
La documentación de ArcGIS 2.8 se ha archivadod y ha dejado de actualizarse. El contenido y los enlaces pueden estar obsoletos. Consulte la documentación más reciente.


Creates a raster object that can be used in Python scripting or in a Map Algebra expression. A raster object is a variable that references a raster dataset.

A raster object can be created in three ways, by supplying the path to an existing raster on disk, by supplying a RasterInfo object, or it can be the result of any Map Algebra statement that results in a raster output.


Either an Extensión ArcGIS Spatial Analyst or an ArcGIS Image Analyst extension is necessary to execute Map Algebra statements.


The raster object created from existing data can be used in subsequent Map Algebra expressions and will have all the associated raster properties and methods.

# out_raster is a resultant raster object
out_raster = Raster("c:/data/inraster")

Any tool or operator (see Working with operators in Map Algebra) that produces an output raster to the left of the equal sign creates a raster object. For example, in the following expression, out_raster is a raster object.

out_raster = Slope("inelevation")

When a Raster object is returned from a Map Algebra expression, by default, the object (the variable and associated dataset) is temporary.

The temporary dataset associated with a raster object can become permanent by calling the raster object's save method.

If the referenced raster is not made permanent, the variable and the referenced raster dataset will be deleted when the variable goes out of scope, such as when a stand-alone script completes or ArcGIS is closed. When a raster object references permanent data on disk, the data is not deleted.

Certain operators exist in both Map Algebra and in Python. If you want an operator to work on a raster (as opposed to a scalar), the input rasters must be cast as a raster object by calling the Raster class constructor: Raster("inRaster").

# The plus operator (available with Spatial Analyst or Image Analyst) is
# used on the input rasters to create an output raster object
out_raster = Raster("input1") + Raster("input2") 
# The Python plus operator is used on numbers, creating a scalar variable
out_var = 4 + 7 

# When there is a mix of rasters with numbers, the Spatial Analyst
# operator is used, creating an output raster object
out_raster = Raster("input") + 10

Certain properties associated with the raster object are only available if the referenced raster dataset is permanent. When the referenced raster dataset is temporary, these properties will be assigned a value of None. The affected properties are catalogPath, compressionType, format, hasRAT, name, and path.

Once permanent, the referenced raster dataset cannot return to the temporary state.

When a raster object is created by supplying the path to an existing raster on disk, its readOnly property is True by default and its cell values can be read using the [row, column] index notation.

in_raster = Raster('c:/data/inraster')

# Read the cell value at the second row and third column
v = in_raster[1, 2]

When a raster object is created by supplying a RasterInfo object as input, it will create a temporary raster in the ArcGIS temp directory. The readOnly property of such a raster object is False by default and its cell values can be modified using the [row, column] index notation.

in_raster = Raster('c:/data/inraster')
raster_info = in_raster.getRasterInfo()
new_raster = Raster(raster_info)  # Create a new raster

# Modify the cell value at the second row and third column
new_raster[1, 2] = 3

In a RasterCellIterator loop, Raster objects are used to read and write data at cell level using the [row, column] index notation.


 Raster (inRaster, {is_multidimensional})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The input raster dataset or list of raster datasets.

When multiple multidimensional raster datasets are provided, the files will be interpreted as a single multidimensional dataset, with variables and dimensions unioned together. If two files contain the same variable with the same dimension values, the slices in the output raster will come from the first multidimensional raster in the list.

You can also specify a RasterInfo object as the input inRaster, which will create a new raster dataset on disk. In this case, the is_multidimensional input parameter will be ignored.


Determines whether the input raster will be treated as multidimensional. Specify True if the input is multidimensional and should be processed as multidimensional, where processing occurs for every slice in the dataset. Specify False if the input is not multidimensional, or if it is multidimensional and should not be processed as multidimensional.

