Build report templates

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Archivo de ayuda

Disponible con licencia de Business Analyst.

Reports help you learn about an area, outlining key facts such as business and demographic information. Create report templates using content from existing reports and variables from the data browser. Customize reports by adding charts, images, maps, and text.


Building classic report templates in ArcGIS Pro is not available when connected to an online data source. To build templates in ArcGIS Pro, you must select a local dataset. To build templates using an online data source, use the report editor in Business Analyst Web App.

There are two ways to add content to a report template. You can add content from existing reports, and you can add variables from the data browser.

To build a report template, do the following:

  1. On the Analysis tab, click Business Analysis to open the gallery, and click the Infographic Editor button Create new Infographic.
  2. Click the Build Templates drop-down menu New Infographic Report and choose Classic Reports Create New Summary Report.
  3. Optionally, use the Select reports tab to browse or search existing reports. Once you have chosen a report, drag the desired sections to the editor pane or click Add full report.

    You can select multiple sections by pressing the Shift key and clicking.

  4. Optionally, use the Select variables tab to find variables in the data browser. Drag the desired variables to the editor pane.

    You can select multiple variables by pressing the Shift key.

  5. Insert items in the report template and edit the report template.
  6. When you are finished, click Save.
  7. In the Save report template window, create a title for the template and click Save.

    The template is saved in the My reports section of the Select reports tab.

Insert items in a report template

You can insert items such as charts, tables, text, maps, and images in a report template. Some options are only available when report sections or cells are selected in edit mode.

The Insert item drop-down menu contains the following options:

  • ChartInsert a chart in the template by selecting variables from the data browser.
  • Chart from selectedInsert a chart composed of variables selected in the template. This option is available in edit mode.
  • Chart in cellInsert a chart inside a selected cell by selecting variables from the data browser. This option is available in edit mode.
  • Image floatingInsert an image.
  • Image in cellInsert an image in the selected cell. This option is available in edit mode.
  • MapInsert a map in the template.
  • Nearby locations tableInsert a table with nearby locations.
  • Page break—Insert a page break.
  • TableInsert a table in the template. This option is available in Edit mode.
  • Text boxInsert a text box in the template. This option is available in Edit mode.

Work with report templates

The Select reports tab displays available reports by category, such as Business, Demographics, and Market Potential. When you choose a report in these categories, it opens in the selection pane, allowing you to drag sections into the editor pane as you build a template.

Additionally, reports you have created and saved are stored in the My reports section. Hover over a report for options:

  • Edit—Open the report template in edit mode.
  • Remove—Remove the report.

Set a location for saved templates

You can set the location for saving templates created in ArcGIS Pro. By default, templates and any included custom data are saved in the Business Analyst Templates folder.

  1. In an ArcGIS Pro project, click the Project tab and click Options.
  2. On the Options dialog box, under the Application heading, click Business Analyst.
  3. Under Set options for report templates, do either of the following:
    • Choose Use the project's home folder.
    • Choose Use this location and browse to a folder on your machine.
  4. Click OK to close the Options dialog box.