An overview of the Trade Areas toolset

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Archivo de ayuda

Disponible con licencia de Business Analyst.

The Trade Areas toolset contains tools to build trade areas. Trade areas are used to analyze market areas and can be constructed to satisfy a variety of methods, including customer and competitor locations, administrative boundaries, street networks and distance, and demographic factors.


Assign Customers By Distance

Assigns customers to the closest store based on a selected distance type.

Generate Approximate Drive Times

Creates trade areas that approximate the size, shape, and area of existing polygons using available routes from the selected distance type.

Generate Customer Derived Trade Areas

Creates trade areas around stores based on the number of customers or volume attribute of each customer.

Generate Drive Time Trade Area

Creates a feature class of trade areas around point features based on travel time and distance.

Generate Geographies From Overlay

Generates trade areas from the features of an input standard geography level that has a specified spatial relationship with the input.

Generate Standard Geography Trade Areas

Creates trade areas based on predefined named statistical areas. This tool does not consume credits.

Generate Threshold Drive Times

Creates a feature class of network distance trade areas that expand around point features until criteria is reached.

Generate Threshold Rings

Creates a feature class of ring trade areas that expand around point features until the threshold value is reached.

Generate Trade Area Rings

Creates rings around point locations.

Measure Cannibalization

Calculates the amount of overlap between two or more polygons. Overlap refers to the extent of the polygons beyond intersection.

Remove Overlap

Removes overlap between two or more areas to form adjacent boundaries.

Remove Overlap (multiple)

Quita la superposición entre polígonos contenidos en varias capas de entrada.

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