(El valor predeterminado es False)



PropiedadExplicaciónTipo de datos
(Sólo lectura)

The number of bands in the referenced raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The band names in the referenced raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The block size of the referenced raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The full path and the name of the referenced raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The compression type. The following are the available types:

  • LZ77
  • JPEG
  • JPEG 2000
  • LZW
  • RLE
  • CCITT (1D)
  • None

(Sólo lectura)

The extent of the referenced raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The raster format.

  • BIL—Esri Band Interleaved by Line file
  • BIP—Esri Band Interleaved by Pixel file
  • BMP—Bitmap graphic raster dataset format
  • BSQ—Esri Band Sequential file
  • DAT—ENVI DAT file
  • GIF—Graphic Interchange Format for raster datasets
  • Grid—Esri Grid raster dataset format
  • IMAGINE Image—ERDAS IMAGINE raster data format
  • JP2000—JPEG 2000 raster dataset format
  • JPEG—Joint Photographic Experts Group raster dataset format
  • PNG—Portable Network Graphic raster dataset format
  • TIFF—Tag Image File Format for raster datasets

(Lectura y escritura)

Identifies whether there is an associated attribute table: True if an attribute table exists, or False if no attribute table exists.

(Lectura y escritura)

Identifies whether there is a transposed version of the multidimensional data associated with the raster: True if there is an associated transpose, False if no transpose exists.

(Sólo lectura)

The number of rows.

(Sólo lectura)

True if the raster dataset has an integer type.

(Sólo lectura)

True if the raster dataset is multidimensional.

(Sólo lectura)

True if the raster dataset is temporary, or False if it is permanent.

(Sólo lectura)

The maximum value in the referenced raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The mean value in the referenced raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The cell size in the y direction.

(Sólo lectura)

The cell size in the x direction.

(Sólo lectura)

The minimum value in the referenced raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The multidimensional information of the raster dataset, including variable names, descriptions and units, and dimension names, units, intervals, units, and ranges. For example, a multidimensional raster containing monthly temperature data over 10 months would return the following: {"variables": [{"name":"Temp", "dimensions":[{"name":"StdTime", "field":"StdTime", "hasRegularIntervals":true, "interval":1, "intervalUnit":"Months", "extent":["1982-01-15T00:00:00", "1982-10-15T00:00:00"], "hasRanges":false,"values":["1982-01-15T00:00:00", "1982-02-15T00:00:00, ... "1982-10-15T00:00:00"]}]}], "layout":1}

If the raster is not a multidimensional raster, this property returns None.

(Sólo lectura)

The name of the referenced raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The NoData value of the referenced raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The NoData value for each band in the referenced multiband raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The full path of the referenced raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The pixel type of the referenced raster dataset. The types are the following:

  • U1—1 bit
  • U2—2 bits
  • U4—4 bits
  • U8—Unsigned 8-bit integers
  • S8—8-bit integers
  • U16—Unsigned 16-bit integers
  • S16—16-bit integers
  • U32—Unsigned 32-bit integers
  • S32—32-bit integers
  • F32—Single-precision floating point
  • F64—Double-precision floating point

(Sólo lectura)

The property name and value pairs in the referenced raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The attribute table of the referenced raster dataset. For example, the attribute table for a raster dataset with two classes will return {'OID': [0, 1], 'Value': [10, 20], 'ClassName': ['Low', 'High'], 'Red': [178, 56], 'Green': [178, 168], 'Blue': [178, 0], 'Alpha': [255, 255], 'Count': [887412.0, 962159.0]}. If the raster is multidimensional, there will be a Count field for each slice in the dataset.

If no attribute table exists, None is returned.

(Lectura y escritura)

Whether the raster cell values are writable using the [row, column] notation. When this property is True, they are not writable. Otherwise, they are writable.

(Sólo lectura)

The attribute information of each slice, including its variable name, dimension names, and dimension values returned as a list of dictionaries. For example, a multidimensional raster containing temperature data over 24 months would return the following: [{'variable': 'temp', 'StdTime': '2017-1-15'}, {'variable': 'temp', 'StdTime': '2017-2-15'}, .....{'variable': 'temp', 'StdTime': '2018-12-15'}]

(Sólo lectura)

The spatial reference of the referenced raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The standard deviation of the values in the referenced raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The size of the referenced raster dataset on disk.

