Import Parcel Fabric Points (Parcel)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive


Imports point data from a source point feature class into the parcel fabric points feature class. Parcel fabric points that match or lie within a proximity tolerance of the source points can be updated with the imported point data. If the source points layer has a selection, only the selected point information will be imported.

Points can be imported to retire and replace the positions of existing parcel fabric points or to update the positions of existing parcel fabric points. Points can also be imported to an empty parcel fabric or to an area where points don't exist.

Existing parcel fabric points can be updated in the following ways:

  • Points can be retired and new points can be created with updated positions (x,y,z) from the imported points.
  • Existing points can be updated with positions (x,y,z) from the source points. Attributes can also be updated. The existing parcel fabric points will remain active (nonhistoric).

If the target parcel fabric points meet the search and filter criteria, and if the source point feature class has z-values, the shape x,y,z coordinates of the parcel fabric points will be updated. If the source point feature class does not have z-values, only the shape x,y coordinates of the parcel fabric points will be updated, and the existing z-values will remain unchanged. When the shape x,y coordinates of parcel fabric points are updated, connected parcel lines and polygons will be updated to match the new coordinate locations.

When points are created, they can be assigned to a new or existing parcel record.


  • This tool will modify data in the target parcel fabric. Parcel fabric point attribute values may be changed. Parcel fabric point, line, and polygon geometries may be changed. The tool will not delete parcel fabric features.

  • The tool can update both the geometry (shape coordinates) and attributes, or only geometry of parcel fabric points. If attributes are updated, parcel fabric point fields that match fields in the source points feature class will be updated with the source point attribute values.

    If existing parcel fabric points have their IsFixed field set to Yes, these points will not be updated by matching imported points. To update these points, ensure that their IsFixed field is set to No.

  • The search distance is applied by comparing the shape x,y coordinates of the source points with the shape x,y coordinates of the parcel fabric points. The search distance ignores z-values.

  • If the spatial references of the source point feature class and target parcel fabric do not match, the tool will project the source point feature class to the coordinate system used by the target parcel fabric. If the geographic datums of the spatial references of the source point feature class and target parcel fabric do not match, a geographic transformation will be applied using the default datum transformation.

  • If more than one parcel fabric point is found within the proximity tolerance of a source point, a conflict will be reported as a warning message. You can report conflicts in a conflicts table. If a conflicts table is specified for the Conflicts Table parameter, the Object IDs of the source point and parcel fabric points will be stored in the table.

  • When importing new points to retire existing points, use the Retire and replace option for the Update Type parameter. Existing points will be retired by the record specified in the Record Name parameter.


LabelExplanationData Type
Source Points

The source point feature class that will be used to create or update points in the target parcel fabric.

Feature Layer
Target Parcel Fabric

The target parcel fabric in which points will be updated or created. The target parcel fabric can be from a file geodatabase, an enterprise geodatabase connected to the default version, a mobile geodatabase, or a feature service.

Parcel Layer
Match Point Method

Specifies the method that will be used to find existing parcel fabric points that match the source points.

  • ProximityParcel fabric points that lie within the proximity tolerance of the source points will be matched to the source points and updated. This is the default.
  • Name and proximity Parcel fabric points that lie within the proximity tolerance and have the same name as the source points will be matched to the source points and updated.
  • Global ID and proximityParcel fabric points that lie within the proximity tolerance and have the same Global ID as the source points will be matched to the source points and updated. Global IDs are stored in the Global ID field of the parcel fabric points feature class and in a specified Global ID field of the source feature class.
Search Distance

The distance that will be used to search for parcel fabric points that lie within the proximity of the source points.

Linear Unit
Update Type

Specifies the type of update that will be applied to parcel fabric points that match source points.

  • AllThe geometry (x,y,z) and matching attribute fields of parcel fabric points will be updated. If the geometry of parcel fabric points is updated, coincident parcel features will be updated as well. This is the default.
  • Geometry (x,y,z) Only the geometry (x,y,z) of the parcel fabric points will be updated. If the geometry of parcel fabric points is updated, coincident parcel features will be updated as well.
  • Retire and replaceSource points will be imported as new parcel fabric points. Any matching parcel fabric points will be retired as historic. The Retired By Record field of each matching parcel fabric point will be populated with the Global ID of the record specified in the Record Name parameter.
Record Name

The name of the record that will be associated with the new imported points.

If the record exists in the target parcel fabric, the new points will be associated with the record. If the record does not exist, a record will be created. If new points replace existing points, and Update Type is set to Retire and replace, the record will be used to retire the points as historic.

Match Field

The field that will be used to match source points to parcel fabric points when Name and proximity or Global ID and proximity is used for the Match Point Method parameter. When searching by name, the field in the source point feature class should be of type Text. When searching by Global ID, the field in the source point feature class should be of type GUID.

Conflicts Table

The path and name of the output table that will store conflicts. If more than one parcel fabric point is found within the search tolerance of a source point, the Object IDs of the source points and parcel fabric points will be reported in the conflicts table.

Update And Create Options

Specifies whether points will be updated, created, or both. When specifying the Update matched and create unmatched or Only update matched option, optional parameters are available to filter the matching target parcel fabric points.


