

A JSON configuration file containing preset parameter values. Provide the configuration file from a previous tool run to populate parameters in the tool for CAD files with the same or similar CAD layers and mappings.

When a configuration file is provided, changes can be made to the other parameter values before running the tool. If other parameter changes are made, a new output configuration file will be created.

This parameter is only available when the Select Layer From Source CAD parameter is checked.

Gap Tolerance

The proximity tolerance for dangling endpoints of input features that will be snapped together when generating units. Values can be provided in millimeters or international inches. The default is 0.039 international inches (1 millimeter).

Linear Unit

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Units

The updated target Units features.

Feature Layer


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: No
  • Advanced: Requires ArcGIS Indoors Pro or ArcGIS Indoors Maps

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