Generate Standard Geography Trade Areas (Business Analyst)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive

Available with Business Analyst license.


Creates trade areas based on predefined named statistical areas. This tool does not consume credits.


Generate Standard Geography Trade Areas tool illustration


  • Standard geographies are trade areas based on standardized administrative boundaries. In the United States, this includes layers such as states, counties, ZIP Codes, block groups, census tracts, core-based statistical areas (CBSA), designated market areas (DMA), and places. Each country dataset offers administrative boundaries that can vary. Individual trade areas are created for each unique geography, for example, each state or each ZIP Code that you select.

  • When the Input Type parameter is set to List, the maximum number of features generated is 1000.

    There is no maximum features limitation when the Input Type parameter is set to Table.

  • The table can be in any format supported by ArcGIS Pro, for example, a comma- or tab-delimited text file (.txt) or a Microsoft Excel file.

  • One layer can contain several trade areas, for example, one whole layer containing a collection of counties.

  • The list of IDs must be in a table or list format.

  • In the list format, the ID items must be separated by commas.

  • The geography ID for the entire country trade area is 01.

  • When the Input Type parameter is set to Table, the associated Geography Key Field parameter value must be a text field.


LabelExplanationData Type
Geography Level

The geography level that will be used to define the trade area.

Output Feature Class

The output feature containing the trade area.

Feature Class
Input Type

Specifies whether the geography IDs will be from a table or a list.

  • TableThe input IDs will be from a table.
  • ListThe input IDs will be from a list. This is the default.
Geography IDs Table

The input table with IDs that will be used to select geographies that will define the trade area.

Table View
Geography Key Field

A field in the Geography IDs Table parameter value that identifies the records that will be included in the output.

Geography IDs List

The input list of comma-separated geography IDs.

Summarize Duplicate IDs

Specifies whether duplicate fields in the table containing matching geography IDs will be summarized.

  • Checked—The numeric fields for all duplicate records will be summarized.
  • Unchecked—The data of the first record will be appended. Other records will be ignored. This is the default.
Group Field

The field that will be used to perform a group by operation.

Dissolve Output Features

Specifies whether the output will be dissolved based on the Group Field parameter value.

  • Checked—The output will be dissolved.
  • Unchecked—The output will not be dissolved. This is the default.
Boolean, out_feature_class, {input_type}, {in_ids_table}, {geography_key_field}, {ids_list}, {summarize_duplicates}, {group_field}, {dissolve_output})
NameExplanationData Type

The geography level that will be used to define the trade area.


The output feature containing the trade area.

Feature Class

Specifies whether the geography IDs will be from a table or a list.

  • TABLEThe input IDs will be from a table.
  • LISTThe input IDs will be from a list. This is the default.

The input table with IDs that will be used to select geographies that will define the trade area.

Table View

A field in the in_ids_table parameter value that identifies the records that will be included in the output.


The input list of comma-separated geography IDs.


Specifies whether duplicate fields in the table containing matching geography IDs will be summarized.

  • SUMMARIZE_DUPLICATESThe numeric fields for all duplicate records will be summarized.
  • USE_FIRSTThe data of the first record will be appended. Other records will be ignored. This is the default.

The field that will be used to perform a group by operation.


Specifies whether the output will be dissolved based on the group_field parameter value.

  • DISSOLVEThe output will be dissolved.
  • DONT_DISSOLVEThe output will not be dissolved. This is the default.

Code sample

StandardGeographyTA example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the StandardGeographyTA function:

import arcpy"US.ZIP5", r"C:\Temp\Output.gdb\StdGeogTradeAreas",
                             None, None, "92111,92117,92122", "USE_FIRST", None,

Licensing information

  • Basic: Requires Business Analyst
  • Standard: Requires Business Analyst
  • Advanced: Requires Business Analyst

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