(Sólo lectura)

The variable names and their dimensions in the multidimensional raster dataset. For example, a multidimensional raster containing temperature data over 24 months would return the following: ['temp(StdTime=24)']

(Sólo lectura)

The variable names in the multidimensional raster dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The number of columns.


Descripción general del método

addDimension (variable, new_dimension_name, dimension_value, {dimension_attributes})

Adds a new dimension to a variable in a multidimensional raster object so that the multidimensional raster can be compatible with other multidimensional datasets.

appendSlices (mdRaster)

Appends the slices from another multidimensional raster.

exportImage ({width}, {height}, {format}, {extent}, {spatial_reference}, {mosaic_rule})

Exports the raster object as an IPython Image object to be used for visualization in Jupyter Notebook.

getColormap ({variable_name})

Returns the color map of the raster. If the raster is multidimensional, returns the color map of a variable.

getDimensionAttributes (variable_name, dimension_name)

Returns the attribute information of a dimension for a specific variable in a multidimensional raster dataset, for example, description, unit, and so on.

getDimensionNames (variable_name)

Returns the dimension names associated with a variable in a multidimensional raster dataset.

getDimensionValues (variable_name, dimension_name)

Returns the values of a dimension associated with a variable in a multidimensional raster dataset.

getHistograms ({variable_name})

Returns the histograms of the raster. If the raster is multidimensional, it returns the histogram of a variable. If the raster is multiband, it returns the histogram of each band.

getProperty (property_name)

Returns the value of the given property.

getRasterBands ({band_ids_or_names})

Returns a Raster object for each band specified in a multiband raster dataset.

getRasterInfo ()

Returns a RasterInfo object whose properties are initialized using the raster object properties.

getStatistics ({variable_name})

Returns the statistics of the raster. If the raster is multidimensional, returns the statistics of a variable.

getVariableAttributes (variable_name)

Returns the attribute information of a variable in a multidimensional raster dataset (for example, description, unit, and so on).

read ({upper_left_corner}, {origin_coordinate}, {ncols}, {nrows}, {nodata_to_value}, {cell_size})

Reads a raster and converts the raster to a NumPy array.

removeVariables (variable_names)

Removes a variable or a list of variables from a Cloud Raster Format (CRF) multidimensional raster dataset.

renameBand (current_band_name_or_index, new_band_name)

Renames a band in a multiband raster dataset.

renameVariable (current_variable_name, new_variable_name)

Renames a variable in a Cloud Raster Format (CRF) multidimensional raster dataset.

save ({name})

Permanently saves the dataset referenced by the raster object.

setColormap (color_map, {variable_name})

Sets the color map for the raster. If the raster is multidimensional, it sets the color map for a variable.

setHistograms (histogram_obj, {variable_name})

Sets the histograms of the raster. If the raster is multidimensional, sets the histogram of a variable.

setProperty (property_name, property_value)

Add a customized property to the raster dataset.

If the property name exists, the existing property value will be overwritten.

setStatistics (statistics_obj, {variable_name})

Sets the statistics for the raster. If the raster is multiband, it sets the statistics for each band. If the raster is multidimensional, it sets the statistics for a variable.

setVariableAttributes (variable_name, variable_attributes)

Sets the attribute information of a variable in a multidimensional raster (for example, description, unit, and so on).

write (array, {upper_left_corner}, {origin_coordinate}, {value_to_nodata})

Converts a three- or four-dimensional NumPy array to a raster.


addDimension (variable, new_dimension_name, dimension_value, {dimension_attributes})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The name of the variable to which the dimension will be added. Only multidimensional rasters in Cloud Raster Format (.crf) are supported.


The name of the new dimension.


The value to assign to the new dimension.

