An overview of the Utilities toolset for Geostatistical Analyst

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Tools for pre- and postprocessing when developing interpolation models using the Geostatistical Analyst.


Cross Validation

Removes one data location and predicts the associated data using the data at the rest of the locations. The primary use for this tool is to compare the predicted value to the observed value in order to obtain useful information about some of your model parameters.

Generate Subset Polygons

Generates nonoverlapping subset polygon features from a set of input points. The goal is to divide the points into compact, nonoverlapping subsets, and create polygon regions around each subset of points. The minimum and maximum number of points in each subset can be controlled.

Neighborhood Selection

Creates a layer of points based on a user-defined neighborhood.

Semivariogram Sensitivity

This tool performs a sensitivity analysis on the predicted values and associated standard errors by changing the model's parameters (the nugget, partial sill, and major/minor ranges) within a percentage of the original values.

Subset Features

Divides the original dataset into two parts: one part to be used to model the spatial structure and produce a surface, the other to be used to compare and validate the output surface.

Tools in the Utilities toolset

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