Measure Cannibalization (Business Analyst)

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Archivo de ayuda

Disponible con licencia de Business Analyst.


Calculates the amount of overlap between two or more polygons. Overlap refers to the extent of the polygons beyond intersection.

An optional report can be created detailing overlapped statistics.


Measure Cannibalization tool illustration


  • Metrics describing the overlap areas are included as attributes in the output feature class and in an optional report.

  • You can select demographic and lifestyle variables from the data browser to return additional fields in the output that define proportions in the affected polygons.

  • The output attribute table includes a record for each occurrence of overlap between input polygons.

  • By default, four metrics compare proportions of overlapped area and are returned as individual fields in the output:

    • A1—Proportion of area: ID 1 to ID 2 (area of polygon ID1 / area of polygon ID2)
    • A2—Proportion of area in overlap (area of polygon ID1 and polygon ID2 intersection / area of polygon ID1 and polygon ID2 union)
    • A3—Proportion of area: ID 1 within ID 2 (area of polygon ID1 and polygon ID2 intersection / area of polygon ID1)
    • A4—Proportion of area: ID 2 within ID 1 (area of polygon ID1 and polygon ID2 intersection / area of polygon ID2)

  • Variables can be selected from the data browser to be included in the output as additional metrics.

  • If additional metrics are selected, five additional output fields are returned. The first field contains the value of the variable within the area of overlap. The other four follow the pattern of the standard metrics but use variable values instead of area.

    Using current year population as an example, the five additional metrics fields would be as follows:

    • populationtotals_totpop_cy—Population within area of overlap
    • populationtotals_totpop_cy_A1—Proportion of population: ID 1 to ID 2
    • populationtotals_totpop_cy_A2—Proportion of population in overlap
    • populationtotals_totpop_cy_A3—Proportion of population: ID 1 within ID 2
    • populationtotals_totpop_cy_A4—Proportion of population: ID 2 within ID 2

  • If polygons do not overlap, the output feature class will contain no geometry or records. The output feature class only contains the overlapping geometry from the input.

  • Polygons must be from a single feature class. Multiple feature classes can be merged into a single feature class using the Merge tool.

  • The Interpret a Measure Cannibalization report is a PDF document you can use to understand the various sections and elements of the Measure Cannibalization report.


EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Input Features

The input polygon features that will be analyzed for overlap.

Feature Layer
Trade Area ID

The field that uniquely identifies each feature in the input layer.

Trade Area Description

The field that describes each feature in the input layer.

Output Feature Class

The output feature class that will contain the areas of overlap found in the input layer.

Feature Class
Store ID Field

The unique ID that associates a store with each polygon when the inputs are trade areas.

Create Report

Specifies whether a report will be generated.

  • Checked—A report will be generated.
  • Unchecked—A report will not be generated. This is the default.
Report Title

The title of the report. The default value is Measure Cannibalization.

Output Report Folder

The output location where the report will be saved.

Report Output Formats

The output format or formats of the report.


One or more variables that will be used to calculate additional overlap metrics—for example, the total number of people and households in intersection areas, or the percentage of the total number of people and households in a trade area falling into overlapped area.


Salida derivada

EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Output Report

The output report file or files.


Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: Requiere Business Analyst
  • Standard: Requiere Business Analyst
  • Advanced: Requiere Business Analyst

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