Only one value can be added, as more values (for example, multiple depths) would require new slices to be added to the dataset. To add more than one dimension value along with the new slices, use the addDimension method, then use the Merge function to merge existing data with the raster object.


A Python dictionary that contains attribute information to be added to the new dimension, such as description or unit. For example, to add a unit attribute, use {"unit": "meters"}.

(El valor predeterminado es None)

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

The list of variable names and the corresponding dimensions of the multidimensional raster.

appendSlices (mdRaster)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The multidimensional raster containing the slices to be appended.

This raster must have the same variables, with the same dimension names, as the target raster. The cell sizes, extents, and spatial reference systems must also match.

The slices in this raster must be for dimension values that follow the dimension values of the slices in the target raster.

If a variable has two dimensions, slices will be appended along one dimension. The other dimension must have the same number of slices as the dimension in the target raster. For example, if a salinity variable contains slices over time and depth dimensions, time slices can be appended to another salinity multidimensional raster but only if the same number of depth slices exist in both rasters.

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

A string containing the variable names and the associated dimensions in the multidimensional raster. For example, if the resulting raster has 10 time slices with precipitation data, it will return 'prcp(StdTime=10)'.

exportImage ({width}, {height}, {format}, {extent}, {spatial_reference}, {mosaic_rule})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The width of the output image in pixels. If a value is not specified, but the height is provided, the aspect ratio of the original raster will be maintained. If neither width nor height are specified, the width of the original raster dataset will be used.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


The height of the output image in pixels. If a value is not specified, but the width is provided, the aspect ratio of the original raster will be maintained. If neither width nor height are specified, the height of the original raster dataset will be used.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


The image format of the exported data. The supported formats include JPG, PNG, and PNG32.

(El valor predeterminado es PNG32)


The extent or bounding box of the exported image. If a value is not specified, the extent of the raster dataset is used.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


The spatial reference of the exported image. If a value is not specified, the spatial reference of the raster dataset is used.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


Specifies how the input raster data should be mosaicked. This is applicable when the input raster dataset is a mosaic dataset. For information on how to format the mosaic rule, see Mosaic rule objects.

(El valor predeterminado es None)

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

The exported image as an IPython Image object.

getColormap ({variable_name})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The variable name of the multidimensional raster dataset. If a variable is not specified and the raster is multidimensional, the color map of the first variable will be returned.

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

A Python dictionary containing the color map of the raster or variable. Pixel values are listed first, followed by the corresponding color map values in HEX color codes—for example, {'type': 'RasterColormap', 'values': [10, 20, 30], 'colors': ['#66FF33', '#0033CC', '#FF00FF']}.

getDimensionAttributes (variable_name, dimension_name)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The variable name of the multidimensional raster dataset.


The dimension name of the multidimensional raster dataset.

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

The attribute information of the dimension, for example, the minimum and maximum dimension values, the time step interval, and the interval units.

getDimensionNames (variable_name)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The variable name of the multidimensional raster dataset.

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

The dimension names associated with the variable.

getDimensionValues (variable_name, dimension_name)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The variable name of the multidimensional raster dataset.


The dimension name of the multidimensional raster dataset.

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

The dimension values of the variable.

getHistograms ({variable_name})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The variable name of the multidimensional raster dataset. If a variable is not specified and the raster is multidimensional, the histogram of the first variable will be returned.

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

The histogram values of the raster or variable—for example, [{'size': 10, 'min': 0.0, 'max': 364.0, 'counts': [882.0, 18.0, 9.0, 0.0, 9.0, 0.0, 18.0, 9.0, 18.0, 0.0]}].

getProperty (property_name)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The property name of the raster dataset.

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

The value of the property.

getRasterBands ({band_ids_or_names})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The index number or names of the bands to return as Raster objects. If not specified, all bands will be extracted.

(El valor predeterminado es None)

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

The Raster object for each band specified.

getRasterInfo ()
Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

A RasterInfo object.

getStatistics ({variable_name})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The variable name of the multidimensional raster dataset. If a variable is not specified and the raster is multidimensional, the statistics of the first variable will be returned.

