Find Adjacent Parcel Points (Parcel)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive


Finds parcel points that are on top of each other (coincident) or closer to each other than a specified tolerance.

Adjacent parcel points that are very close to each other or stacked on top of each other are unusual in cadastral data and may indicate data quality issues. For example, parcel points are very close to each other when there are very short, invalid lines.

The adjacent points that are found will be copied to an output feature class and symbolized with large point symbology that is visible in the map.


  • The .lyrx file used to symbolize the gaps and overlaps feature class is located at \arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolBox\Templates\Layers\ParcelFabricFindAdjacentParcelPoints.lyrx.

  • Adjacent or duplicated parcel points can be removed in many cases using the Merge Points tool.

  • The number of adjacent points that are found will be displayed under Messages in the tool details.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Parcel Point Features

The input parcel fabric points feature class that will be searched.

Feature Layer
Output Feature Class

The output feature class that will contain the adjacent points that are found. These adjacent points will be symbolized with large point features that are visible in the map.

Feature Class

The distance within which a point is considered adjacent to another point. If a point is closer to another point than the specified tolerance, the point will be considered an adjacent point and will be copied to the output feature class. The default tolerance of 0 meters will find stacked points that lie directly on top of each other.

Linear Unit

arcpy.parcel.FindAdjacentParcelPoints(in_parcel_points, out_feature_class, tolerance)
NameExplanationData Type

The input parcel fabric points feature class that will be searched.

Feature Layer

The output feature class that will contain the adjacent points that are found. These adjacent points will be symbolized with large point features that are visible in the map.

Feature Class

The distance within which a point is considered adjacent to another point. If a point is closer to another point than the specified tolerance, the point will be considered an adjacent point and will be copied to the output feature class. The default tolerance of 0 meters will find stacked points that lie directly on top of each other.

Linear Unit

Code sample

FindAdjacentParcelPoints example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the FindAdjacentParcelPoints function to find points that are closer to each other than 5 feet in immediate mode.

import arcpy
arcpy.parcel.FindAdjacentParcelPoints('Points', 'Output_adjacent', '5 Feet')


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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