Existing points will not be updated if their IsFixed field is set to Yes.

  • Update matched and create unmatchedPoints will be created if no matching points are found using the search criteria. If matching points are found using the search criteria, they will be updated. Matching points in the target parcel fabric can optionally be filtered using an SQL expression. This is the default.
  • Only create unmatchedPoints will be created only if no matching points are found using the search criteria. If matching points are found using the search criteria, they will remain unchanged and no points will be created.
  • Only update matchedPoints will be updated if matching points are found using the search criteria. Matching points in the target parcel fabric can optionally be filtered using an SQL expression. If no matching points are found, points will not be updated.
Target Parcel Fabric Points

The parcel fabric points layer that will be filtered by an SQL expression. This points layer must be from the target parcel fabric.

Feature Layer
Filter Target Parcel Fabric Points

An SQL expression that filters the matching points found in the target parcel fabric points layer. For example, only update matching points that are not retired as historic (RetiredByRecord IS NULL).

SQL Expression

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Parcel Fabric

The updated parcel fabric.

Parcel Layer

arcpy.parcel.ImportParcelFabricPoints(source_points, target_parcel_fabric, match_point_method, {search_distance}, update_type, {record_name}, {match_field}, {conflicts_table}, {update_create_option}, {target_points}, {where_clause})
NameExplanationData Type

The source point feature class that will be used to create or update points in the target parcel fabric.

Feature Layer

The target parcel fabric in which points will be updated or created. The target parcel fabric can be from a file geodatabase, an enterprise geodatabase connected to the default version, a mobile geodatabase, or a feature service.

Parcel Layer

Specifies the method that will be used to find existing parcel fabric points that match the source points.

  • PROXIMITYParcel fabric points that lie within the proximity tolerance of the source points will be matched to the source points and updated. This is the default.
  • NAME_AND_PROXIMITY Parcel fabric points that lie within the proximity tolerance and have the same name as the source points will be matched to the source points and updated.
  • GLOBALID_AND_PROXIMITYParcel fabric points that lie within the proximity tolerance and have the same Global ID as the source points will be matched to the source points and updated. Global IDs are stored in the Global ID field of the parcel fabric points feature class and in a specified Global ID field of the source feature class.

The distance that will be used to search for parcel fabric points that lie within the proximity of the source points.

Linear Unit

Specifies the type of update that will be applied to parcel fabric points that match source points.

  • ALLThe geometry (x,y,z) and matching attribute fields of parcel fabric points will be updated. If the geometry of parcel fabric points is updated, coincident parcel features will be updated as well. This is the default.
  • GEOMETRY_XYZ Only the geometry (x,y,z) of the parcel fabric points will be updated. If the geometry of parcel fabric points is updated, coincident parcel features will be updated as well.
  • RETIRE_AND_REPLACESource points will be imported as new parcel fabric points. Any matching parcel fabric points will be retired as historic. The Retired By Record field of each matching parcel fabric point will be populated with the Global ID of the record specified in the Record Name parameter.

The name of the record that will be associated with the new imported points.

If the record exists in the target parcel fabric, the new points will be associated with the record. If the record does not exist, a record will be created. If new points replace existing points, and update_type is RETIRE_AND_REPLACE, the record will be used to retire the points as historic.


The field that will be used to match source points to parcel fabric points when NAME_AND_PROXIMITY or GLOBALID_AND_PROXIMITY is used for the match_point_method parameter. When searching by name, the field in the source point feature class should be of type Text. When searching by Global ID, the field in the source point feature class should be of type GUID.


The path and name of the output table that will store conflicts. If more than one parcel fabric point is found within the search tolerance of a source point, the Object IDs of the source points and parcel fabric points will be reported in the conflicts table.


Specifies whether points will be updated, created, or both. When specifying the UPDATE_AND_CREATE or UPDATE_ONLY option, optional parameters are available to filter the matching target parcel fabric points.


Existing points will not be updated if their IsFixed field is set to Yes.

  • UPDATE_AND_CREATEPoints will be created if no matching points are found using the search criteria. If matching points are found using the search criteria, they will be updated. Matching points in the target parcel fabric can optionally be filtered using an SQL expression. This is the default.
  • CREATE_ONLYPoints will be created only if no matching points are found using the search criteria. If matching points are found using the search criteria, they will remain unchanged and no points will be created.
  • UPDATE_ONLYPoints will be updated if matching points are found using the search criteria. Matching points in the target parcel fabric can optionally be filtered using an SQL expression. If no matching points are found, points will not be updated.

The parcel fabric points layer that will be filtered by an SQL expression. This points layer must be from the target parcel fabric.

Feature Layer

An SQL expression that filters the matching points found in the target parcel fabric points layer. For example, only update matching points that are not retired as historic (RetiredByRecord IS NULL).

SQL Expression

Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The updated parcel fabric.

Parcel Layer

Code sample

ImportParcelFabricPoints example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ImportParcelFabricPoints function to import points to a parcel fabric in immediate mode.

import arcpy

    "C:/Parcels/Database.gdb/County/CountyFabric", 'PROXIMITY', '0.1 Feet', 
    'ALL', 'Record001', None, "C:/Parcels/Database.gdb/ConflictsTable", 'UPDATE_AND_CREATE')


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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