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

The statistics of the raster or variable.

getVariableAttributes (variable_name)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The variable name of the multidimensional raster dataset.

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

The attribute information of the variable.

read ({upper_left_corner}, {origin_coordinate}, {ncols}, {nrows}, {nodata_to_value}, {cell_size})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The coordinates relative to the origin_coordinate from which to extract the processing block to convert to an array. This should be formatted as a tuple with two values indicating the direction to move in the x- and y-direction, respectively. For example, a value of (2,0) indicates that the array should be extracted starting at the pixel that is two pixels away, in the x-direction, from the origin_coordinate.

If no value is specified, (0,0) is used.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


The point of origin within the Raster object from which to extract the processing block to convert to an array. The coordinates must be in the units of the raster.

If no value is specified, the origin of the raster will be used.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


The number of columns from the upper_left_corner in the Raster object to convert to the NumPy array.

If no value is specified, the number of columns of the raster will be used.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


The number of rows from the upper_left_corner in the Raster object to convert to the NumPy array.

If no value is specified, the number of rows of the raster will be used.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


The pixel value to assign in the NumPy array for those pixels labeled as NoData in the Raster object.

If no value is specified, the NoData value of the raster will be used.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


The cell size to use in the NumPy array. This should be formatted as a tuple with two values indicating the cell size in the x- and y-direction, respectively, and units should match those used by the raster. For example, a value of (2, 1) indicates the output cell size should be 2 units in the x-direction and 1 unit in the y-direction. If the cell size is different from the data source, the cell values are resampled using bilinear interpolation.

If no value is specified, the cell size of the raster will be used.

(El valor predeterminado es None)

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

The output NumPy array.

If the raster is a single- or multiband raster, the dimensions of the array will be rows, columns, and number of bands.

If the raster is a multidimensional raster, the dimensions of the array will be number of slices, rows, columns, and number of bands.

removeVariables (variable_names)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The variable name or a list of variable names to be removed from the multidimensional raster dataset.

renameBand (current_band_name_or_index, new_band_name)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The name or the index of the band to be renamed. The band indexing begins at 1. This argument can be a string or integer value.


The new band name.

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

The Raster object with renamed bands.

renameVariable (current_variable_name, new_variable_name)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The current name of the variable in a multidimensional raster dataset.


The new name of the variable in a multidimensional raster dataset.

save ({name})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The name to assign to the raster dataset on disk.

This method supports persisting a multidimensional raster dataset as Cloud Raster Format (CRF).

setColormap (color_map, {variable_name})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The color map to apply to the raster. This can be a string indicating the name of the color map or color ramp to use, for example, NDVI or Yellow To Red, respectively. This can also be a Python dictionary with a custom color map or color ramp object—for example, a custom color map {'values': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'colors': ['#000000', '#DCFFDF', '#B8FFBE', '#85FF90', '#50FF60','#00AB10']} or a custom color ramp {"type": "algorithmic", "fromColor": [115, 76, 0, 255],"toColor": [255, 25, 86, 255], "algorithm": "esriHSVAlgorithm"}.


The variable name of the multidimensional raster dataset. If a variable is not specified and the raster is multidimensional, the color map of the first variable will be set.

setHistograms (histogram_obj, {variable_name})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

A list of Python dictionaries containing histogram information to be set—for example, [{'size': 5, 'min': 19.0, 'max': 42.0, 'counts': [275, 17, 3065, 4, 22]}].

If the raster is multiband, the histogram for each band will be set with each dictionary in the list. The first band will use the histogram in the first dictionary. The second band will use the histogram in the second dictionary, and so on.

  • sizeThe number of bins in the histogram
  • minThe minimum pixel value
  • maxThe maximum pixel value
  • countsA list containing the number of pixels in each bin, in the order of bins

The variable name of the multidimensional raster dataset. If a variable is not specified and the raster is multidimensional, the histogram will be set for the first variable.

setProperty (property_name, property_value)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The property name of the raster dataset.


