Watershed (Ready To Use)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive


Determines the contributing area above each input point. A watershed is the upslope area that contributes flow.


  • Tools in the Ready To Use toolbox are ArcGIS Online geoprocessing services that use hosted data and analysis capabilities in ArcGIS Online.

  • For each input point a watershed feature will be returned.

  • Output watershed features are the complete upstream area that contributes flow. For example, an input point, or pour point, on the Mississippi River in Louisiana will create a watershed feature including areas from New York to Montana into Canada.

  • A watershed feature will not be returned if the pour point does not fall inside the extent of the specified data source.

  • If no point identification field is specified, the unique ID field is used by default.

  • The maximum number of input points is 1000. If more input features are provided, the service will return an error and will not execute.

  • The pour point identification field must be of type integer or string. It is most useful to use a field consisting of unique values.

  • This tool creates an output feature layer containing the watershed polygons. The polygon features layer will contain various fields including:

    • PourPtID—The values supplied in the point identification field if specified. If no values are specified, it corresponds to the unique ID field from the input points feature layer.
    • Data Resolution—The resolution of the pre-processed data (in native units) used internally to generate the output.
    • Area Square Kilometers—The area in square kilometers for each watershed.

  • The default snapping distance is the resolution of the data in the specified database multiplied by 5.

  • The optional output of snapped points contain a field called PointID. This field contains the values supplied in the pour point ID field. This is used to relate the input pour points to their watersheds.

  • To provide feedback on this service, visit the Hydro forum.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Points

The point features used for calculating watersheds. These are referred to as pour points, because it is the location at which water pours out of the watershed.

Feature Set
Point Identification Field

An integer or string field used to identify to the input points.

The default is to use the unique ID field.

Snap Distance

The maximum distance to move the location of an input point.

Interactive input points and documented gage locations may not exactly align with the stream location in the DEM. This parameter allows the service to move the point to a nearby location with the largest contributing area.

By default, the snapping distance is calculated as the resolution of the source data multiplied by 5.

Snap Distance Units

The linear units specified for the snap distance.

  • MetersThe units are meters. This is the default.
  • KilometersThe units are kilometers.
  • FeetThe units are feet.
  • YardsThe units are yards.
  • MilesThe units are miles.
Data Source Resolution

Specifies the source data resolution that will be used in the analysis. The values are an approximation of the spatial resolution of the digital elevation model used to build the foundation hydrologic database. Since many elevation sources are distributed in units of arc seconds, an approximation is provided in meters for easier understanding.

  • BlankThe hydrologic source, built from a 3-arc second data source, which is approximately 90-meter resolution elevation data, will be used.
  • FinestThe finest resolution available at each location from all possible data sources will be used. This is the default.
  • 10 metersThe hydrologic source, built from a 1/3 arc second data source, which is approximately 10-meter resolution elevation data, will be used.
  • 30 metersThe hydrologic source, built from a 1-arc second data source, which is approximately 30-meter resolution elevation data, will be used.
  • 90 metersThe hydrologic source, built from a 3-arc second data source, which is approximately 90-meter resolution elevation data, will be used.

Specifies whether the output watersheds will be smoothed into simpler shapes or conform to the cell edges of the original DEM.

  • Unchecked—The edges of the polygons will conform to the cell edges of the original DEM. This is the default.
  • Checked—The polygon boundaries will be smoothed into simpler shapes.
Return Snapped Points

Determines if a point feature at the watershed's pour point will be returned. If snapping is enabled, this might not be the same as the input point.

  • Unchecked–No point features will be returned.
  • Checked–A point feature will be returned. This is the default.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Watershed

The output watershed.

Feature Set
Output Snapped Points

The output snapped points.

Feature Set

arcpy.agolservices.Watershed(InputPoints, {PointIDField}, {SnapDistance}, {SnapDistanceUnits}, {DataSourceResolution}, {Generalize}, {ReturnSnappedPoints})
NameExplanationData Type

The point features used for calculating watersheds. These are referred to as pour points, because it is the location at which water pours out of the watershed.

Feature Set

An integer or string field used to identify to the input points.

The default is to use the unique ID field.


The maximum distance to move the location of an input point.

Interactive input points and documented gage locations may not exactly align with the stream location in the DEM. This parameter allows the service to move the point to a nearby location with the largest contributing area.

By default, the snapping distance is calculated as the resolution of the source data multiplied by 5.


The linear units specified for the snap distance.

  • MetersThe units are meters. This is the default.
  • KilometersThe units are kilometers.
  • FeetThe units are feet.
  • YardsThe units are yards.
  • MilesThe units are miles.

Specifies the source data resolution that will be used in the analysis. The values are an approximation of the spatial resolution of the digital elevation model used to build the foundation hydrologic database. Since many elevation sources are distributed in units of arc seconds, an approximation is provided in meters for easier understanding.

  • BlankThe hydrologic source, built from a 3-arc second data source, which is approximately 90-meter resolution elevation data, will be used.
  • FINESTThe finest resolution available at each location from all possible data sources will be used. This is the default.
  • 10mThe hydrologic source, built from a 1/3 arc second data source, which is approximately 10-meter resolution elevation data, will be used.
  • 30mThe hydrologic source, built from a 1-arc second data source, which is approximately 30-meter resolution elevation data, will be used.
  • 90mThe hydrologic source, built from a 3-arc second data source, which is approximately 90-meter resolution elevation data, will be used.

Specifies whether the output watersheds will be smoothed into simpler shapes or conform to the cell edges of the original DEM.

  • TrueThe polygon boundaries will be smoothed into simpler shapes.
  • FalseThe edges of the polygons will conform to the cell edges of the original DEM. This is the default.

Determines if a point feature at the watershed's pour point will be returned. If snapping is enabled, this might not be the same as the input point.

  • TrueA point feature will be returned.
  • FalseNo point features will be returned. This is the default.

Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The output watershed.

Feature Set

The output snapped points.

Feature Set


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

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