AIXM51ExportDomains.json structure

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Archivo de ayuda

Disponible con licencia de Aviation Charting.

The AIXM51ExportDomains.json file defines the AIS to AIXM domain mappings that will be applied during export for fields that require mapping.


It is recommended that you create backup copies of the outlined configuration files before editing them to avoid data loss.

Export domain parts

The AIXM51ExportDomains.json file is a JSON structure composed of an AIS source table name, AIS source field name, and AIXM destination feature name. A set of export domain objects in an AIXM destination feature can be defined with each object having aixm_ancestor_name, aixm_path_endswith, and domain values.

The following table describes the structure of the JSON file:


ais source tablename

A JSON key that is an AIS source table. It is the highest level JSON key in the JSON structure. navaidcomponent is an example.

ais source fieldname

A JSON key that is an AIS source field name from the AIS source table such as navaidcomponent.type_code. AIS fields that require no domain mapping should not be included. Export domain mapping is required if a domain mapping for a given field exists in the AIXM51Specconfig.json file. Field names must be fully qualified with the prefixed table name: tablename.field.

AIXM dest featurename

A JSON key that is an AIXM destination feature name such as aixm:type. It represents an AIXM feature that the AIS field maps to with respect to the 51ExportTemplate.xml file. The 51ExportTemplate must show that the AIS source field writes to the AIXM destination feature using the aixm: prefix.


A JSON value that represents an AIXM ancestor name. It is an advanced setting that helps distinguish domains with similarly named AIXM dest fields, but that are different based on an ancestor. In most cases, this value must be set to * when only one domain is defined per AIXM feature.


A JSON value that represents a path from the AIXM destination field. It is an advanced setting used with aixm_ancestor_name to clarify domains that have the same ancestor. This value is uncommon. Define the path with enough ancestor levels to clarify the destination.


A JSON object that represents the domain mapping that will be applied during export of the AIS source field to the AIXM destination.


This AIXM51ExportDomains example shows two domain mapping definitions. Each domain map is on the same aixm:type destination from the same navaidcomponent.type_code AIS source field. They are each associated with the same aixm:azimuth ancestor. Because of this association, they must be distinguished by configuring the aixm_path_endswith value:

  "navaidcomponent": {
    "navaidcomponent.type_code": {
      "aixm:type": [
          "aixm_ancestor_name": "aixm:azimuth",
          "aixm_path_endswith": "aixm:azimuthtimeslice/aixm:type",
          "domain": {
            "b": "BWD",
            "f": "FWD",
            "n": "NARROW",
            "p": "PRECISION",
            "w": "WIDE"
          "aixm_ancestor_name": "aixm:azimuth",
          "aixm_path_endswith": "aixm:dmetimeslice/aixm:type",
          "domain": {
            "b": "BWD_2",
            "f": "FWD_2",
            "n": "NARROW_2",
            "p": "PRECISION_2",
            "w": "WIDE_2"

If a navaidcomponent.type_code source field has value n and is being written to an aixm:type AIXM field, the domain map is determined using the following logic:

If the field has an aixm:azimuth ancestor and an aixm:dmetimeslice parent, the NARROW_2 value will be written in aixm:type.

However, if the field has an aixm:azimuth ancestor and an aixm:azimuthtimeslice parent, the NARROW value will be written in aixm:type.

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