The value to assign to the property.

setStatistics (statistics_obj, {variable_name})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

A list of Python dictionaries containing statistics and corresponding values to set. For example, [{'min': 10, 'max': 20}] sets the minimum and maximum pixel values.

If the raster is multiband, the statistics for each band will be set with each dictionary in the list. The first band will use the statistics in the first dictionary. The second band will use the statistics in the second dictionary, and so on.

  • minThe minimum pixel value
  • maxThe maximum pixel value
  • meanThe mean pixel value
  • medianThe median pixel value
  • standardDeviationThe standard deviation of the pixel values
  • countThe total number of pixels
  • skipXThe horizontal skip factor
  • skipYThe vertical skip factor

The variable name of the multidimensional raster dataset. If a variable is not specified and the raster is multidimensional, the statistics of the first variable will be set.

setVariableAttributes (variable_name, variable_attributes)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The variable name of the multidimensional raster dataset.


A Python dictionary that contains attribute information to replace the current attribute information of the variable—for example, {'Description': 'Daily total precipitation', 'Unit': 'mm/day'}.

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

The attribute information of the variable.

write (array, {upper_left_corner}, {origin_coordinate}, {value_to_nodata})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The input NumPy array.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


The coordinates relative to the origin_coordinate from which to extract the processing block to convert to a raster. This should be formatted as a tuple with two values indicating the number of pixels to move along the x- and y- direction, respectively. For example, (2,0), indicates that the position from which the NumPy array will be written into the raster is 2 pixels away, in the x-direction, from the origin_coordinate.

If no value is specified, (0,0) is used.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


A Point object defining the origin, from which the numpy array will be written into the Raster. The x- and y-values are in th units of the raster. If no value is specified, the upper left corner of the raster, will be used.

If no value is specified, the origin of the raster will be used. This is the default.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


A value in the NumPy array to be used as the NoData value in the Raster. The value can be an integer or a float. If no value is specified, the NoData value of the Raster will be used.

The default value is None.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


If the raster is a single-band raster, the dimensions of the array must be rows, columns, 1.

If the raster is a multiband raster, the dimensions of the array must be rows, columns, band count.

If the raster is a multidimensional raster, in which each slice is single band, the dimensions of the array must be number of slices, rows, columns, 1.

If the raster is a multidimensional raster, in which each slice is multiband, the dimensions of the array must be number of slices, rows, columns, band count.

Muestra de código

Raster example 1

Creates a Raster object from a raster dataset and gets properties for analysis.

import arcpy

my_raster = arcpy.Raster('elevation')
my_min = my_raster.minimum
my_max = my_raster.maximum
my_area = (my_raster.width * my_raster.height) * my_raster.meanCellWidth
Raster example 2

Creates a Raster object, gets properties, creates a random error raster (+/- 3 feet), adds it to an elevation raster, and converts its units from feet to meters.

import arcpy
from arcpy.sa import *

elev_raster = Raster('c:/data/elevation')
my_extent = elev_raster.extent
my_cellsize = (elev_raster.meanCellHeight + elev_raster.meanCellWidth) / 2
res01 = arcpy.CreateRandomRaster_management("", "error3", "UNIFORM 0.0 3.0",
                                            my_extent, my_cellsize)
elev_meters = (elev_raster + Raster(res01)) * 0.3048
Raster example 3

Creates a Raster object from a multidimensional raster dataset, gets multidimensional information including variables and dimension values.

import arcpy

## Load a netCDF file as a multidimensional raster
mdim_raster = Raster("Precip_2000_2018.nc", True)

## Check if it is multidimensional raster
is_multidimensional = mdim_raster.isMultidimensional

## Return the multidimensional information 
my_mdinfo = mdim_raster.mdinfo

## Return the list of variable names and their dimensions
my_variables = mdim_raster.variables

## Get the time dimension values for the precipitation variable
my_dimensionValues = mdim_raster.getDimensionValues("precip", "StdTime")

# save as a mdim crf